39 GOOD MORNING!! (1/2)

[First Pov Theodore]

After seeing Mom and Dad leave I went to wake up Rose.

I slowly grasp and turn the door handle before unhurriedly pushing it open. Unlike our old home Rose's room was full of personality.

In our old house, the only thing we could afford was pink paint, some furniture and children books.

So when it came to the new house I went out of my way to make the perfect room that portrayed her hobbies and likes. The walls were painted to look like the most enchanting and mystical forest's with fairy's and other magical creatures to inhabit it.

A large board filled with a picture of her and me. A purple little wardrobe, with a dresser and large standing mirror. On the ceiling was a set of small star-like lights that doubled as a night light.

I also Rose a nice big dollhouse which we put together and had a Hotwheels track going through the windows and scaled a portion of the wall.

A child-sized table and chair that had a colourful tea set on top. That had a bunch of stuffed animals sat nicely on them.

A pink toy pram with a toy baby that frankly freaks me out. A small pirate ship with a large treasure chest filled up to the brim with toys. I scrapped the old baby cot and decided it was time to upgrade to a bed.

Her bed was something I asked David to make. Why did I need a mechanic to make a bed? Well, because I wanted the bed to be a much of metal and wood, which he had experience in both.

What he made was a polished white horse-drawn carriage that came from the Cinderella story that I had previously told Rose. I then did some detail work with a thin brush to give it that fairy tale vibe.

Instead of seats, it was a comfortable bed with wheels for legs and a rocking horse with the saddle opening up for more storage. When Lily first saw the room she cried to Sam and David for the same bed.

The size of the bed was just big enough for me to lie next to her and tell her stories and I would sometime just sleep with her.

While walking in I saw that Icy had already woken up and was sat next to her bed with his tail wagging side to side excitedly waiting for his friend, Rose to also wake up.

Rose was tucked in nicely with a small teddy bear in her arms, her short blond hair stood up like typical bed hair. Her small nose was poking just over the blanket and her eyes were closed peaceful.

'So precious, well it's time to ruin it'

I walk up to Icy and rub little guys head before saying ”tell her what time it is, boy”

Icy gave an excited bark ”Woof” and jumped on the bed and rubbed his snout into the sleeping Princess face.

Rose began to turn her head away desperately before she pulled the blanket over her head and said ”Bad Icy, Bad daddy”

I then lift the blanket at her feet and Icy runs in under it to continue his routine wake up method.

Things go oddly quiet as I hear Rose whisper lightly ”Shhh Icy”

I didn't have to wait long to see what she was up to as she springs up on her feet with a blanket over her head. She then threw it at it me to which I caught in my hand earning an unhappy pout from Rose ”Bad daddy”

I give a light chuckle before grabbing her by the armpits and throwing her in the air.

”Ahhh! Hehe, stop no tickling” Shouted Rose before I tickled her.

I then kiss her on the head and ask while smiling ”Good, morning Sleeping Beauty”

Rose kissed me on the cheek and shouts ”GOOD MORNING!”

”Okay, let's go enjoy another day,” I said with a first pump to the sky.

Rose replied with her own fist pump while saying ”Fun Day!”

Not wanting to be left out Icy jumped happily up off the bed into my direction ”Woof, Woof”

I quickly move Rose to one arm and catch Icy in the other and said ”Gotchya, now let's get going”

Sadly Rose had taken a number 2 in the diaper so I lost my senses of smell for the next few minutes. I say sadly because I've thought that it's about time we started potty training.

'I'll just put diapers on for her naps and for her bedtime. Its gonna be difficult getting her to get used to panties'

After giving Rose a quick face wash, I made breakfast for her which was just a bowl Weetabix with fruits and a cup of lemonade. While Icy had a nice bowl of Dog food and water.

Then came brushing Rose's and Icy's teeth. After that, we sat down watched some morning cartoons and just chilled for a good hour.

After chilling, I applied some suntan lotion on Rose and myself before putting on our shoes and taking Icy for a nice walk around the neighbourhood.