57 Game Task (1/2)

Theodore spent the rest of his free time researching the fundamentals of game development. He was fairly confident in the programming since he had the legend Level Hacking skill but he still needed to understand the other aspects that are outside of just coding.

For instance, a game designing deals with the conceptual side of things. This would be mechanics, the core concepts, the aesthetics, the characters and levels.

He was fairly excited before discovering how expensive being a game developer is in this world.

Even though the world's technology is obnoxiously advanced the number of games being produced is only slightly more than in his previous world.

The reason for this is due to good quality game engines costing $10,000 dollars for a month. A game engine is fundamentally a toolbox full development tools and reusable software components.

These good quality game engines are owned by the already huge game companies. Which is obvious ploy to reduce the competition and further increase thier own capital.

The free game engines have similar tools with basic software components but with it's faulty and slow rendering, and the terrible glitchy interface makes it's barely usable.

This resulted in a huge loss for indie games as promising small dev teams are forced to either shut down or be purchased by the big game cooperation.

Theodore had already picked ”Getting Over It” to complete his recent task.

[Task: Drive the world crazy with a simple-looking game that will test the player's patience. To complete the task the host must have over 5,000 genuine good reviews with 2 million downloads]

[Note: Host may use his own name and advertise in any way possible]

He was now planning out every little detail as to make sure that he completes the game within a month. He had a clone write down the scrip for the narration and another clone record sound effects.

He then finally had a clone look through all of the forwarded emails that Mary sent and accept the ones that looked like fun.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Theodore, Mary and Sophie all played with Rose until Lily came back from school and took her and Icy on an imaginary adventure through a jungle that magically appeared in the back yard.

This left Theodore some time to talk with Sophie and Mary about their experience with working in video game entertainment.

Mary was only an intern for D.A so her task was taking notes during the meetings and providing a perspective that would entice more females to play.

Sophie on the other hand never had any direct contact with the actual game creations as she was a freelance artist that provided 3D character drawings

At five o'clock Lily went home and at half five Theodore, Mary, Sophie and Rose had dinner.

With Rose now tucked into her bed, he started live streaming.

. . . . . . . .

|First Pov Theodore|

As I was getting changed I noticed the pants that I wore last night in the corner of the room with a white note sticking out of its pocket.

I then pull out the white note and see that it's a business card for Vague \u0026 Finer.

'Huh, I don't remember taking a business card from Grace?' I thought suspiciously

Turning it around to find a red kiss mark on the back with a phone number and message ”Call me when you get the chance, Grace”

'Grace! When I get the chance huh? I'm gonna be basically be super busy for the next month or so. Hmmm. . . well I do need to sign the contract and Rose can play with Bella but I don't think a contract signing is what she had in mind'

”Sigh, milfs my greatest weakness and she's an incredibly hot one too. It looks like things are gonna become more complicated”

I then save the number to my phone and continue to put on my V.R suit that is embarrassingly tight so much so that every nook and cranny is emphasised.

Even though it was tight yet somehow remained breathable.

Looking in the mirror I began to admire the genius behind the design with the primary sapphire blue colour and thin white lines that not only captured my great figure but slimmed it down.

I put the gloves on and clench my fingers into a fist 'Nice it's not uncomfortable'

I then notice my bulge being clearly shown but thankful my underwear hides most of the definition.

Sophie had told me to play it safe and wear clothes on top even though no one as of yet to be actually banned on WidevView for it but still no one is willing to take the risk.

With that in mind, I slip on a pair of black gym shorts and a loose white T-shirt.

I then put on the gloves pick up my headset and have the BoxCam follow me through the house with the chat hyping things up.

I finally get to my backyard and enter the V.R cube. Inside the cube was Mary and Sophie geared up and ready with the headset in their hands.

Mary was wearing white leggings that captured her thick thighs and heart-shaped ass beautifully with an oversized top that just about hid her bust.

Seeing Mary's heart-shaped ass I couldn't help have a flashback of our first interaction. When she bent over to pick up the pen and her skirt ripped just enough to show a bit of underbutt.

'Man what a fucking good memory' I thought while nodding

Sophie wore a knee-length green and black plaid skater skirt and tight black sweater that emphasised huge knockers.

Honestly, I'm still confused on how these two supermodels are somehow now apart of my life but heck it's not like I'm gonna tell them to leave.

Chat immediately blew up with the men thirsting and the women upset.



[ThotPatrol]: Back up civilians we got high tier 3D Thots. For Dad's safety, I'm gonna need you to report their names, phone numbers and male preference.

[Love2Hate]: ????????????

[SoAmbiguous]: Nom Nom Nom ????

[xXQuickScope22Xx]: Ass n Titties, Ass, Ass n Titties

[SuperLazySister]: Plastic

[XxLost_ScopexX]: 1 simp, 2 simp, 3, simp, how many more ????????

[TheGoodCrunch]: Now that's content ????

[Coffee_N_D!K]: I have everything they have ×2 ????

[Infront_Of_My Salad]: Damn it, here comes the horny

[WeatherDude]: This just came in, the simp world graph has just escalated at a remarkable rate. The egos of Thots have also risen and are matching the simps. ????????


I couldn't help give a small chuckle seeing WeatherDude's comment.

I then go to introduce them ”Ahem, this is Mary my Agent and friend you might remember her from last nights magic trick. And this is Sophie my childhood friend and she's also a streamer”

Sophie waved at the BoxCam and said ”Sup check out my stream JustSophie I play V.R PUBG regularly and play some other games too”

Mary gave a gentle nod and said ”Hello I'm Mary Wright and I'm Theo's agent. Please contact me if you are looking to sponsor Theo”

[Dreamer Donated $10: Is this a ”friend zone” situation or is this ”friends with extra steps”?]

I immediately choke ”Cough just friends, let's not make things weird”



[SettleWithMe]: Ah a fellow member of the sad boys, stay strong brother????

[Thrust master 23]: Chads don't get friend-zoned, I smell bullshit ????

[QuiteNoise]: Another fallen brother R.I.P ????

[OtakuFPS]: 2D girls won't hurt your feelings????

[BigFriend]: Boyfriend without the rewards ????????


'Jeez some of these guys are too smart'

I then ask Sophie ”So how do we start this thing? I avoided looking at the instructions because you said you'd teach us”

Sophie puts on the headset and said ”Okay first you put on the headset”

Mary and I follow along.

The headset's visor lit up as six white dots began to move in a circle.

”The headset will only turn on when you're inside the Cube. Now it will pair your helmet to the cube and check if you're a new user. For me, I'm at the V-reality menu because it recognises my account. You two should be seeing a virtual avatar doing a particular movement. You will also feel the suite heat up as you follow the movements” Said Sophie

On the screen, I saw a hologram avatar do some stretches with the words ”Please follow the Avatar's movements with your utmost effort”

I then did following touched my toes, lunge, squat jump, standing jump and so on.



[I-Fwck-U]: Come on dad move the camera behind Mary do it for the boys????

[SmoothButter]: More jumping please from Mary ????????

[JawBreaker3000]: Dem thighs can choke me any day????????

[SmallMuffin]: Daddy????????

[Mode-PeakWeeb]: Bouncy anime Titties ????


”Okay next is the agility test which is the 100-meter dash, you are not running in place you need to run forwards don't be afraid. The space around your feet should move just like a treadmill as soon as you intend to run forward” Said, Sophie