10 A Female Night And Beas (1/2)

Theodore couldn't help chuckle and blush reading the comments.

Last night definitely had it's oddballs but today it had way too many hungry ladies.

He was not the least bit someone to get comment even in his slimmer/healthier days he would not get such comments.

He felt slightly special but his emotional detachment to love is a fresh wound that stings and burns. So he was not gonna be easily swayed.

Theodore shook his thoughts away before speaking ”I know that most of you have come to know of me due to my Silhouette's magic. With that being said it would be much appreciated that you lower your expectations”

The chat was immediately spammed with question marks and confused emoji faces.

”In all honesty, you have all most likely come to the conclusion that I showed my best tricks already and that it doesn't get better than that. Well, to be honest, you wouldn't be wrong. To top last nights stream I would have to do something crazy” Said Theodore while walking towards a nearby tree.



[XxLost_ScopexX]: He's gonna do something crazy

[KickAbout]: I predict crazy

[TightZippy]: Hyped Asf

[LadyLuck]: If u go crazy I'll be your nurse????

[TheGoodCrunch]: Psych ward is on standby ????

[420Cali]: Expectations lowered????????

[AirFish]: Waz up



”Before we attempt something crazy I thought we'd start off slow. So instead of magic, I thought I'd show you one my talents” Said Theodore as he brought opened up his bag and pulled out a sketchbook with a pen.

He then broke a branch of the tree and called out ”Rose, Icy come over here!”

”Rose hold and point, like this,” Said Theodore as gave a demonstration before passing Rose the stick.

Rose held the stick in her right hand as Icy stood by her side with an eager expression.

Rose pointed with the other hand at the BoxCam that hovered behind Theodore and asked: ”Watch again?”

”Yep, say Hi,” Said Theodore

”Hi, me Rose,” Said Rose with pure and innocent eyes and a beautiful smile while waving her free hand.



[XxLost_ScopexX]: Argh this is too much for my blood sugar ????

[KickAbout]: Forget shadow magic I need to know what magic you used to get such a cute kid.

[TightZippy]: The mother must be a babe ????

[BluesMan]: Aw she's so cute

[LadyLuck]: Such a cute and smart kid ????????



”Okay, Icy when I say bark you bark, got it,” Said, Theodore, he raised Rose's stick holding arm and had her point forwards.

”Chat you can participate as well just do screenshot when Icy barks,” Said Theodore as he quickly begins to draw.

He starts by drawing their body shape and Rose facial features. Icy's shape was almost done but it was missing the head.

”Icy Bark,” Said Theodore

”Woof” Barked Icy

His hand moved quickly drawing Icy's open mouth.

He then added a fierce expression with his teeth seeming to be sharper and more dangerous. His fur was more wild like a hungry beast.

Rose, stick turned into a sword with her body wearing a loose knight armour that covers her upper body and a frilly red dress that had armour parts around the back.

(Note: Think Saber from Fate)

Her blond hair was lengthened and hung over her shoulder in a fishtail style braid. Her hands were covered in gauntlets. On her chest was a rose emblem.

Looking at the finale product he couldn't help but think 'Why does this image feel so familiar'

