7 Silhouettes (1/2)

Theodore looked at his current set up and said ”Can you guys give me a second while I look for more lights. While you're at it could guys send the clip from earlier around? Hey, shady can you entertain while I'm gone”

Shady's hand bobbed up and down agreeing to follow his instructions.

”Here are some things you can use” Said Theodore as he placed a deck of cards in a glass cup, with a whiteboard and pen.

Theodore sat the whiteboard up and then threw the pen up and Shady caught the shadow of the pen causing the real pen to float as if it was grasped by something.

”Introducing Shady my magical assistant,” Said Theodore as he stepped out of the spotlight.

Before leaving he put on music that set the scene for a magical evening.



[Sniff-It]: I for one am entertained to the highest degree

[RicherThanYou]: Can I have a shady???

[SteamyTurd37]: Am I late?!

[DarkLord]: Student greets master

[XxLost_ScopexX] Yo is this that shadow arm guy



Shady put the pen down on the of the coffee table and waved once again to reinstate a positive connection with the audience.

He picked the shadow of the pen up again as he wrote on the whiteboards shadow. The real pen moved on its own as it began to write.

P_L_E_A_S_E __ P_I_C_K __ A __ C_A_R_D




[SmallMuffin]: It's me!!!!!

[SteamyTurd37]: Holyshit!!!

[XxLost_ScopexX]: Dis be that demonic shit, right??

[SmallMuffin]: King of Diamonds

[SmallMuffin]: No, 3 of spades



Shady gave a thumbs up to her answer. He then ran his fingers over the deck's shadow that sat in the glass cup. The glass cup rattled in response.

Shady's hand grabs a hold of the glass cups shadow and comes to a standstill.

The music volume was lowered and slowed to add a sense of anticipation.

Shady quickly flung the cup into the air. The cards fly through the air and as he grabs a card shadow out of the 54 with just a pinching motion.

Cards were all over the place as one card floated in the air with it's back facing the camera. Shady turned the shadow of the card that he was holding and the real card turns with it showing the 3 of Spades.

Just when the chat was about to react and put it to words something else appeared.

When he turned the shadow of the card around it appeared to be not a solid black shadow. The cards shadow was cut like a template.

The template was a perfect outline of a typical king of diamonds card. The chat went wild with compliments.

Shady not only found the card she changed it to but also used the same card to show her initial choice.



[SmallMuffin]: ????????????????????????

[SteamyTurd37]: Officially a fan ????????

[XxLost_ScopexX]: Shit, should I call my priest?????

[DarkLord]: And so the shadows rise!!!

[OtakuFPS]: Shut up weeb don't make this weird

[HypBot]: ????????????

[TightZippy]: Umm should you really be the one to call someone a weeb



Theodore walked back into the room with more lights. He moved the bookshelf out of the way so that there's more wall space. Then placed all the lights he just found it on the floor.

”Shady is that enough space,” Said Theodore as he spoke to the arm

Shady replied with a strong thumbs up. The audience was unaware of what was happening but they were eagerly waiting for their performance.

Shady flexed his arm before it fully curled back and reached into the darkness. He began to pull something from the darkness.

Chat could see that Shady was struggling with something before they saw the rest of Shady's body pop out from the shadow.

Shady tripped and ran into the shadow of the Coffee table. He quickly pulled up his foot and hopped around while tending to his now stubbed toe.



[SmallMuffin]: ????????????

[RicherThanYou]: Where can I buy a Shady

[KickAbout]: This is some quality entertainment



”Geez, Shady watch your step,” Said Theodore as he removed the coffee table.

When Theodore was removing the coffee table, Chat had made another discovery that really sold the act.

Theodore's shadow was none existing. They initially thought that Shady might just be a projection but with this discovery what are they supposed to believe.

Chat was continually being spammed with ”Magic Is Real”.

”Hmm looks like everything is ready. Hey Shady you good, ” Asked Theodore

Shady nodded while stretching his body properly.