Chapter 117 - did you say race (1/2)

During this time we have to perform manual labor.

As I was moving some debris the girl who I wanted to avoid because she reminded me of Majin Buu appeared from underground smiling

Shiro: Found Tenka

She even had gloves on...

She brought her hand out

Tenchi: A cookie?

Shiro having an innocent smile: See. It tastes better to eat with friends!

Tenchi: friend huh!

I wonder what she thinks a friend is...for some they think its people who they talk to everyday... however just because they are with you doesn't me they are with you. sometimes people act in a different way when they aren't in your presence...

Shiro interrupted my thoughts: let's eat Tenka. If I want to die is a lie then Happy!

Tenka held the candy: heavy...but thanks

suddenly someone threw something at Tenchi

The guy with pomade hair: Hey what are you doing playing around with a woman...huh is he new

nobody 2: Isn't he that killer

pomade hair: Oh you're the famous killer. Everyone said they wanted you to die

suddenly Shiro pushes the guy away: Lie is bad. Tenka said! I never kill any of my friends

She blocks Tenchi

Suddenly the fat henchman runs to Shiro: What did you say! Go back to the south building woman

She backflips kicking the guy in the face

the pomade hair guy tries to hit Shiro with a shovel but Tenchi 'accidentally' trips trying to go to Shiro and head buts him in the balls and sends him crashing into the wall

I realize quickly that I hit him too hard when the top of a building which was being repaired started to fall on to us...

At first, I thought I'd just teleport away with Shiro leaving the others to be crushed to death but then I thought a perfect opportunity to test my new power...

Tenchi: when a red man attacked it was with I'm guessing the blood that powers it...

I bit my right index finger and aimed it similar to the spirit gun

and fired up at the falling debris and there was a massive the sky, there was like an eruption of blood destroying everything even went to space...

Tenchi: neat (HOLY SHIT. That was way stronger than my spirit gun...): oh yeah...noblesses blood...haha I wonder what happens if I go full power...


Everyone was confused at what had to happen

Makina in her office was thinking to herself

Makina tried to speak with the Doctor about it asking about the incident but he smiled saying

Doctor: We won't be executing the plan to kill Kise Tenka through an accident again. If it failed then it failed. That was a success in itself

as she was thinking an alarm went off

One of the inmates had a weapon to another inmate and begin demanding for more candy

”warden what do we do”

Makina: Talk about the3 weather. it is good for a nice chat

Kasuga looked nervous but Makina showed the information on him

Makina: ...He'll die soon

The inmate holding the hostage pleaded: ...I don't have the cast points to buy it. P..leasse give me candy..plea

he then falls to the ground and dies

Makina says coldly: This is the death sentence rule in action...


*In the cafeteria*

Tenchi went to get his lunch and they had to give him a small rations packet...

he twitches and notices that the guy beside him had steak...

Tenchi: eh...whats with this discrimination

Suddenly a boob hit his back. The girl has pink, feathered hair that just barely reaches her shoulders. Her hair has small, subtle spikes, and her eyes are golden-yellow

girl: hey if you are finished get out of the way

she then brings out a card and has it scanned and gets two sandwiches...after which she noticed Tenchi's meal