Chapter 67 - Oh its okay if you want to ignore me... (1/2)
Tachibana was running inside the building
She stops at the door and uses her inferred scanner for the room.
Kirika: ok there seem to heat signatures in this room. huh but lots of low signatures too.
she blows the door off the latch and prepares to fire and notices that a little girl is all alone surrounded by scary wooden mannequin-like puppets.
the little girl looks at Kirika
Little girl: Onee-chan are you here to play
Kirika assumes that the girl is one of the children experimented on and goes to her
Kirika: Little girl come with me. Don't worry I will protect you
She goes down to touch the little girls head and notices the girl shaken. right when she was about to pull back her hand the little girl screamed
and the dolls moved and punched her in the stomach sending her to the wall
Little girl: DONT TOUCH ME!
As she pulls herself from the wall she sees the puppets moving slowly towards her...
White Fang seems to have issues of her own. she was fighting a guy with whip arms
whip armed man: Using my hands, I can create two wh.i.p.s that each have a maximum range of 60 meters; I can freely manipulate their movements simultaneously.
White Fang: (Why is he telling me his limitations...they seem to)
she starts wall running to escape the range of the wh.i.p.s but the whip guy broke some of the wall ahead of her but she jumps off the wall to avoid it. As she jumps she throws some of the Tenchi's Kunai's but he quickly flung them away
When he flung them away White Fang used that opportunity to hide her presence.
White Fang: (His wh.i.p.s are composed of psychic energy and are strong and durable enough destroy the floor and walls. )
Back to Kirika
she was firing the gun at the dolls and destroying them. but as she destroyed them the other dolls were getting stronger and faster
They were going so fast her outfit was getting ripped but she would knock them out and shoot at them when she got a chance
Kirika: (What to do...wait didn't he tell us something)
Tenchi: Remember if you come across a person controlling lots of things the best way to deal with it is to take on the person
Kirika: What if the person is a little kid
Tenchi: That's even easier...this may sound strange but you run up to them and..._
Kirika: There is no way that will work...
Kirka: Here goes nothing
She runs to the berserk girl who seemed to be having a tantrum and shoots all the dolls that blocking her way and runs and jumps at the girl and hugs her
Little girl: Huh what is this
Kirika: It must be hard right...I know you been alone for too long. but you're no longer alone. I”m here you're a member of my family and I will be there for you
little girl: I have a family
She holds tightly to Kirika with tears in her eye and falls a sleep
Kirka thinks back to what Tenchi said
Tenchi: well its simple Oxytocin
White Fang: Oxytocin?
Tenchi: its also known as the love drug.
Kirika: what
Tenchi: sigh you need to read calms your nervous system and boosts positive emotions. Here's how a good hug resulting in oxytocin flow affects you: It lowers your blood pressure, especially helpful if you're feeling anxious. It lowers your cortisol... the stress hormone
Kirika: how can a hug do all that. its like magic
Tenchi: Hugging therapy is definitely a powerful way of healing. Research shows that hugging (and also laughter) is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress.
little girl: Onee chan...whats your name
Kirika introduced herself thinking she gained a little sister...
and the girl takes out a knife from her pocket and...
White Fang was jumping over the wh.i.p.s as they almost cut her in two.
Suddenly the guy started to destroy the ceiling to crush her
White Fang: I wanted to save this but
she takes out the floories bomb and threw it the guy and he tried to crush it but then there was an explosion
White fang jumped out of the wind zone and the whip guy falls foaming out of his mouth...then he farted and looked like he was dead
White Fang:...thats it? I guess I better go up
She threw her kunai's at him to kill him. to make sure...
as she walked she realized she pushed her body too far dodging all his attacks because all of them were lethal...
White Fang: I need to spar with Black tiger later (Tsugumi) or ask Claud-sama to train me
she then notices that she inhaled some of the drugs...