Chapter 173 - It wasnt much (1/2)
Ryouta: its Terrible*munch slurp*
Tamako: oh I guess another failure
man: well I guess I'll clean up your mess honey
He heads in the kitchen and starts making something
a red-haired boy around Ryouta age looks at him curiously and asks why he is still eating it
Ryouta: while its terrible...there is a certain flavor I enjoy...
the boy looks confused
old man: so boy what's your story...why haven't you eaten much...what are your parent doing
Ryouta: well I don't have any fact I woke up in a forest a year ago...(actually the Kazuma family all have family that cares about them... it's just complicated situations for them...but they are all rich...Grayfia has a younger brother but they seem to be at odds for some reason and Est, Sakura and Restia are like apart of me...they don't really require food...Grayfia also is a noble rich family...wait a second...why is everyone spunging off me)
Ryouta starts having tears in his eyes
Old Man: oh...I'm sorry...I guess even someone as young as you has it hard
Ryouta was confused at what this old man was talking abou
suddenly the man presents his dish to Ryouta
Ryouta is mesmerized by the smell: this is udon
Man:oh you can tell from the smell
Ryouta bit into and was shocked at it. The noodles were perfect and the balance was perfect...he felt warmer and his body felt more relaxed
Ryouta: wow what is this...the most impressive thing is the did you remove the starchy flavor
Man: I gave them a ice bath
Ryouta eyes shined: of course that removes excess starch....but sometimes when I make a broth it's starchy...
old man: did you separate the noodles when you cooked the noodles
Ryouta: no...I mean they are going to end up the same
Man: its a rookie mistake...
Ryouta felt shocked at this
Tamako: but you are quite knowledgeable do you like to cook
Ryouta:...I'm not sure...I like cooking for the people I care about..I like bringing joy to people...I learned that the one thing that everyone has in common in the world is food...when someone is hungry they will eat...
The man smiled and patted the boy shoulders and was surprised because...he felt tons of muscles on this boy...he also noticed a sword on his side and another special weapon on his right: hmm
Ryouta: huh?
Man:...oh nothing besides I am Jōichirō Yukihira , my wife the owner Tamako and this is my son Soma
Ryouta: Ryouta Kazum, this is Est, this is Restia and this is sakura...they are a little shy
old man: stop it kid
Tears come from Tamako as she hugs him
Ryouta was confused at what was going on
Joichiro: don't worry we will look
Ryouta: never mind that...can you be my master...I want to learn what it truly means to cook like you
Joichiro rubs his nose smirking: well if you
Ryouta holds hands: please take me as your disciple Tamako sensei
Ryouta bows
Tamako laughs and smugly says: well of course but it won't be easy to be as amazing as me
Ryouta kowtow Three times
Joichiro, soma and old man Kazusato Yukihira were frozen at this devolopement...they couldn't process it
A little bit later Soma askes Ryouta
Soma: why did you want my mom to be your is a better chef
Ryouta:...she has a quality that I think I need...Sensei has something that he not lacks but not as strong but not as intensed
Joichiro who is watching Ryouta cut vegatibles in the back smiles...thinking to himself: yeah...she does have something...I guess you could say it isn't as strong as hers...
Joichiro: hey Ryo lets have a match...if you win I'll do all your prep for a week if you lose you have to be my genie pig for a week...
Tamako: the winner is Joichiro
Ryouta is then forced to eat his experiemnts
Ryouta: bleh squid and peanut butter...thats horrible...hmm I have an idea for a new recipe