Chapter 48 - Date with Chitoge (1/2)
Tenchi woke up in his bed covered in sweat. His breathing was heavy and he looked around to regain his bearing
Tenchi: That dream...was it a premonition...or what...
I had a dream last night. It was strange, due to the fact there was nothing but me. I traveled for what it seems like years...Suddenly I came across Joker who is surrounded by ruins and dead bodies
Joker was the one who saved me and Baki when we were in over our heads fighting someone at least at mythology rank but then he died I guess.
I don't remember much of what we spoke about...but I remember one thing
Tenchi: He said the path I'm taking is a thorny road...and I will know to suffer the way and the likes of which no one has ever known.
Tenchi opens his storage and sees Mari in her coat shinki and Botan in her shoe shink
Tenchi: well no matter what happens Mari will always ground me and Botan will always make me remember where I came from...
Tenchi had left early in the morning with Anesan to get his license. The DMV was connected to a friend of the old man so he was able to speed things up quickly and take his test and get his license that day.
As he was doing that in the Nanako household
Itsuki was contemplating on if she should tell her sisters about Tenchi and his connection to their mother.
Nino who is making everyone breakfast notices Itsuki doesn't seem like herself
When she placed the food down for the girls to eat She called Itsuki
Ichika: Itsuki is everything alright you been making strange faces
Mika: Yeah...ever since you got back from Nura's place
Yoshiba: Now that I think about it. you came back pretty late
She said putting her finger on her cheek
Ichika: Yeah...I beat you home which was surprising
Nino: that guy didn't do anything to you did he
she said with an intimidating aura causing Itsuki to get scared
Itsuki: no he.he
she started blushing thinking about the hug
Nino: What did that creep do
Ichika: Oh my
Itsuki waved her hands: no... I saw him.
she started blushing to recall being mistaken for her mother
Itsuki: umm..nothing happen...Sorry I'm not hungry
she runs off to her room!
Yotsuba: I think something did happen between the two
Mika begin pouting muttering to herself stupid Nura
Ichika thought to herself that she'd find out during the shoot on Monday...thinking maybe she should support her little sister
Nino was planning to make Tenchi pay for whatever happened between the two
Chitoge was deciding what to wear. For some reason, she seemed excited
Tsugumi sees Chitoge is deciding what outfit to wear
Tsugumi: Did that guy really ask you out on a date
Chitoge: umm yeah
She holds her outfit against her and looks in the mirror she then gets changes and asks Tsugumi how it looks
Tsugumi: You look beautiful as always young mistress ...but its strange he called you telling you to meet up at the station
Chitoge is at the station and is looking around suddenly a man in a red motorcycle
He stops in front of her
Tenchi: Hey little beauty. You're looking really good today well, I'm not surprised. Why not hop on and I'll take you on an exciting date
She didn't recognize the voiced when he spoke so she thought he was just trying to pick on her
She looked pissed off and was about to say something
Chitoge: (doesn't he know who I am)
on the side, some of the Beehive members were following Chitoge in the shadows noticed him approaching. They were going to get rid of him
Then Tenchi takes off his helmet
Tenchi: Sorry its hard to speak in these things.
Tenchi eyes Chitoge body and freezes
He sees her s.e.xy legs beautiful face wearing new lipgloss, her outfit made her look 10 times more attractive than normal