43 Smile (1/2)

An hour and a half past quickly with Theodore doing his regular stream of morning exercise with the Sole Piece story being told by one clone and another clone provided some sound effects and music to action scenes.

During this time his third clone made breakfast for everyone this considered of pancakes and an English Breakfast.

Back to Theodore who was now laid flat on the poolside, wearing nothing but swimming shorts, covered in a mixture of pool water and sweat.

Unlike the first two weeks that lead him to have a numb feel all over his body, he was now feeling extreme exhaustion.

He did have some pain in his legs and shoulders but It was the lack of any energy in his body that really messed with him.

He wanted to go and do his regular ice bath and warm shower but he didn't have the slights bit of strength to stand up.

Luckily for him, the clones had just finished up the telling the Alabasta Arc for Sole Piece.

”And we're done, sorry guys I know I promised to show you a comic I've been working on right after Sole Piece but my body can't really get up. I'll be back in a bit” Said The Clone before helping Theodore with getting to the bathroom.



[OtakuFPS]: ”Lets just part quietly” ????????

[Raccoon-8In-Butt]: Vivi ????????

[Mode-PeakWeeb]: Who else raised thier hand during the goodbye ????????

[OneShotBro]: God that was good ????

[Sniff-It]: I'm missing Vivi already

[WeebMaster696]: Time to draw an X on my left wrist

[WonkyTable]: Yay Robin????????????

[RicherThanYou]: Robin is super cool ????

[SuperLazySister]: No, don't stop, PLZZ ????


A few minutes later Theodore had cleaned himself up and just managed to catch his Mom and Dad leaving for work.

Uncle Kyle, Aunt Amy and baby Chloe had just sat down for breakfast.

”Good Morning Uncle Kyle and Aunt Amy, If you want me to make something else just say I'll have it made immediately,” Said Theodore with a cheery smile

”Good Morning Theodore, so I read over your story ”A Thousand Days Of Lonesome Grinding” and was wondering if we could be the ones to publish it. Please don't just say yes because of our relationship. Let's be professional about this as it is your story” Said Uncle Kyle sincerely

”I understand, just say when you have the contract ready and I'll look over it with a businessman's perspective,” Said Theodore

”Good” Said Uncle Kyle

”I also got the chance to read it, It was very entertaining. I'm quite excited to see the rest. I hope you don't mind Sohpie said she would come later so can you wake her before lunch and send her home” Said Aunt Amy while feeding the hungry Chloe

”That's good to hear and I really don't if she stays longer. So did Chloe sleep well?” Asked Theodore

”It was okay she cried a few times but its nothing we couldn't handle. Compared to Sophie who cried and screams for every occasion, she's a silent angel. Ain't that right Chloe my little Angle” Said Aunt Amy before kissing Chloe all over her face.



[NoSocial]: Story???

[EnterShityNameHere]: Wait, I know that novel I just started reading it. POG

[SugerBaby??]: ??????

[Umm Yeah, NO!]: Give me a story!!!

[Call-Me_Chad]: Dude are you holding out on some fire stories, bro that shit hurt's

[I-Fwck-U]: Fwck a u where is this story

[WeebMaster696]: Flat_Moon!! Dad is becoming a Wee God, from manga artist to web novel all that's left is anime, doujin, hentai oh and to learn the art of the katana


The clones had just gotten a hold of the camera after assisting Theodore with bathing before Chat overheard the Conversation that was going on in the background.

Theodore's clone replied by making a link appear in chat while saying ”Ah yes I do have a novel it was something I did to see if it could gain attention for its quality instead of using my already gathered fanbase to make it popular, hence why I never told you guys. I had even set a goal for 10,000 readers before revealing myself. Well, I hit that goal and kinda forgot to announce it so yeah, hi everyone I'm Theodore Hunt but. . . I'm also Bright_Moon. If you want to read my novel you will find the link being spammed, right now in the chat”



[TheRealJesus]: The creativity you have shown through the entertainment you have provided for your fellow man is truly a gracious gift that father has gifted you with ????

[DarkLord]: Never read a web novel but I trust your ability so I'll try it????

[PunkJelly34]: Thanks Dad now I can avoid homework

[XxLost_ScopexX]: NOICE

[WeatherDude]: Web Novel?? I'll try it cuz it's you ????


”Good, let's get right to the new comic called . . . BatMan” Said, Theodore before making a sketchbook appear in his hands.

He was now sat in the living room with the stone fireplace behind him and a set of shelves filled with books.

Theodore was wearing a simple blue shirt that had some art on it and a pair of grey joggers. His simple look did not fit the stereotypical intelligent background found in movies, shows, magazines etc.

Unlike his Sole Piece sketchbooks which didn't have cover art this one did. From the cover alone it set a dark, gritty tone with an unpleasant anyway was the backdrop.

At the end of the alleyway stood a sturdy shadow-like figure with skinny tall pointy ears near the top of his head.

With just the side of his face showing wearing a black metallic mask that covered most of his head apart from the lower half of his face that showed his sharp and annual jaw with thin lips.

He had cold black eyes that were full intelligence and maturity as they gazed down at a man who looked up with fearful eyes while a black bat-shaped object was lodged in the brick wall just inches off his cheek.



[PunkJelly34]: Hype ????????

[XxLost_ScopexX]: Damn pretty freaking cool

[Brown-I'd-Willy]: Looks promising ????

[WeebMaster696]: POG

[KickAbout]: Cool ????


Theodore then began to narrate by first introducing the audience to the idea of a world where powers don't exist and what life in Gotham city is like before going onto to talk about the Wane family.

(Note: I'm gonna be stupidly vague with Batman as I don't have the comic knowledge. My Batman knowledge is mostly based on Batman cartoons like Batman Beyond, The Batman, Justice League and the movies)

Thirty minutes passed as Theodore came to the end ”Clad in black carbon fibre armour that had been inspired by his fear of Bats. Standing on a gargoyle that overlooked the city he watched as the bustling streets slowly turn quite as the cold night falls. Without a second thought, he dived down from the gargoyle while his cape flutters behind him as he makes a beeline for a man who had forcefully dragged a woman into a dark alleyway”

The image of Batman making landing right next to the criminal was portrayed nicely with the very little light-capturing his mysterious yet broody silhouette.

”Bruce stood there as the man stared back and mocked him ”Move along freak show” The women beg ”Please help!” ”Shut up bitch” Said The Man as he goes to slap the women face. Bruce quickly closes the gap as he grabs the man's raised hand before throwing a devastating punch to his ribs, causing a gruesome crunching noise to resound. *Crunch* He then grabs the man by the neck and lifts him so that they were eye level. The man's legs frail around as he throws punches after punches at Bruce's armoured body in a desperate attempt to have his neck be released” Said, Theodore while showing the scuffle take place in his drawings

”With the little air in his lungs, the man asked ”W-who are you” To which the tall masked Bruce Wane replied with a rough and cold voice ”I'm Batman” Before delivering a headbutt to the man and shooting his grappling gun to the roof and disappearing from the scene” Said, Theodore using the iconic rough and deep voice that would be forever be known as the Batman's voice



[SoAmbiguous]: Chills ????

[xXQuickScope22Xx]: Holy fuck what was that voice?? And why do I oddly love it? ????

[Lost-Interest]: I'm shaking, I want more!!

[SettleWithMe]: AMAZING!!!

[Thrust master 23]: Another Master Piece!!

[QuiteNoise]: ????????????????


[DryBread Donated $50: Can we expect and any physical copies in there initial style of art by this I mean manga and Comic? I really want to start collecting your stuff]

Theodore replied immediately ”Thanks for $50 DryBread. Yes, there will be physical copies in the near future but first I want them to garner an adequate amount of fame so that big publishing company can give some promising benefits. I also fear that they might try to change it for their own narratives. If it comes down to it I will do it myself”

[RicherThanYou Donated $200: I can ask mommy to help? Mommy is super-rich]

”Thanks for the $200. Thank you but even if she's super-rich I can't possibly accept” Said Theodore graciously