Chapter 121 - The cold never bother me anyway part 1 (1/2)


a woman fell to the floor after being slapped by a fair-skinned man

fair-skinned man: Damn you, not only did you produce a weak child but he has very small traits of mine

He spat in the girls face and looked the child

he walks to the cradle where the baby was

Then puts his hand out and fire came from his hand out and fire came out and burned the baby...burned me

I screamed it hurts. It hurts but the words never were said because I was a baby

fair-skinned man: I guess I'll grill you up and eat you

Then the woman who gave birth to me ran up to me covering me from the fire and pleaded with him to eat him

She didn't even worry about the burns

fair-skinned man: Woman, you disappoint me. I thought due to your unique bloodline you produce someone amazing...but parasite...what kind of ability is that...pathet...

it was just an instance...I glared at him. In between my mothers embrace then took it back but he noticed it

fair-skinned man:Hmm...he doesn't seem to as useless as I thought...

He pulls my mother up by the hair and threw her

fair-skinned man: Oh surprisingly he still is alive...maybe he is worthy of being my son...he has the attitude befiting...but his power is strange...whatever

He looks at my mother and noticed her stomach

fair-skinned man: You...didn't have any other children correct

Mother: No...only him..