Chapter 223 - Fighting Glen - III (1/2)

Glen wore a full armour that covered him from top to bottom including his head. Having his specialization as a guard, he had habit of wearing heavy armour on almost all his body. The only thing different from wearing a combat suit is that a combat suit is much thicker than his armour. If the armour was any heavier, he would have to use a control system integrated into it similar to those used in combat suits for him to be able to move comfortably in it.

Balthazar on the other hand had light armour behind his clothes which were like a beast trainer. He wore a whip on the right side of his waist while a pair of short knives hung on a holster on his back. There was a gun hanging of another holster on his belt to his right while a few expandable throwing knives were in his belt to the left.

”You think that so much of armour is inconspicuous?” asked Balthazar as he remembered that Glen had told him that they were meant to look like non-military personnel who could blend in public.

”Come on, bodyguards to a lot of famous figures wear much more. Many explorers and rich travellers also wear such outfits,” replied Glen. ”Better than yours. You look like you are a beast tamer.”

”Thanks, that was what I was hoping the public would think,” said Balthazar.

”Ready,” said Glen as he jumped towards Balthazar without even waiting for his consent. He had a small device in his right hand that created a 2 feet diameter circular force shield in front of him. He immediately enabled it and tried to dash into Balthazar, while he pulled out some other device in his left using the force shield to block Balthazar's vision from it.

Balthazar had already been expecting something like this. Glen didn't treat the previous fight as a traditional duel, and he had been expecting that the same would be repeated again. So, he quickly jumped to his right.

Balthazar pulled out his gun and started firing it. He knew that fighting directly wasn't his strong suit, so he also threw a flash grenade. Glen stopped, jumped to his right and took cover behind a couple of crates as he pulled his own firearm out. He had been counting the number of rounds fired and decided to wait for the right opportunity.

He waited for a few seconds and when he realized that the rounds in the magazine were over, he peeked out and tried to take a shot. He was about to discharge his firearm when he heard the crack of a whip.

”That is waste against humans. It is actually giving away your position,” thought Glen. He had already known that Balthazar knew how to use a whip and he was learning to tame beasts in the mansion grounds. So, he was sure that Balthazar would use it. He expected Balthazar to use his whip and immediately pulled his hand back to avoid the whip and even hopefully catch it, but it never came into his sight. Instead, he found a grenade near him.

”Shit!” yelled Glen as he turned around and jumped to get away from it. He realized that the whip crack was just a distraction. Still, he didn't think much about it was not enough to harm him with all his armour.

As he was jumping back, he suddenly bumped into Balthazar who stuck his knives into his neck and an eye. He didn't even realize it till he felt the pain of the blades stabbing into him. The grenade exploded pushing him further towards Balthazar and the blades into him. He fell on top of Balthazar who had used him as cover from the explosion.

”Impossible,” he croaked hardly audible as the blood gushed out of his neck. He couldn't understand how he could come here where the grenade was just thrown from the opposite side.

Balthazar quickly pushed him off his body as he got up the dying Glen. ”It is possible. I was atop the crates here and I am quite silent. The gun was left there since I started firing it. I just used the whip to throw the grenade and it appeared to be thrown from the other direction while I jumped down when you were frightened of the explosion,” explained Balthazar.

”You honestly didn't expect a proper duel, did you?” said Balthazar sarcastically as he caught the knife stuck in Glen's neck and pulled to the side forcefully causing Glen's spine to break and kill him quickly.

As he died the duel was over, Glen's body disappeared, and he spawned again. ”You were good. Silent and quick. I didn't hear you at all even though you came quite close to me,” said Glen disappointed that he failed so badly, but he was looking at Balthazar in admiration.

”No wonder, you managed to silently get information from them and deal them a good blow at your citadel,” he continued. ”You have a knack for scheming and strategy. I had practiced quite a bit in this map and the other ones I have. Still you managed to take advantage of me so quickly and defeated me within a minute. I am thoroughly impressed.”

”Ah! You are embarrassing me,” joked Balthazar. ”Can we move on to the next one? What is it going to be, combat suits are allow this time.”?

”I wanted to try two maps. That was all, but since you already won the bet,”

”I thought we decided not consider the bet,” interrupted Balthazar.

”You won the bet. Take the victory,” said Glen. ”We can just forget about the third match. I am satisfied. Introduce me to the game.”

”Sure,” said Balthazar. He also didn't feel like continuing. Thought he found Glen to be a good sparring partner, he believed that only if they were to fight directly in an empty map. Such maps gave him a good advantage and after the second fight, he felt that Glen was not adequate to be a good opponent in such maps.