Chapter 26 Part1 (1/2)
To The Forest
―― Forest
To be more accurate it’s forest (TLN: Both words means the same, it probably means a more denser forest than normal)
In general it can be said that, it’sa place where a large a en masse
When expressed in words it may sound simple however, in present day japan, no even in the past japan, a thing which si to which japanese people are not very familiar with (TLN: Mori)
In japan forest boasts about 70 of it’s territory(Tln: shi+nrin), because of it’sof forest is equal to row thickly, in rows and create sohts in places, japanese people tends to remember (a?) mountain
Certainly that’s also a forest but, it may be said that there are inconsistencies to the forest said to be in the west
Europe, from olden days it was a land only of forest Forest wasn’t only on rounds and hills, it was everywhere where people could live, it blocked off all types of connections/ relationshi+ps between people
一The reason was because if one entered death will constantly be beside the beasts such as stray dogs, wolves, bears and tigers also the saether disturbed a person’s sense of directionAt that ti the forest, to the people who lived at that ti to do
The forest was also a place which gave people blessings, on the contrary there is no doubt that it became one of the factors which prevented the development of people
So a forest is an unfa to japanese people Thus these forestare soet lost, feels inexpressible terror, otherwise if to rele, it can only be correctlythought of in ones iination
Suimei who left the business caravan and entered the forest to chase after Lefille, for quite a while was following the trace of her
一Detemined to not meet up, and to not cause trouble for the business caravan, to get away from them Lefille was in quite a hurry If it’s her ithout a complain in accordance to Galeo’s wish left the caravan, it’s not strange that she took such an action
While walking and searching for Lefille, Suimei looked up towards the cloudy sky which hard to come by in this umbrella like forest and thinks
(A savage land After all like wild beast, in a fantasy demons will appear like it is natural……)
一I only halt for a little while to take a break I lean on the tree which is in front of ulp down the water which was in thecanteen, after drinking a mouthful I breath out exquisitely Most likely the deree of dangers,the other world’s forest is erous than the forest from the world from the other side
To say nothing of the attacks fro there is not a single village for considerable a, reclai trees, the nu forever
Ina sense it’s a wide area boundary fence which contains all sorts of danger, and prevents any sorts of domain erosion
(I who on my own free will stepped foot in such a place, I’m such a……)
Is it praiseworthy, am I not just a fool? Even if I ask er Meanwhile, before drinking water again, I ask ain
「――I’ yourself,but can you please forgiveme? 」
I say to the nervous so a sword slash fro of that sharpness, were planning to cut trees and everything along with it in half? It was done (before?)
In that silent forest those flat words of Suirass could be heard, and he heard the perplexed voice of a familiar person
「……Suimei kun? Why are you here?」
「Well, it’s just as you see I ca after you 」