Chapter 29 - Long time no see Satori... (2/2)

Tenchi: yeah that was a close one..but you know what could heal it...

Rin: what! tell us anything we will do it

Mary: Ja

Tenchi: I have to be intimate with someone I love the more intimate *coughs up blood*

Rin/ Mary: TENCHI

They ran to Tenchi's side

Tenchi: Sorry I have internal injuries...

Mary quickly takes off her shirt

Rin: What are you doing

Mary: He said the more intimate he is with them he will heal. You saw his power maybe I...I will give my first time to him

Rin: No-No you wont. I am forced to give him mine

She starts removing her shirt and they realized they are in their underwear when they saw some blood on Tenchi chest and they were worried

Tenchi: Sorry...I wanted our first time to be special

Rin/ Mary: First time...are you a v.i.r.g.i.n

Tenchi smiles without saying anything

Rin: I have to go first... I knew him longer and we have a larger kiss him then we switch till his wounds are healed...

Mary: I hate to admit it but your right...

That night Tenchi took both of their first times... They were hammered so much that they were shocked... Tenchi healed them through so all the girls were feeling better in the morning...way better...

The girls looked at Tenchi and saw he was doing better but they realized what they had done and blushed hard got changed real quick tellingTenchi not to say a word or he was dead. Then ran out...

They were worried their sisters were also worried...luckily They were also...tired...

Tenchi couldn't remember how but he was drunk as f.u.c.k last night.

Tenchi: how did I get drunk...I first went to the vice principals office and we drunk some juice called chuhi. They were sweet so I had a few and then...she was talking about being older than 30 and single so I told her drinking s.e.m.e.n helps lower age and she pulled down my pants and drunk my...and we...

After that, I went to Warabi's room...and everything was normal but I slept with Satori...then the bears and Warabi...then I went to see Rin and Mary So I went to their bed and started playing with them...first Rin's room and ...I realized that it was Nono...she told me to keep it a secret from her sister she then kissed me and...I then went to Mary's room and after jumping at her...I realized it was Chouka who tied me with a whip and ...she told me to keep it a secret from her sister...

Tenchi: Then I went back here and took Rin's and Mary...because they felt bad about my injuries that were fake...I'm a real piece of shit


Those said girls were all thinking the same

Girls: I just had s.e.x with Tenchi Kya! but I have to keep it a secret otherwise the school or my family would harm him...he is just a commoner


Tenchi feeling horrible heads to school really early and on the way, he sees a very beautiful girl. Her skin is very white and pale. Her hair is long white-silver and has red eyes. She doors her outfit of Miko. she has a pigtail and eyes are closed...Tenchi realized this was Tsukuyo Inaba....the only one of the 5 swords that he couldn't gain much info on...

Tsukuyo: cough...your style

Tenchi: hmm what is it little beauty

She blushes but retains her face

Tsukuyo: Your style of combat the FÅ«rinji Style but a lesser version of it. also, only people of the clan can use that...and only people of the clan can use it...there was a person who mastered our style but he was presumed dead...does you learning our style mean you are connected to Hya...

before she could finish Tenchi smiled his red eye shined greatly and the girl whom he was attracted to before he grabs her by the neck and slams her into a tree about to choke her to death!