Chapter 9 - And the victor is... (1/2)

Tenchi and Toka went to get their stations to make their Ramen

after an hour Sayuri said they should present their meals and both of them said the same thing

Sayuri was the first one done. Tenchi was surprised at her choice. Tenchi knew right away the type of Ramen she was impressive but she made the same mistake

Toka presented her dish and as soon as she presented it the room went crazy

Sayuri: what is this!

Tenchi just ignored them and shook his head as everyone gushed at her ramen

Aiko: it's good. It makes me feel so good just by eating it. Especially the soup. I never had such amazing soup in my life

Reiko: I agree with Aiko. I have to say she deserves s to be a graduate of that school.

Sayuri: The smell is strong. It's like a battle between a fisherman and a great big fish

They all imagine that they were fish who cloths were being caught by Toka

Toka looks at Tenchi and gave him a bowl

Tenchi: Wow it's better than I thought...but it still lacking

her face twitches

The remains of her noodles seem to have disappeared. She figured it was the 5 blades

Tenchi didn't care he presented his food to the judges and one to Toka and what he served pissed her off

Toka: SHOYU Ramen! You challenge me with the most common Japanese ramen

Tenchi: haha just try it

They were disappointed compared to Toka's dish, his dish looked plain.

The judges tried it every one of the judges had tears in their eyes and couldn't stop eating. They didn't say anything and the room was quiet

they finished it and looked at Tenchi and just said

Judges: it was good! thank you

Sayuri: we know who won now...

Toka: what but you were all crying...its because it tasted so bad right

Tenchi: Why not try it yourself

She did and as soon as she did she was hit with her happiest memory. Her cooking food for her mother, father and sister and her father praising her for her cooking saying she should be a chef...this was before he passed away...

She had tears in her eyes

Sayuri: while your ramen was great...the soup in it overpowered the noodles

Toka: huh

Aiko: it was like a soup that had noodles in it

Reiko: but Nura-sama dish was different. it had a perfect blend ratio of flavor that matches perfectly

Toka looks at Tenchi and asked what mistake did she make

Tenchi: You made an amazing Ramen but you made a mistake when making your Ramen! You forgot The heavier the soup, the lighter the noodle you want,” is the counterintuitive rule of thumb for noodle-broth matching.

Toka: how, how could I have made such a rookie mistake

Tenchi: it happens to the best of us. You may have been so focus on bringing the soup to perfection you forgot the basics...I'm a martial artist I know that even I have to work on my basics sometimes...

Saiyuri stands up

Sayuri: and the winner is

Toka continues to finish Tenchi's ramen

Sayuri: TENCHI

Tenchi: Jackpot

Tenchi fixes his jacket and as he does the girls all felt like all their clothes were burned off

They screamed covering themselves but then notices they were still wearing their uniforms

a masked girl just holding her clothes after trying the food said he's dangerous


Then it was time for the welcoming party but Tenchi receives a phone call asking him to return to the mansion...

Tenchi decided he will go after he finishes this party they all set up for him.


The party seems to be a ballroom dance the girls are all wearing pretty dresses...I am holding myself back because these girls elegance makes them look even better than normal.

The MVP is Reiko who is wearing a long blue dress showing off her huge b.o.o.b.s

Reiko notices his gaze and ask

Reiko: is there something the matter Tenchi-sama

Tenchi: No I was just mesmerized by your beauty...It made me want to sing and dance

Reiko: they have danced like these in the common world?

Tenchi shakes his head

Tenchi: No but I am a ballroom professional dancer...want to dance