”Then avenge and get back that herb for your father,” Jen put her hand on her shoulder, if she had time for more study she would have taken avenge for her father then but before this, she was brought her here by her great grandfather.

She was ready to help avenge Ni Han for her father, sigh, there was no other choice.

”Where could be the man who snatched Sagebrush?” while they were walking Jen asked Ni Han. ”He is the president of Offenders Shillelagh and we could find him there,” Ni Han thought and replied after a moment.

”Then let's move toward Offenders Shillelagh,” they hurried pace their pace.

At the entrance of Offender Shillelagh, they were stopped by the guards but before they stopped them Ni Han triggered live screen and proclaimed, ”President of Offenders Shillelagh offended me and I challenge him on the offenders' arena.”

These screens were displayed in every square of Central City and this live challenge everybody heard and saw the girl who challenged.

A common girl was being offended by President of Offenders Shillelagh, what would do president Ruohan, who would win? Endless gossip and discussion started this way, people immediately made their way to Offenders Shillelagh to see who would carry out in the end.

'This girl can't back down once she challenged, she might lose her life, never stop, she was Sage Monarch, a girl Sage Monarch in the Verdant Mountain Manias, I am sure this challenge would be thrilling', people gathered and discussed various pieces of information about the challenge.

The second Realm of Contemplation Cultivation was Sage and it was further divided into five big Levels from which the first level was Stone Sage.

Being the first level of Sage Realm Stone Sage was the first about the study of core essence energy in one's body and the batter the study and understanding of Essence Energy, the more chances to open energy Acmes Pairs to bring the power level on higher grades.

Sage in itself was fearsome Realm; cultivators go through every means to reach higher grades. Rack Sage was the second Level of Sage Realm, just like its name Rack Sage, it was starting of gathering mass energy clouds but still broken because it was just second level.

Monarch Sage which was the third Level of the second Realm, the clouds of bulk energy essence start to make a pool of energy in the opened Acmes Pairs and the Monarch Sage started to guide this energy with complete control over the situation, if Sage Monarch retreat his dominion suddenly it would not affect his body severely.