Chapter 206 - Kazuma family move out (1/2)

Sanji is at the door of the polar dorms and Isshiki notices him about to leave early in the morning

Isshiki: So your going out early...? you don't seem to be going to school seeing how your not in uniform

Sanji: yeah...I have some things to take care of. I won't be back for a couple weeks. Tell the others I wish them luck

Soma comes from the kitchen and sees Sanji leaving and without a word he leave



Alice: I'm busy right now,

Sanji: I'm not going to make the elections, I have stuff to take care of

Alice: boo, not seeing your masters dominance, your a bad servant...well no worries I will be sure to win have fun

Sanji smiles and hangs up

he looks at the building in this district, the organization territory,

Everyone was in their outfits...surprisingly to Sanji they all had some red on...

Yamato had snuck into the Territory to set some things up the day prior

Gakuto: Hey King, I got to ask before the mission...whats up with your hair...its back to white

Sanji: ...white is my normal hair color...on full moons my hair grows longer and then the day after my hair turns white again...not sure why through...its becoming a pain to restore it

Everyone wondered how hair can change color on its own...

Takuya: alright I got eyes on the area

Sanji: good

Everyone gets their weapons ready

Sanji has an orb and he had tears in his eyes

Kazuko: oh yeah whats your new weapon? I know you have A-ts but you must have gotten something else right


Liz who is by his side spoke: he got a rare object...its...

she shivers

Patty: haha its really creapy you see he got this eye ball


Patty: yup its like supper powerful...and rare. you see it was appearently umm, whats his name umm

Liz: Lucifers, eye, its was the eye of truth. It can see through the truth of anything...its very overpowered

Cap: whoa, wait then why didn't you combine it with yours

Sanji: ugh...

Momoyo: is there any problems with it?

Restia then spoke: he was thinking of selling it to someone for money...even through we gotten it for free...but he was afraid Rongrong would beat him up again...


Patty: yup the rare gift that could do anything he was planning on selling it haha its funny right


everyone gave Sanji a disappointed look

Sanji: stop looking at me like that...I didn't sell it yet


Yamato zipping up his pants and taking a bunch of contacts and information on the leadership structure of this Territory

He learned that the main boss was the Dictator but he was away.

He learned about what they are doing

Yamato puts his hand and simply nods to the unconscious girl who he gain the information from through... physical means and contacted the others and told them the plan

as he regrouped with them


Sanji: I see...they are all strong...first we need to beat that triad bastard then, take all their information and destroy this base...(hopefully we can find who ordered the attack)

Sanji had debriefed them that some of the people are being manipulated by the organization.

[Miyako: so how are we going to get them back to normal

Sanji: well in the words of Cap, just beat them up to submission...


Cap: that sounds easy! lets do that

Momoyo: haha I can't wait to fight this guys...but the organization leader should be monstrous right

Yamato: according to my intel he and the demon fought and it ended up in a draw...well they fought many years ago so who...

Sanji: whatever it doesn't matter who are enemies are...they are going to be burned

Kazuma Family: NO BLOOD, NO BONE, NO ASH


Sanji ordered Miyako on cookie and she would be attacking from the air, She had special arrows to mess with the cameras,