Chapter 235 - Meet the family/ exorcist clans (1/2)

A group of people is seated. They are all wearing masks

The group is the top exorcist in the world

They have gathered around in their European base

There were 12 clans/exorcist orders leaders gathered

These clans each operate differently some having

each came with their some of their men

Arima Tsuchimikado the current head of the exorcist group was reading the information concerning each of the members


Mitsuki Nase -power Barriers

Hiroomi Nase-power barriers Head of the Nase household

Izumi Nase-power Barriers Previous head of the Nase household

Mercenary order

Shizuku Ninomiya Distortion of Space High school teacher

Miroku Fujima-Cyberpathy Youmu Specialist Interrogation Officer

Maya Minegishi Power suppression

Yuuto Mashiro Puppeteering

Mirai Kuriyama- Hemokinesis

Keikan clan- the direct bloodline of one of the strongest exorcist. speciallize in shikigami

Yura Keikain-potential to be the most powerful but lacks experience

Ryūji Keikain-

Hidemoto Keikain (27th head)

Mamiru Keikain

Pato Keikain (strongest seals)

Unomiya house-most members

Tenma Unomiya Strongest Exorcist

Fuguyo Mushuguchi

Shusuke Gein

Order of Magdalene

Shura Kirigakure red-haired beauty. A childhood friend of Tenchi

Nobuyuki Masaki- Tenchi's uncle. Paladin rank

Satella Harvenheit

Rosette Christopher

Peaceful fraction

Mary Magdalene- powers include future sighting, perception of movement in an area of ten miles and fast learning. Her powers do drain her health a lot if she abuses them

Yukimura Family

Tokine Yukimura

Shizue Yukimura-Tokine's father current head

Tokiko Yukimura-Tokines's grandfather

Sumimura Clan

Masamori Sumimura-current head

Shigemori Sumimura-Yoshimori's grandfather. Former head

Sumiko Sumimura-Paladin rank

Yoshimori Sumimura--Masamori's younger brother

Adashino House-the household was saved due to a young boy

Benio Adashino

Yuto Ijika-Benio twin brother

Saki Adashino

Hyoga Adashino-head

Ikaruga House

Hoji Ikaruga-former head

Keiji Ikaruga

Sayo Ikaruga

Shimon Ikaruga-head

Amawaka House

Seigen Amawaka-head Mayura father

Mayura Otomi

Shigen Amawaka-Mayura's grandfather and former head

Kogen Amawaka

Yuzuru Amawaka

Rokuro Enmado

Suguro House

Tatsuma Suguro-head

Torako Suguro

Ryuji Suguro

Element clans

Arima looked around as each was separated by clan, he was about to speak when he receives a phone call so he steps out for a moment and then once he leaves

Ryūji Keikain puts up his legs: Geeze we have to wait here while that damn Noboyuki is absent

Satella: shut it you bastard

Hiroomi Nase: while I agree that he should be here...he must have his reasons...

Hyoga Adashino: umm, yeah Nobuhito has been trying to retire

Ryuji: damn that's bullshit also why are you here Nase brat...I mean the only thing you good for is your barriers

Tatsuma Suguro: don't say that. their clan is very useful. even in your clan, you have many of their barriers

Ryuji: tch, they are a bunch of yokai sympathizer

Hiroomi stands up and faces him: what was that

Ryuji: you heard me. I heard you befriended a yokai

his lips twitch when this happens

Hiroomi: I didn't I am watching him

Ryuji: there is no such thing as a good yokai*he looks at the peaceful section* the only good yokai is a dead one...isn't that our job

it was silent in the room until Noboyuki comes in

Noboyuki comes in relaxed: haha hey everyone! how are you everyone. sorry I'm late I found this cute girl and we ended up getting married wait what are you jealous haha, Mary are you still single haha sucks for you. your kind of a Bitch so who will marry you. Oh whats this are you two about to kiss *snap* he takes a picture of Ryuji and Hiroomi*

Ryuji and Hiroomi was getting pissed at him but then pressure went hard in the room pushing everyone down

Tenma Unomiya: quiet down all of you. pervetyuki no one cares that you got a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e. we all hope you get a disease and die of it, Glassmi your only value is your barrier...without it no one cares. and you*he points to Ryuji* So what if they use yokai, it is what gets our mission done easier. use what you need to win. I mean you are weak, you have to use your dirty tactics to compensate to win, but your still weak. You are weaker than these brats here. I mean your little sister possess more spiritual power and talent than you but you are a high are what they call hard worker...but in my point of view... you're a weakling that will easily get shut up and wait for orders

Shura Kirigakure: that is why you don't have any friends

Tenma: I have friends...

Arima comes back in the room spinning and smiling: Yup, I'm his and every one friend

he hugs Tenma

Arima: Alright so big news big news, first Mary

Mary: yes...I received a prophecy that a huge war was coming. A powerful Yokai will be be coming...I don't know what happens next but...I saw he was at Legendary rank...I saw several beings with the same power as his and we were being suppressed...

Arima: yes, as you know hell gates have been opening-up more frequently.

he heard Mayura ask her father what is a hell gate.

Arima: little Mayura, even though your father is the head, you finally convince him to be an exorcist so its normal you don't know about hell gates.

some laughter was heard

Arima: ok little Benio chan explain what a hell gate is