Chapter 209 - Yerman Lewis (1/2)
At the same time, the atmosphere of the party had changed completely due to Winston's announcement. Everyone put a stop to whatever else they were talking about and were only concerned about the statement made by Winston.
”Dude, I think Winston went mental,” whispered Robert to Balthazar as he saw Winston being accompanied by Evelyn and Ichigo down the party. ”Those two are from the military. Do we need to do something? They are taking Winston away by hand. I think they are angry.”
”I am pretty sure they are angry, but it is probably just to have a chat. He is no danger,” said Balthazar who had noticed that Arthur had been there, but he only gestured someone to follow them and continued to remain in the party.
”Yeah, it would impossible to escape from the family if they hurt the patriarch,” said Robert calming down. ”But that was crazy. What was he thinking?”
”Troubled times brother. This would affect your election too. He openly declared support to you and then gave that statement. Some might be angry due it and it might affect you,” said Balthazar. ”Go to Richard and talk about it, but don't make any statements or talk to anybody about it for a few days. Let us see how this plays.”
Though Balthazar had no interest in politics, he could see that this statement would have political implications not only within the family but in the alliance. The best thing would be to keep calm and see if anyone else comments on the statement. Moreover, he knew that Robert couldn't say anything against Winston's opinions as Winston had just expressed his support for Robert and if Robert said anything it would just lead to unwanted confusion.
”Richard messaged me the same thing. He wanted me to avoid the topic and try to talk up the guests. If that isn't possible with someone, he is asking me to just tell that there might be some validity to Winston's words but I don't want to say anything without properly looking into the subject,” said Robert as read the message on his wrist band.
”Ya. Just diplomatically avoid giving a proper answer. It will be good practice for a future elder,” said Balthazar patting Robert on his shoulder. ”I will take my leave now,” said Balthazar getting down the dais with the intention to meet up with D.i.c.k and take the forged identity cards from him.
”Wait. I thought you wanted to meet Lewis here. I also thought that there were a couple of your friends from that border planet coming to visit you here,” said Robert pulling his arm.
”Yes, I almost forgot,” said Balthazar. ”Come on, then. Introduce me to Lewis.”
Robert took him towards a few women dressed vibrantly started giggling as they saw Robert. They were a mixture of friends and staff from the hospital Robert works. It was clear to them that the ladies were wasted from alcohol. A few of them requested to have a dance with Robert while some of the more clearheaded ones asked if there was ever going to be any entertainment like dancing. Now that a small speech was given they were expecting that some space of the hall would be cleared so that they could dance and enjoy themselves.
Robert talked to them happily introducing Balthazar to his friends and after a couple of minute he managed to pacify his excited and drunken friends finally getting to know about Lewis' location from them. ”The old man is at that balcony. Apparently there was someone whom he knew among the guests who took him to the balcony for a bit of scenery,” said Robert as he started moving.
”Wait if he is talking with an old lady friend, we might be intruding and he might not take it well,” said Balthazar. He wanted to make friends with Yerman Lewis and didn't want to jeopardize his chances by intruding on a private affair. He could wait for some time before meeting him.
”No. No. He seems to be meeting with a guy and I am pretty sure he doesn't swing that way. It is probably an old friend. He wouldn't mind introducing us,” said Robert.
”Your friends don't know who he was meeting with?” asked Balthazar surprised. Yerman Lewis was a man who is in a wheelchair as he has trouble moving his body below his waist. He was told by Robert that the hospital staff accompanied him here. So, he expected them to be responsible for the man.
”Of course not. They came here to have fun. They only brought him here because I promised to get him back to his ward after the day,” said Robert as he took a glass of whiskey and downed it in along gulp. ”At least I will arrange for someone to do that. I am pretty sure that I won't be in shape by the end of the party.”
”Well, it would be a shame if you didn't get hammered at your own party,” said Balthazar. ”But I recommend you to stay sober for some more time. I am pretty sure Richard wouldn't appreciate if you are drunk when he has someone to introduce you.”
”That is the only thing keeping me from being in the same state as my posse,” said Robert pointing at his friends with his thumb. He and Balthazar came to the balcony and found white haired man in a black coat sitting in a wheelchair smoking a cigar with another who was leaning against the wall. Yerman had a handsome face with white hair and a goatee for an old man with wrinkles.
”Leon?” greeted Balthazar as he realized that the man leaning over the wall smoking was known to him. ”Glad to see you here.”
”You here for this idiot?” asked Leon tilting his head towards Yerman Lewis. ”Yerman let me introduce you to young Colonel Balthazar Blyth. Cut from the bloody same mold as his grand uncle Walter and probably worse.”
”What's with the introduction?” thought Balthazar looking a bit shocked. He was confused and was unable to determine if Leon was badmouthing him or not. ”I don't even know what to make out of it. If he is hinting Yerman that I am good or bad, prudent or reckless.”
”So, you are the one they were talking about over there. Couldn't see your face due to me the height disadvantage, but heard your old man speaking. That was one hell of a comparison, huh. Most would take affront to him calling humans as pests,” said Yerman as he shook Balthazar's hand.
”Winston didn't mean to call us pests. He was just implying that an ape would consider us to be so,” said Balthazar as he shook Yerman's hand.
”Firm hands, better than your surgeon cousin,” said Yerman. ”I know what Winston means kid was just yanking your chain. And don't trouble yourself over his word,” he continued pointing towards Leon.
”After this,” he said pointing towards his legs. ”I have made a habit of not taking the words of others to determine a character. No matter how loyal or sensible one is, there is a good chance of him to wrongly understand the nature of a person.”
”Was that supposed to be funny?” interjected Leon.
”No. I was supposed to make shut your yapping for a while. As bad as drunk lady trying to woo a man. Never shut up, do you?” replied Yerman waving off Leon. Both Balthazar and Robert were surprised to hear someone call Leon to be a chatty person. He never gave them that vibe.
”Nope, not when I feel like talking,” said Leon.
”Never get him drunk,” said Yerman. ”Unless you want to interrogate him.”
”So, to what do I owe the pleasure of a dashing young colonel who came here to meet a crippled old man?” asked Yerman.
”He has a job offer,” said Leon.
”Job offer?” asked Yerman turning towards Leon. ”What the f.u.c.k can I..”
”Did he make you come to me?” he asked Balthazar. ”I don't want nothing to do with you if you that dumbass is making you help me. Believe me, I don't have technical knowledge, nor I am good at anything physical.”
”No. No. No. Leon has nothing to do with this. He just came to know of it accidentally. I was actually told about you by Robert. We didn't even expect to see Leon here,” said Balthazar trying to convince Yerman that he is not working for Leon. It was clear to him that there was some minor hostility between the pair of them and he didn't want to get involved in it.
”Well, I can believe that you didn't expect Leon to be here. The pair of you were surprised to find him with me,” said Yerman taking a breath as he gave Leon a scathing look. ”So, what is the job that you are offering me? I hope it is something interesting. I don't really need a job, I have enough wealth to last me this life.”
”Have you ever played virtual games?” asked Balthazar.