Chapter 222 - Please save Erina... (1/2)

Right now in the garden, Anna had Restia in her hand and charged at Sakura but Sakura with an old looking sword in a sheath and easily blocks them

Sakura: your not going to be able to get this sword with that level.

suddenly she got hits by a paintball bullet in the back

Anna: aww...

Roberta comes from a tree and smiles

Roberta: young mistress you have improved

Miyako runs up to her: Anna, you should have been able to predict where that was. Always trust your senses.

Kazuko: but she was able to block 5 out of the 10 attacks so she passed right

Momoyo: I agree...once she gains it. I will show some of my techniques.

Everyone turned to Sakura with the sword...

Sakura: well you did do well but..

Anna gave her pouting face at her

Sakura: the Nietono no Shana

She hands her the sword

Anna felt a huge amount of energy in the sword

Sakura: the sword was modified with your father's power. He had taken it to this unknown swordsmith and modified it for you. He said it means Not even the gods can defeat my beautiful girl.

Anna ignored that last bit and drew the blade out of the sheath

Suddenly her heair turned red

Claps were heard

”its like she is drawing all the power from King. That is amazing.”

”as expected from Anna”

Anna: (Yes, I'm one step be able to be there for father) My fighting name is going to be...oh Shana!

They clapped

Anna: umm, don't tell father yet...I want to surprise him...but can you show me more of your techniques

they looked at each other and laughed started showing her some hand to hand moves

At the same time inside the dojo

Eri is in front of Cap. She is equipped with Est so she won't get hurt.

Cap: basically what your supernatural ability is a stand. It generally presents itself as a figure hovering over or near the user and possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human

Eri raised her hand: what is a stand

Cap: a powerful vision created by your own life energy! And since it stands next to you, it is called... a Stand!

Eri: then do you have a stand?

Cap: yup its this I call it Stone free.


Cap: it can make barriers, telephones pictures, plus its super strong and fast!

Eri: oh, nice

Yamato: haha, I will have to use that in the next fight

Eri: so I have that...

She looks down and mumbles something about being different from daddy

Cap: oh, King has a stand too

Eri: huh he does!

She got excited

Cap: yeah, he also has a persona which he said was a moving mountain...but you seen it too.

Eri was confused...

Cap: Unless bound to a specific object or automatic, Stands are attached to their User's body. They protect the user from even themselves.