Chapter 112 - A tap that says it all (1/2)

After having her heart filled goodbye with Alisha, Yona had left to speak with her father. She had lots to talk with him...mostly concerning her feelings for Tenchi. For years she held it in but seeing him the other day made her realize that it was love.

She went to her father's room, however, the strangest thing is all the guards seemed to be gone.

As she enters she sees something that scares her.

Yona: Father! Father...!

she sees her father's lifeless body on the ground. She stumbles to the body and sees drips of blood away from the body and it led to a man who was bloody and had a sword by his arm...Soo-won

Soo-won: You're still awake? Princess Yona?

Yona: (Soo-won?)

She didn't know what to think her mind went blank. Her mind wasn't right

Yona: Soo-won, father a doctor

Soo-won: Emperor IL's eyes will never open again*she heard the words she feared*: I killed him

Yona: W...what are you never do...something like that.

Soo-won: You don't know. I have lived for this day...I even sold my soul for this...

Yona with tears in her eyes: Wh...why..? Father...cared for you since you were a child

Soo-won: I lived for this day...For 10 years, I have avenged my father, and as the one who inherited my father's dying wish...will become this nations king

Yona: this is a dream a nightmare...this is a lie

Soo-won: ...I didn't expect you to be awake this late at night. I heard very few people were allowed to come to his majesty's room...So why did you come, princess Yona,

Yona with the king's body on her lap and tears in her eyes: I can't forget about Tenchi

Soo-won: that's have always loved him...

Soo-won thought back last year...


he had just returned to the castle...He had always assumed that Yona and he would end up together. Call it pride, call it arrogance...but he felt that...he was even willing to give up the vengence if he could end up with her...however

He walked in and heard the princess talking to Hak

Hak: Next year Ryouta is said to becoming

Yona: I know...I can't wait to see him again

Alisha: Who is this Ryouta

Hak smugly said: the princess crush

Yona blushed and threw some things at him: no...he doesn't see me like that

Hak: oh is that a fact. I heard from the king that you two are engaged and he spoke on how your the type of girl he wants..he said he doesn't want to be King, he just wants to be with you...

Yona: he said that.

Hak: oh that was a secret...

he said

Yona blushed and Hak went out...he thought he saw Soo-won but he was gone...the only thing Soo-won heard next was Alisha asking if she did love Ryouta, just between them. Yona was uncertain but she said she wouldn't mind marrying Ryouta...

Soo-won felt hurt by this...he didn't feel broken...

He went to his home...

he told everyone to leave...and took the black crystal he acquired...

filled with Malace he spoke to a voice in his headbutt one was around...not a single person, not even a wasn't telepathy, invisible...he seemed to be alone...

the voice in head: do you accept...You won't be able to fully utilize this power. You know who your true enemy is the must destroy take over to save it...the king is not worthy only must resort to evil...take what is your birthright. you are good...Ryouta...Tenchi Ryouta Nura is the enemy

Soo-won: that's right. I must fulfill my father no my father died due to a weak king but I will use him as a martyr

I'm so tired of pretending

Where's my happy ending?

I followed all the rules

I drew inside the lines

I never asked for anything that wasn't mine

I waited patiently for my time

But when it finally came

she called his name

And now I feel this overwhelming pain

I mean it's in my veins

I mean it's in my brain

My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train

I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame

I know exactly who to blame

I never thought of myself as mean

I always thought that I'd be the king

And there's no in-between

'Cause if I can't have that

Then I would be the leader of the dark