161 The Real Noble 2 (1/2)

The messy girl woke up in the early morning, she looked around bewildered, ”Who brought me here_?” A small portion of food was also there, ”Who fed me_?” she smoothed her hand on her belly to feel that she was not starving but after the night she was hungry again.

She extended her hand and pick up the food and stuffed hurriedly in her mouth, fearing that someone might snatch from her. ”Whoever brought it_ must be generous_ I am sure_!!” she did not forget to praise the unknown.

”Wait for for_ what...?” she remembered that she saw a hand grabbing her when she was half conscious.

She checked the precious combing brush, someone might have found that she had a precious combing brush, it was meaningless, who would think that she had combing brush! If she had one, why she wanders around with messy hair?

While she combed her hair, she took the hairpin to adjust on her hair but it was simply the hardest job, she did not know how to adjust a hairpin on the hair.

”Should I ask someone_? No, I can't_ they would make fun of my ignorance_!!” she dusted her clothes and stood up.

It was the first time that she came out from her abode with combed straight hair, not a messy one. She walked opposite side mindlessly.

She saw from afar, a noble-looking girl sitting on a rock and engrossed in her Contemplation.

She came close and remembered the girl, she saved her from colliding with the huge rock yesterday, if she had not saved her, she would have broken into thousands of pieces.

She came close her and stood there silently.

She was waiting for Jen to open her eyes and see her.

Jen was completely absorbed in her study.

After a long while, she sensed the unharmed presence of someone around her and she opened her eyes.

The messy girl felt that this girl was really some noble, her calm and bright eyes were soothing, her clothes were expensive, her appearance was fairy-like, her presence itself was great.

She was looking at Jen with wide open eyes.

”May I know_ what brought this sister here_?” after waiting long for the girl to initiate, Jen asked.

The word sister was enough to give her the courage to speak.

”Mm...This senior_ could you help me to settle this hairpin...?” she asked nervy-got-edgy still nervous, she extended her both hands one holding combing brush and other holding hairpin.

”Come and sit_ I'll fix it for you_!!” Jen did not mind instead she politely gestured her.

Jen carefully combed her hair, long black hair was neatly fixed in a bun, Jen told her how to settle the hairpin too.

She stood up and bowed to Jen, ”I am called Annchi... how may I address this senior...?” if other veteran disciples happened to see her; polite, mannerly mood, they would have definitely spurted blood.

”You can call me, Jen_!!” Jen simply answered.

”I am heading toward class... thank you this senior Jen...!!” she bade her goodbye and happily walked away.

As usual, she came late and sat at the far behind of all.

In the class, they might take a breath too much slow, they feared to offend the mentor, but after the class, they would resume their vagabond natures, such as peerless veterans.

As they stood up after the class was ended, they saw the messy girl who was no messier, combed hair! What on earth? Just that they silently rushed from the class, they did not want to fuss here!

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The first disciple also looked from the gaping of their walking heads, he nodded with a slight smile.

They head toward the food store, Annchi naturally followed them, ”Hey you_ what's your name_?” a veteran boy pointed toward her and asked while walking.

She was still in her worn out clothes but her fixed hair was enough to attract the attention of others.

This was enough to anger her.

”Whatever my name_ its none of your business_!!” she turned her head away, how could she digest such a rude way to ask her name.

”Hey_ keep cool_ I did not murder your parents_ why are you angry_?” veterans were like this... Annchi started boiling at high temperature.

”You are spouting carelessly_ better keep a good look at your mouth_ !!” she was wrapping up her sleeves to tackle this badmouth.

The first disciple also came today to have breakfast here, he shook her head.