Chapter 231 - Tier 1 (2/2)
It was a time, he could get to completion of the adventurers association to take the test for becoming a tier 1 adventurer. This was a categorization of the adventurers in the adventurers association. The advantage of taking the test for this categorization is that a player would have better privileges if he was of a higher tier in the association. It had no effect on the levels of the players, but the higher the level of a player when he completes the test, the less rewarding it is. This was common for all the tiers of adventurers.
Apart from this information, which was public, Balthazar had a bit more information due to his experience in past life. There was one good thing about the quest, that once a player took it his level would be capped till, he finished or aborted the quest. The experience stored would be used to elevate the player's level once they successfully completed the quest but would be lost if they aborted it.
The quest would be graded based on the level and the completion rate. Aborting once causes the grade of completion to be dropped by a level even if the person had a 100% completion rate the next time. The tier 1 quest also usually gave player opportunities to get special jobs. So, he wanted to take the quest as soon as possible and complete it at level 20. He failed to do so in his past life and that was something he regretted in the game continuously. It made a lot of difference, especially in using special skill and the like.
He stopped with creation of the potions and went to the adventurers association to take up the quest. As he went into the adventurers association of the town, he was greeted by a receptionist. On requesting for a tier 1 quest, he was immediately shown a list of quests. They ranged from clearing a bandit cave in the forest, to wild beasts in the marshes. Quite a few of them also referred him to go to the coastal guard and the temple of the twelve.
Having joined the game two years after it started in his previous life, he had never seen these many quests. The usual one was to clear a dungeon close by which was at level 25, but one could enter if they accepted the tier 1 quest. He immediately understood that the others were special quests which could provide him with special jobs or skills.
He had an urge to try to get to the coastal guard but after a few seconds of thought, he decided that the temple of twelve was a better option as coastal guard special skill would probably only make him better at water based locations. He made his way to the temple of the twelve. As he walked into the temple, the deacon called greeted him.
”I heard you have been busy. It seems that you made a good impression on both Mr. Theodore and lieutenant Bloom,” said the deacon smiling at him. ”What do you require now, adventurer?”
”I have been to the adventurers association for getting a tier 1 qualification and was told that the temple could use with a bit of assistance,” answered Balthazar.
”Oh! That. We have quite a few things that you could help with. On completion, the church will give recommendation to the adventurers association that you are a tier 1 capable adventurer,” said the deacon as a list of quests were provided to him. The list had about a hundred quests that Balthazar was surprised that there were so many of them. As he was looking through them, the deacon interrupted him.
”I see that you are in possession of some power of shadows and you have a profession which suits the power. So, I would suggest you go to the shadow glen near the city of the Wightbarne. There seems to be some sort of unnatural presence and the branch of the church has asked for assistance,” suggested the deacon.
New Quest: Blight of the Wightbarne. (Tier 1 qualification quest)
Quest Description: An unnatural disease plagues the area near the city of Wightbarne. The church has requested your assistance. Contact the priest at the city to get more details.
Quest Rewards: Based on completion rate. Currently unknown.
Taking the quest, Balthazar immediately contacted Agua. He wanted to know more about the city of Wightbarne so that it would be easier for him to navigate the place. A few moments later, Agua managed to get him a map that would help him reach the city. As he received the map, he went back to the refining potions. He had plans of going to the city, but he felt that he would have better results if he upgraded his weapons before that. It was a common method in his previous life for players to get better equipment and consumables after taking tier qualification quest and let the experience acc.u.mulate without the level raising. It would give him better grade if he did so.