Chapter 53 - Heaven and earth Cafe (1/2)
Suddenly they hear a phone ringing and Tenchi raises his hand and turns around
Tenchi: Yeah I am on my way....I am looking...*Tenchi looks at the girls*...Actually, I got someone...I'll be back in a bit *click*
Suddenly he goes and puts his hands on Haru Onodera shoulder
Tenchi: I want I need you
Haru started to imagine him only talking to her
(Haru POV on what Tenchi said): I need you Haru. You're my dream woman!
Tenchi: Please follow me. You girls are the type of girls I've been looking for
(Haru POV on what Tenchi said): Please follow me Haru. You're my type!
Tenchi: If you don't come with me...Something bad will happen to me
(Haru POV on what Tenchi said): If you don't come...I don't know how I will survive
Haru: Yes I'll go anywhere with you
Haru declaration for some reason fired up the other girls and they agreed too
Fuu was thinking to herself that Haru seems to be lost in her delusion...
Tenchi then does his devious smile causing the girl's heart to beat faster...Sawako thought she had to go too
The next thing the girls know they are in a beautiful cafe. from the entrance, there is a stage full of tables seeming like a performance is done there. On the side is a gift shop. on the other side of that is another area with a table. with a whiteboard on the is a game room. East of that there is a cafe and restaurant. and in the back of that is the kitchen.
As they enter a beautiful woman comes to meet them
Tenchi: I'm back
He looks at the girls but as he was about to introduce the girls Itsuki runs and hugs her
Itsuki: Aunty!
Anesan: Oh look at who we got here. It seems Raku gathered all of you!
She goes and gives them all a hug individually they all were confused
Anesan: why are you acting so strange to me...oh could it be Itsuki didn't tell you
She looks away
Anesan: Rena and Nanako's childhood friend
The Quintuplets and Hana were shocked
Anesan: Wow you all look exactly like your mothers...Oh, no...its going to reopen soon. We can talk once were done...Don't even think about escaping
Tenchi: Tsk
Ichika: Umm ma'am
Anesan: Call me aunty. we are practically family
Ichika: (Aren't you a little young to be called aunty...wait she had Tenchi too...) Au-aunty what are we doing here
Anesan: Oh didn't Raku tell you?
They shook their heads
Anesan: You're helping out Heaven and Earth cafe
The girls looked at each other and then looked at Tenchi and laughed
Tenchi: Ugh shut up she decided to change the name when I started remodeling the place this week
They laughed more
Yotsuba and Sawako were a little confused
Tenchi: They are making fun of the fact means heaven and earth...meaning the cafe is named after me...
Sawako: I think its a great name...
but she mumbled to herself and no one heard her
Yotsuba: It's awesome! I love that name. I want to be named after something too
Tenchi with tears in his eyes went up to her and grabs her hands and puts them of hers as he looks her in the eye
Tenchi: Yotsuba! your the only one who understands me
she started blushing badly then Tenchi remembers he doesn't have much time
Tenchi: Ok now here's your positions.
Everyone: Such a fast change
Tenchi: Ok first Itsuki you will be the greeter and be everyone first impression. I think this position suits you because you have the best first impression when it comes to people and your very diligent. I know you got this. Ask Anesan for questions
She because red but plays it off
Itsuki: Well...its for Aunty then I guess I'll help
Tenchi: Great, Miku you will go to the game room. You will be providing entertainment for the guest.
Miku: ...Me*she points to herself ( I have no talents...)
Tenchi: Yup you will ask questions of Japanese history. Whatever you like
He said with a wink
Tenchi: if they get 8 out of 10 they get a free meal, 9 out of 10 they get a gift. 10 out of 10 a picture of whatever person who works here
Fuu: Why is the picture the number one prize
Tenchi: Well all of you girls are attractive. I'm sure they would love pictures with you!
Miku: So...I can ask any questions about the history
Tenchi: This is a cafe that deals with all things in Japan
Right when Miku was about to say something he went on to the next person causing her to complain iin her head
Tenchi: Ichika you will be cosplaying as a Miko. You will be blessing the girls with prays