Chapter 32 - Wait...dont they know Its me... (1/2)

He glares at Tenchi

Brother: dear you! My sister is the cutest

5 minutes later they are arguing about

Tenchi: My little sister kissed me on the cheek and told me she wants to want to marry me...

The brother felt like he was stabbed

Brother: Ugh well my sis-sister...used to take baths with me

Tenchi: My sister still takes baths with me oh I have pictures

He showed pictures of him washing one of his little sisters back

Brother: you can give sisters bath...I thought only maids do that

Tenchi: haha I lived the life as a commoner

Brother: well...your brother and sister so it's not like you can actually get married

Tenchi: Oh we're not related by blood so it's alright

He fell on his knees felt like he was defeated

Tenchi: of my little sisters fell for someone through

Brother: what! how could you allow that to happen

Tenchi looking smug smiles: I set her up with him...he became my apprentice...and I trained him...he now is her boyfriend but he only focuses on martial arts. They haven't even held hands or gone on a date. I trained him hard to be the perfect guy for my sister...

The brother looked at Tenchi with stars in his eyes: Amazing

Tenchi: haha

Brother: For now on your my Aniki

Tenchi: Sure little brother...What is your name by the way

Brother: My name is Masaomi Arisugawa

The mother was getting upset and was about to say something when

Tenchi: Oh...(Arisugawa prince...rumor is he is cold to everyone but his sister...oh I see now) Speaking of stuff little brother come here for a moment

Tenchi Drags him to the side and ask

Tenchi: So...why isn't the head of the Arisugawa family engage...

Masaomi: Umm...I want to marry my

Tenchi: You're attracted to men right

He was shocked and embarrassed....he didn't know how to respond. If he admits it...he felt it wouldn't due... but...he has never been attracted to a woman...he needed to produce an heir in the fact, part of the rush engagement of his sister was because he was always acting like the way he does...but he still is a sis-con

Masaomi bit his lip before responding in a whisper: Aniki...I...*sigh* I am more attracted to men...but not like girly men...

Tenchi: So there is nothing wrong with that...

Masaomi: THERE IS

He shouted but then realize someone might hear him and said quietly

Masaomi: there is...I'm the heir of the Arisugawa family and...our family is in a...anyway

Tenchi: why not I set you up with someone...


Tenchi: Here look at this picture

Masaomi: Who is this...he's cute... a lovely skin...and short hair.

Tenchi: Well what do you think..

Masaomi: well yes he's my type but

Tenchi: cool I set you up..hold on

Tenchi made a phone call to someone and talked for a bit and they went inside

Mother: Masaomi you were acting a fool in public like this and being dragged to the side like that...both are a disgrace

Masaomi: My apologies mother...

He sits down

After a moment of silence, she looks at her daughter...Tenchi looked at her and saw she has long straight blonde hair, it is however tied into a bun at the back decorated with flowers, and her bangs are covering her forehead. She has turquoise-sapphire eyes and fair skin.

Mother: The head of Sayuri-sama family clan has agreed to your married. To marry within that family is a tremendous honor. The young master is said to have amassed a fortune and is said to travel helping out many people...

Sayuri: I'm shocked you are marrying my brother...but he is strong grandmaster so he will live a long life

Tenchi: eh...what does that mean...Kimachi clan

Sayuri: Oh I never told you...but Kimachi is the name of my mother. I took it when my sister Wakana passed away. But I'm a member of the Misaki family well I distance myself from them through...I haven't seen or talked with any of them in like 10 years

Tenchi: wait...Misaki family...

Sayuri: You're shocked...oh my father is coming today in a few minutes so you can meet him

Tenchi froze

Sayuri: Well your strong so I'm sure he will like you. He should be bringing my brother too

Suddenly there is a knock on the door

Maid: There is a man here to see you

Sayuri: that must be him. Come on in

suddenly the room was surprised and Masaomi was the biggest and he looked at him blushing and then he glares at Tenchi

Tenchi ignores his glare and calms down

Tenchi: Mother...I would like to introduce you to someone

Mother face twitched when he called her that

Mother: don't call me that. I am Houko Arisugawa

Tenchi: Ok...mother this is someone I would like you to meet. Its a friend of mine

guy: Tenchi Why did you drag me here. I was suddenly thrown here...what is it

Tenchi: Don't mind...I found you a partner...your family was saying that you needed to find one. This person is perfect for you

Guy: Really They are ok with me. Most of the interviews say no when they see me...

Tenchi: They are stupid...oh mother. I would like you to meet a new candidate for a fiance

Houko: What does a commoner know about marriage interviews. Clearly judging from his clothes he goes to a good prep school but the family background is important. Plus I have someone for Reiko

Tenchi: Damn lady calm down. First of all my friend is the heir of the Tachibana family. You know the one famous for their police department

She was shocked. She heard because of them there was the head is the police. They never talk about the children through.

Tenchi: Oh and my friend is for Masaomi, not Reiko

The room went quiet

Tenchi: ... this beautiful guy is strong, smart and wealthy...and a woman named Hotaru Tachibana

Everyone looked at Hotaru

Mother: You're a woman?

Hotaru: Yes!

Sayuri: what size b.r.e.a.s.t are you

Hotaru almost cried

Reiko: And you're tall

She started crying

Tenchi: Geeze you're all mean. She is naturally tall and has no burst

She then takes out a gun and starts shooting at Tenchi

Hotaru: You're the worst of them

Tenchi dodges them and yells calling her a crazy women

But Masaomi goes to her... and bends down

Masaomi: Will you marry me

She blushes hard and instead of saying yes she askes: do you like paintball...