33 The Return (1/2)
|Third Pov Theodore|
”Yes, this is my room. I thought we could change up things” Said Theodore as he signalled the Cam to pan around the room.
[Aqua-Sift]: Very nice
[TouchTips?] I see a guitar
[Just1Toast]: Sick bro
[Lost-Aggresssion]: Just casually flexes room
[Big-M-B!ch]: Screenshot for imagination ????
[SteamyTurd37]: That's a big bed
[PushingBucket]: Dude you need some colour it's so bland
[Coffe_N_D!K]: I offer my cheeks for the prestigious first clapping on the bed ????????
*Cough* ”Haha maybe my room wasn't the place I can see some committed fans getting a tad bit too excited,” Said Theodore
The chat was immediately spammed with the words ”Begone Thot” in caps which the Thot's replied with ”Limp Dick Cucks”
[TheRealQuestion: Donated $200: What are your thoughts on 'Thots'?]
”Well, I think it's fine to sleep around as long as you doing it safely. The cheating and manipulation stuff ain't my cup of tea but this is just an opinion. The same can be said about guys sorry wrong I think the label is F*cough* boys. Can't say much just be smart” Said Theodore without much thought.
[TheRealQuestion: Donated $300: What about Simps?]
”Honestly just a sad loss for everyone. Sad to watch and sad to know that there are people with such low self-esteem” Said, Theodore
[TheRealQuestion: Donated $200: Are you not, the female counterpart of a simp?]
Though the question looked rather simple it clearly an indirect attack.
”I can't speak on behalf of chat and those who have donated so I can't deny the possibility but I'm in no way stringing my fans along with the expectation they could get with me. The chat knows that I'm just teasing whenever I reply to a sexual statement. To have a few fans that have other thoughts is completely normal” Said Theodore quite angry at the passive-aggressive question
[SugerBaby??]: I give money because you entertain me
[ThotPatrol]: As a veteran officer that's dealt with multiple case's of ”Thot'' behaviour I can say that there are some decent one's ????
[Big-M-B!ch]: Master! *quivers uncontrollably and touches me*
[SmallMuffin]: I'm not a Thot, I'm a fan ????
[PunkJelly34]: @Big-M-B!ch creepy asterisks
[CommonMan]: ????????????????
[Yes Man]: Yeah but like, there are absolutely some simping here
[SmoothButter]: I casually simp dad????
[SoAmbiguous]: I don't simp I just tug and watch ????
[Love2Hate]: Bastards trying to ruin dads good name ????
[xXQuickScope22Xx]: @SoAmbiguous yeap and now your no longer Ambiguous. See dad is just so helpful????
Theodore hadn't even look in the chat as he started having thinking 'Why am I so angry? Is it another side effect of the Inhuman Beast Exercise? Just two weeks left and this should be gone'