186 Humans Are Trusted (1/2)
This was no more ordinary issue..!!
Everyone was ordered to leave the pool until further orders..!!
They reached the mansion.
It was not built like human architecture
Its high ends towers were presenting a sight of fantasy castle...big...grand castle.
”Father! Essence Shower Pool is near to collapse_there is strange purple vine with few weird flowers_its sucking the Essence of the Pool_!!” male child of Crown Martinet related concerning.
”Call the Experts of human colony_!!” he ordered one of the guardian beast.
Soon after...four experts were brought in front of Crown Sky Thunder Martinet.
They were wearing exquisite white robs and were looking holy beings.
”Oldest Experts pay respects to Crown Martinet...!!” they bowed.
”There is problem with the Essence Pool_see if you could solve or let me know...how much severe it is...for the beasts...!!!”
They bowed and left with the guardian beasts.
”Father! I suspected something of the fourth Prime of human colony_!!”
Male Martinet spoke up.
”What kind of suspicion_you hold toward fourth Prime of human colony_?” Crown Martinet looked at his son meaningfully.
”I am not sure_but it is possible that the fourth Prime is involved in this matter_!!”
”Are you implying that this matter is deep rooted_somehow fourth Prime is involved_??_? What made you suspicious_?” Crown Martinet asked with visible fury.
”I noticed his movements early_it seemed that he was hardly trying to compose himself in front of Crown_!!” he said thoughtfully.
”Ah! It cannot be a concrete prove of his disloyalty...you can go and keep an eye on their movements_if there is concrete prove_I will not spare any disloyal_!!” Crown Martinet ordered furiously...!!
Jen and co. heard his threatening order and were not sure whether the Prime human was actually guilty of disloyalty.
But it was not their concern.
Evening was near.
A human chef was brought from the human colony to prepare the dinner for guests..!!
Night Demon Cave
With the fall of evening... the cave lit itself.
The stone of which this grand cave was made was Nightlight Stone...!!!
The sole characteristics of this stone was to light in the night.
As soon as darkness fell...this Nightlight Stone would emit light to lit the surrounding..!!
This was the single cave in the whole Macabre Dwelling which was prohibited for the outsiders as well as inhabitants to visit.
It was called Night Demon Cave.
Its name was not only to get some spotlight but in actuality it was the habitat of Night Demon Beast Clan...!!!