Chapter 167 - Character summery as of the end of volume 5 (1/2)

Tenchi Nura was the main character of this story. He was betrayed by the brainwashed Mari his best friend...his body, soul, and mind has disappeared from the multiverse leaving only his beanie

Tenchi is a kind person who is kind and likable. Most people have a favorable impression on him. Even his enemies like him. He, however, is someone you don't want to be angry, he is an unforgiven person who won't hesitate to punish. (he is through soft on his family, friends, and apprentices)

Name: Tenchi Ryouta Nura (Kazuma Mikura past life)

Race: Juraian- Yokai-Modified Human hybrid

Bloodline: Nobles(Noblesse), Apostle of charity (third generation), Low God, 1/2 Yokai, deadman

Age: 17 years old

Title: bedwetter(wetted bed till was 6...reason why he wears a beanie) Flame King, Prince, unsung hero, Hard worker, womanizer, Lolicon, sis-con, Mom-con, Spirit detective, keeper of Mononokean, 'Dangerous hands', Owner of Unconventional Luck, Prince of Thieves, Lucky hands, S.e.xual Deviant, Harem prince, make me beautiful, Sensei, Pleasure seeker, Berserker, Worlds strongest, Guardian of the Earth, Freedom, Lord of calamity

Job: Avatar

Tarot: Sun (Current) Magician (As Kazuma Mikura)

Passive skills:

Flame Immunity: while he understands something is hot but it doesn't bother him. think of how you're in a hot bath. You know it's hot but when you get in there it no longer bothers you.

Ice Immunity

Poison Tolerance

Endless s.e.x.u.a.l endurance

S.e.xual Instinct: the ultimate s.e.x.u.a.l being determined by both natural and supernatural ways.

Shirahama Style: Demi-god (without beanie)

Karate (Ansatsuken-style): Demi-god(without beanie)

Ancient Jujutsu: Demi-god (without beanie)

Chinese Kenpo: Demi-god (without Beanie)

Muay Thai: Demi-god (without Beanie)

Weapons (Kōsaka Style): Demi-god (without beanie)

Fūrinji Style: Demi-god(without beanie)

Juraian Style: Demi-god(without beanie)

Shogi: 8 Dan (Advance Grandmaster)/ Ryuu

Basketball: Grandmaster

Baseball: Grandmaster

Tennis: Grandmaster

Golf: Grandmaster

soccer: Grandmaster

Dancing: Demi-god

Singing: Demi-god

Computer skills: Grandmaster

Drawing: Grandmaster

Alchemy: UNK

Cooking: Grandmaster


Active skills:

Bending: can bend the elements

Teleportation: At least Master Level -capable of teleporting on a planetary scale, moving anywhere on the planet or possibly to the closest satellite such as the Moon. User can teleport mass up to buildings.

Flash Step: bursts of speed allowing the user to move faster than the eye can track, making it appear as if they have teleported (can be only used in Yokai mode)

Teleport Dash: combine high speed with teleportation ignoring normal rules. Combination of Teleportation and Flash Step. (Hasn't mastered )

Super Stride IV ”Sonic Boom” - Ryouta moves so fast that he creates a sonic boom and he uses that to boom to attack his opponent, this seems to be a variation of Flame Road: After Burner is similar to the Sonia Road's Thorns.

Flame Road: After Burner - Using the same principle behind a jet engine's afterburners, Ryouta accelerates to supersonic speeds, creating a sonic boom and leaving tongues of flame where he made footfall.

Time - Ryouta accelerates his moves with his A·T to strike the joints that initiate movement on an opponent's body, effectively paralyzing them; however, it takes a great deal of stamina to perform. The speed of the attack and burning sensation that the user experiences categorizes it as a Flame Road trick.

Shield of Time - By applying the principles of the Time technique to defense, Ryouta is able to create a shield capable of slowing down attacks and reducing the impact of connecting blows.

Flame Drafts - Ryouta is able to create fiery flame drafts on his own.

Clones of Flame - Kazu creates ”clones”, which are actually the afterimages produced by his run.

Grand Fang Fire Bird - Someone creates a giant fang while Kazuma sets it ablaze with flames making it easily capable of taking down a plane.

Flame Lens - A move based on Sleipnir's Nottdagr ”wind lens” trick to project illusions, which he used to project an image of the plane he and Agito were riding on.

Cloak of Time - Makes the user and or who the user want to be made invisible for a short period of time. This is achieved by using heat convections to reflect light via high speeds.

The platform of Flames - Using the rising air current from the ”Flames” his A.T.s create, Ryouta can use them as platforms, allowing him to stay in the air.

St. Elmo's Crossfire: While utilizing the Apollon Road with Aeon Clock's assistance, Kazu creates a cross-shaped blast of flame. Utilizing all his energy and life force, Kazu can perform this trick on his own.

Trick: Hole Nine Heaven's Door [Ættir] -enables the wielder of the Flame Regalia to perfectly replicate other riders' tricks and roads.

Phoenix wing chop: A technique that temporarily destroys the technique of the enemy

clap of deafness: A technique that as its name suggest. is a clap at a frequency that causes temporary acute deafness. Usually lasting for a few minutes or hours. However, could cause permanent damage if done incorrectly.

phoenix Hadoken spiritual blast: Similar to a phoenix chop it seals a technique...however Ryouta seals a technique.

Copying: He only has to see a technique one time to completely copy it and make it his own. His copying ability doesn't stop there as he copies the technique but plays it with more power and speed than the original. This means that when his opponent makes a move, he can transcend them easily. His ability, of course, knows some barriers, he cannot copy people stronger than himself

Perfect Copy: An extension to his copying ability, Kise can now copy every single move he has ever seen, with the limitations of his original copy no longer applying. The difference to his physical abilities and the abilities of the original user of the skill is neglected and Kise is capable of copying anyone...except for unique techniques

assimilation: UNK full power but should be able to absorb and transform..?

Beanie: Limiter when removed Ryouta powers increase

Yokai Form abilities:

Meikyō Shisui: is a technique that frightens the enemy with an overwhelming amount of ”fear”, thus making the enemy unable to sense him.

Kyōka Suigetsu: A technique shifts an enemy's awareness of him by creating an illusion of himself while he shifts his enemy's awareness and leads him to an opening.

Soul Mirror, Deadly Water - Cherry Blossoms: is a technique which utilizes superior yōkai sake poured into a large sakazuki cup. By blowing across the liquid, blue flames are produced which burn an opponent. These flames seem to spread according to his will, and can engulf multiple victims at once; they can also quickly incinerate low-level Yōkai almost instantly. So long as the water continues to ripple, the flames will continue until the opponent is reduced to ash.

Unique skills:

Omni-Communication: can communicate with anything and everything, including people, plants, animals, insects, microbes, the dead, non-living/inorganic matter, inanimate objects, machines, nature, abstract/conceptual forces

Zookinesis: can control animals behavior, they can set stampedes onto attackers, get animals to fetch things. The user can call forth hoards of rats or insects to wipe out a crop, or to encourage bees to replant it.

Chlorokinesis: same as Zookinesis except with plants

Luck (unknown level at least expert): All aspects of users life improve drastically: work, social, romantic, personal, financial, school and basically life as a whole would become easier, happier, and would excel altogether.

Healing: He inherited the ability to heal wounds and illnesses from his Grandmother Yōhime,

Heterochromia eyes: a mutation that makes him able to use Yokai powers

Yokai Form: Ryouta due to being part Yokai is able to transform into a Yokai. He is knowledgeable and is capable of performing at least some of the techniques used by the prominent leaders of the Nura clan,