16 Rage And Inferno Stage (1/2)

How could this Inferno be cruel to her to make worse her good memories_??

She shouted and attacked with the help of her third layer of Fury Rage Stage.

She herself was shocked at her own fierce attack.

Her reaction acute through the fifth layer was strong but her reaction was strongest.. though layer counter attacked in first few attempts her fury was at its peak.

The layer itself got silent after a few days... it reacted and accepted Jen as the lord of its dominion.

What it could be else...??

It took her at the cost of her own peace.

She felt the anger in her.. which was not present before her attack... with gain there is a loss too.

Another sigh...she felt..with the achievement of her understanding... she was also getting new experiences toward a complete nature.

Insights were truly strange for commoners...she thought that she was no more an ordinary commoner...as she thought it.. she directly charged into the sixth layer of Absolute Stage.

After she entered she felt emptiness...this layer and its dominion were largest without any doubt... but why it was empty like this..??

Slowly she walked around...but was still in a daze.. when she felt, it slowly got worse... the temperature of her surrounding rose up to the extent that was unbearable.

Her body felt tearing and burning sensation exactly.

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It was not on the side...it was outside.

The surrounding atmosphere of her fleshly body got worsen.

This was rational too...and pressing her down willingly... trying to convert her into nothingness.

Heat enveloped her completely_!!

Her first reaction was a horrible event to herself... then she calmed down gradually.

There were times in human life when he thinks that he is just a small insect in front of nature_!!

She borrowed Absolute Peace_from the depths of Yellow River_ then converted it into cold radiance_that cold radiance entered in her heart_and from there circulated in her whole body_!!