190 You Prepared Evidence? (1/2)

The Preparations

On the other side of Bluesea

Top twenty Rankings Manias were preparing for the Intermediate Contemplation Battles.

Their genius participants were selected after a number of interschool competitions.

The air seemed tense among top ten Ranking Manias, they were preparing to outdo each other in these competitions.

Travel beasts were hired by the respected Schools a few months ago.

A number of experts and previous geniuses and elders of hundred over Manias were heading toward Competition Demesne* in the hope to spectate thrilling Intermediate Contemplation Battles.

Legends were using Transfer Blazon* to reach directly at the Competition Demesne.

Three prosperous and great Manias were selected responsible for every activity in the Intermediate Contemplation Battles Venue.

Guardian Beasts along with strict Wardenguards were employed to check the criminal activities or listen to the complaints of any irresponsible or loose attitude.

”Go tell them_its time to go_!!” an elder who was given charge of bringing the disciples in the competition demesne beckoned his attendant to give them the signal for their departure.

Slowly the empty strange void and its adjacent million square areas started to brim with the crowd.

The respectable Standings of different powerful Manias were given special privileges like high alters to spectate and lodges.

There were no judges, only one announcer, who would announce the beginning of any Battle and would announce who sustained until the end.

”I am beginning curious_how did you prepared your geniuses_?” an elder who just happened to reach the place...settled his disciples and went in the transparent grand cabins where powerful and influential people were sitting..he asked his friend.

”Blood and sweat my dear_if you wanted to shine then you have to sacrifice your rest_!!” he answered nonchalantly.

The elder shot up his brows minding the meaning of his friend.

This Competition demesne was also walking the track to show off the strength of few individuals, like the Higher Standings of powerful Manias and other capable Legends would bring their mighty Escort Sentients to tell others....what they achieved in previous years.

It was not the place for ordinary and weaklings.

From the previous fifty years...Defender of the Celestial Sphere did not bother to attend these competition battles.

Fifty years ago...he had to appear for a critical matter to solve.

Five out of Seven Crowns of top ten Manias were also coming this time because their heir was ready to shine in the Celestial Sphere Sky...!

This was a big event this time then...

Big event because their powers were unmatchable...and some, one hundred and fifty years ago they were strongest contenders for the seat of Highest Standing... the Defender of Celestial Sphere which present Defender...Defender Xuan Rong won with his capability, power, and intellect.

Though they accepted their defeat apparently they were never contented with it.

They harbor a deep grudge against Defender Xuan Rong but they were unable to advertise it.

Their gathering on one place could flame any evil spark against Defender Xuan Rong.

Three of them brought their sons while two brought their nephews.