90 War Gong (1/2)

General Wong came and bowed to Head Defender, ”General Wong reporting to Head Defender,” she nodded and asked, ”What is the present condition of border.”

”Reporting to Head Defender, it is expected that within twelve hours they will start disturbance from enemy side.”

”Prepare and compose your troops for any time invasion and we will cover the troops.”

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Xing Mu Dynasty East Border

A sturdy and covered with iron suit, General was sitting in his camp, his aura was blood shot, he was General of East border of Xing Mu Dynasty and was waiting for King's Order, he was little impatient. If it were in his means he would not have waited for King's Order.

He was prepared for war any time soon but he needed Veteran Experts to cover them up and he was delighted to hear the news that Xing Mu Dynasty produced formidable Adroit Expert. It was more than news.

He was suppressing his grudge for many years, now he was impatient to equal the score.

A messenger came and handed red envelop from King, Adroit Expert and Veterans were reaching soon and King gave them free hand to massacre on large scale.

He was delighted to read the King's Order.

Who could possibly stop them from great annexation?

Devil smile appeared on his face.

He ordered his sub-ordinate to get ready the front.