Chapter 230 - What your missing... (1/2)
Sanji was running to the rebel match. Sanji didn't know what was going on but he assumed they were still doing it
Sanji assumed they were good. but considering was iffy.
Let's see Alice as a cultivator is stronger, but as a natural chef, Erina is better. Rindo is an in-between between both of them...
When Sanji arrived at outside where the matches were held suddenly someone strong appears in a butlers outfit his name is Hyumu Hellsing, he is the right hand of the martial arts principal
Hyumu has a dandy like an appearance
Hyumu: I'm sorry I was ordered by the new cooking principal to stop anyone from entering...
he bows
Sanji: well I'm part of their I'll just go on ahead
Sanji tried to walk past him but Hyumu punched him quickly however all Hyumu hit was his coat
Hyumu: hoh! you seem pretty good...
Sanji: Hmm...I guess to get pass you, I have to beat you..I have no time...(its already late at night)
They clashed a few times and it seemed they were evenly matched
Sanji:(Huh...that technique...sigh) Alright my new technique...
Sanji jumps back and suddenly a huge flash happen causing Hyumu to cover his eyes for an instant
Hyumu: (huh did he go away) Whoa your still huh,
Hyumu was shocked because Sanji had split into three...
one had a lightsaber, one had a reverse bladed sword and one had two guns...
Hyumu: oh you split yourself that weakens your power
Suddenly the one with the lightsaber ran forward...he had strong flame towards his attack, each attack would be sharper but it wasn't at the same level before
So he attempted to block it but he was then hit with gunshots
and he was pushed back
Hyumu was baffled...his attacks weren't working and they seemed to be like they are different people...but the most different thing is...
how are all their injuries keep healing...they seem to keep having more energy...
Hyumu: wait for a second
He flies into the air
Hyumu: Illusion break
suddenly the image of the three changes...into three girls
an elementary school girl, a middle school girl and a pink-haired girl with twin guns
Hyumu: wait then where is h---ahh
he was hit so hard in the head that he felt bones breaking
then he begins falling from the sky...
In the match between the rebels and Central
The only ones who were left were Erina, Alice, Rindo and Tsukasa
Soma, and the others had lost
it was decided that They were going to have a final match between each other...
They were about to present their food
when suddenly there was a huge crash...
suprsingly none of the food stations and people were damaged...
as this person was on the ground completely covered in wounds...
there was a young man whose knee was on the neck of this guy...
it was Sanji
Azami and the two beauties by his side stood up shocked along with the others
Sanji: sorry the entrance was blocked so I came through the broken ceiling you have up should fix that through
”you created that!”
Sanji stands up and wipes his feet on the unconscious Hyumu treating him like a rug
Alice: what are you doing what if your fall had gotten into our food
Sanji: sorry
Erina: why not clean up this mess...
Sanji nods and takes Hyumu and throws him through the hole and the hole in the wall was restored...
Sanji: satisfied...
Azami: thats completed your promotion exam...are you going to compete too?
when Azami said this the whole Stadium went quiet...
Azami: (why did it get quiet when I said this? is he a bad chef...but the atmosphere seemed strange)
Sanji: hmm, do you want me haha no I'm good. Tsukasa is missing something huge so there is no way were going to I am tired I did just win a little tornament a second ago...
Tsukasa: what do you mean I'm missing?
Sanji ignores him and looks at the Azami, on his lap was a girl and another girl on his side and there looked like a professional girl on his right not really wanting to be involved with them...
The three judges are members of the World Gourmet Organization...
the World Gourmet Organization is the number one judges of food. they are the ones who give stars...Sanji had met Anne before. as for the other two...he hasn't
Sanji touches his ear: huh, they look like a s.l.u.t. Ew!
Sanji: what the what, She's so basically basic and the other one has impleggies...where did she get that outfit? they look like s.l.u.ts
Sanji was basically shouting this
the two glared at him while Anne tried her best to control her laughing...the crowd was laughing through
Sanji: oh my bad! I was just shocked by the words said...I was repeating her words...
Sanji was listening to....Mana who saw these two on Azami...
Well if Azami had known that his relationship with them would affect their carrers....