Chapter 77 - Effects of the Fusion of the Nisekoi univese (1/2)

Tenchi is in DMC headquarters and is talking with Miari.

Tenchi closes his eyes for a moment and calms himself down and looks at Mari

They discovered that only the people who were in Shiki form with Tenchi when he left the world were able to have memories of the changes directly. The others unless under unique situations weren't able to tell the differences.

Mari: There are many things the same and many things different... Lets first talk about the girls you were within the other world

The Nakano sisters are still childhood friends with Tenchi. They attend all-girls school and are second years. They are all his fiance and Tenchi had them join DMC after he promised to heal their mother along with their father.

On a side note, Botan went to get her spirit...

Ichika still had made a movie with Tenchi and it was a huge success

As for the play it still happened but before he left to travel

Kosaki and Haru went exactly the same. except Tenchi was never in the hospital. They were childhood friends and went to the same middle school

Fuu and Ruri changed because they are now their servants.

Chitoge still came with Tsugumi and there went the same.

Her mother aids in Tenchi's business

White fang still came and helped Tenchi with a project with the police along with Kirika

As for Marika Tenchi still healed her and her mother illness.

Her father still recommended Tenchi for JSDF training after high school

Oh...he still has that massive debt with them...

Yui is also still a Maria leader from China. She is currently a teacher at the all-girls school.

Shin Lu Belvedere is a student along with her brother Shu. but the school demanded he has to dress like a girl...

Now for Tenchi family. The Shuei clan is a thing still. The clan was founded by Tenchi's grandfather. While Tenchi's uncle had taken over. Tenchi is the next in line to take over.

Anesan or Mari Katsuragi is one of his uncle's wives and she married him. She had a son when she was in school... unknown who the biological father is.

The son name is Keima. He is a year younger than Tenchi but the same grade...

The thing with Keima is due to his father (Tenchi's uncle) and his grandfather harem and Tenchi building harem and his sisters...he had spent so much time with women he has gotten tired of real girls and only likes 2D girls...

Tenchi also trained him a lot too

Tenchi: So what about the organization?

Mari: well there seems to be an increased in Esper users...but the organization from it isn't as big...the leader of the organization in that world has seemed to have disappeared...

Tenchi: What do you mean? You killed him right

Mari: Yes but I didn't destroy his soul...I attempted but he manages to get away...Botan hasn't seen him either...We believe he was transferred here too...


In an unspecified location. that said man looks broken. His face looks like there are cracks and blood on his face. His black hair is in disarray and he is breathing heavy

He went to his youngest brother. The weakest of his father children.

You see each of their father children had gotten several drops of blood from their father. This blood is able to fully heal your wounds, Make you stronger. and may your unique gift more powerful.

Every one of their father's children was given a unique power. Something that would make them stronger than the strongest...He had gotten Esper ability. His esper powers were the strongest at Mythology rank...however Mari doesn't operate with normal...she can boost her power to rival him..

The weakest and the person every one of his brothers gets the weakest and stupidest power is his youngest brother...he received the power of parasite...

Its a power was so weak everyone laughed at him. Oh and by the way, they address each other by their powers

Augur: Parasite come to this area now!

after a moment a handsome figure appears. He stops and looks worried

Parasite: Augur-nii-sama what has happened to you! your wounds. How could you be hurt like this? Did one of the elder brothers bully you

Parasite went to his brother side but was punched and knocked away

Augur: bully my was that person

Parasite: You mean! Tenchi? but I thought he was weaker than you...did he sneak up on you or something

Augur gritted his teeth and yelled: NO it was that woman by his side. She wasn't strong but could make herself stronger and has a true god killing weapon that only the worthy to use...

He released his powers causing a huge crater to form

Augur: If I had known I would have acted more carefully...That bitch Mari...I will kill her and

Parasite: So why would you seek me out

Augur: I need your blood. I used mine up to survive the give me yours...It's not like you need it

parasite was stunned: Wait you used it and you still like this!

Augur: I only had a fragment of my soul remaining...I only have a drop remaining. You don't need yours so give me yours. (Why would I waste mine. I'll steal yours, trash)

Parasite: but I thought we weren't supposed to

before he could finish he was psychically chocked

Augur: I told you...give me your blood...I may be weakened but your trash and your only use is serving us! So give me your blood or I will kill you

Parasite, who was turning colors nodded and was released

He left and grabbed a beautiful mesmerizing crystal form of blood that had Divine powers in it

Parasite: Big brother...

He looks hesitant

Parasite: This is mine...please are you sure you want it...

Augur: Shut it

he sent him blasting into a tree

Augur: You have no uses anymore

Parasite looks like he is dying

He then takes the crystal blood and swallows it whole

Augur: Haha I feel the power! huh