Chapter 232 - To a new city (2/2)
The guidebook that Balthazar received from Kiran had a few general suggestions except for the recipes of such consumables. Even with his current skill set, Balthazar could force his horses to ride at a fast pace making his travel time 10 times faster than himself even though the horses aren't at the same level as him.
He had occasionally fed them and level the two horses twice bringing them to level 17, but still it was much less than his speed. Luckily the Clydesdales were a strong breed which were capable of running at more than 10 times his speed at their fastest pace. So, alternating them by keeping one in the pet pouch and mounting the other and interchanging them at small intervals could reduce his travel time to a bit above half an hour.
The good thing about doing this was that riding mounts and feeding them was a good way to slowly level them up too. So, his plan would also increase them by a level and moreover, the fact that he is going to use them on proper road made sure that there wouldn't be much danger and with a pair of horses he could outrun any ambushes that might happen on the road at this stage of the game.
Sticking to these old tricks that he had come to know from his past life, he made to the city gates in a little above 40 minutes in the game. As he reached the destination he found that the city was not as he had expected. He didn't get a chance to move around in the Five elements empire as much, but as always had expected it to be built like a proper city with large wall and a lot of open space and a number of merchants bustling around continuously like in the White Heart City.
The sight he got was quite different. The city had a very dark atmosphere. There were rows of pikes placed all around the city walls. A number of dead fae impaled and left near the gates which was clearly a kind of warning. It was not a city at peace but like a military fort that was at war with the nation beside it. The entire entrance looked quite gruesome and it was definitely not for the faint of heart. He found it hard to believe that the game put such scenes in a public place.
Looking at the scene, Balthazar understood why Kiriti suggested that he not go for the quest, but he had already stepped into it and the fact that the deacon referenced to some power within him, he was sure that it was to the Mask of Shadows. So, he was determined to enter the city.
The walls were all black and had a bunch of spikes attached to them. On their top one could clearly see a number of ballistae and arrow shooters with a number of personnel moving on guard. There were also occasional patrols riding on giant hawks on that could be seen.
Kiriti told him that he would arrange for someone to meet him at the city, but no one was there waiting for him. So, he put in a message to Kiriti that he had arrived at the city and had his horse trot through the city gates.
A couple of guards were at the gates and they checked to see if he was a fae and gave a couple of instructions before registering him at the gate and letting him enter. The person who registered him was a player who was doing guard duty and he had asked him about his mount.
”Ya, I had received mounting skill book,” replied Balthazar taking a chance to look at the person more clearly. He had assumed that it was just an NPC till he heard the question.
”Are you from Murk Water town?” asked the person named Salket.
”I am. I guess someone posted about me and my mount in the forums,” answered Balthazar with a smile.
”Good. How about we have a deal?” asked Salket. ”You provide me with information about the mount skill and I will provide you with the latest information on the city. Sitting here, I tend to notice a lot about who goes in and out. It is a better deal than anyone else can offer you.”
”That is quite true. Your job here allows you to gather a lot of information on players movements. So, tell me which guild you are from?” asked Balthazar.
”Why do you think I am from a guild?”
”There are four gates and suggesting that this the best deal that anyone here can offer implies that there are someone observing at the other gates and you guys cooperate. So, at the very least you are not alone, and I know that sitting here all-day round doesn't provide much experience or money. Reputation is a different thing. So, I believe that you wouldn't sit here if you weren't asked by your guild to do so.”
”Oh! You are quite clever. Didn't expect it of you as you came strutting on your horse publicly telling everyone that you know about mounting skills,” said Salket.
”Just confident that I can escape,” answered Balthazar smiling.