Chapter 191 - An escort (1/2)
”Damn! I don't believe this. It was hardly a few seconds before he called me,” thought Balthazar he saw the calls. He could believe that Winston was calling him, but Bolena was unexpected. He decided to take Bolena's first as he put Winston's in waiting.
”What is it?”
”I just wanted to thank you for your help. I just got the papers giving me the permission to further continue my experiments. I have made arrangements to get back to Asklepian in a month or so when I am expecting that I would have all the test results for my research done so that I could move on to the next step,” said Bolena.
”So, Congratulations?!”
”Thanks, but that isn't what I called you for. Winston realized that you were the one who helped me. He just had a not so friendly chat with me. He might be calling you, next. Wanted to give a warning.”
”He already is calling,” said Balthazar.
”Let me join the call, I will be alongside you. It wouldn't reduce his anger, but probably be a slight buffer against him.”
”Grateful, but let it go. I think he has more than your situation to talk about. I will be taking his call now. Bye,” said Balthazar as he changed the calls.
”You Idiot! What are you doing? First, you go ahead and help your sister with her ridiculous request. Can't you realize why I am doing it? We might need to call them back soon. The recent events were quite disturbing. Without our protection, she might not be safe there,” shouted Winston as soon as he saw Balthazar's face.
”Now, I hear you are being a bounty hunter. Do you want to give me a heart stroke? Do you want me to die?” he continued shouting.
”Sorry, I didn't know that it was so serious. Bolena didn't tell me,” said Balthazar in an apologetic tone.
”Of course, she didn't know. She doesn't understand how the incident would reflect on the parties involved. Considering the resurgence of them, there is a high chance the knights might attempt to kill you guys again. Even Robert's security is increase and we had plans to convince you to have someone beside you and you have plans to be a bounty hunter,” he continued without accepting his apology.
”That is..,” stuttered Balthazar. ”Right. I am sorry about Bolena. I didn't think that far.”
”Forget that. I am still fine with that. Her movements would be known and there will always be a couple of us looking out for her. Now, you are a different thing. You are going after the pirates or something after I have explicitly told you to not involve yourself with them,” said Winston as he continued to shout.
”I am not going after them. I want to get a hold of the Nirbaadh pirates. I am just going after Dave. I believe he could help me with the knights,” said Balthazar.
”Ah! Shut up. I don't care what you say. I wan't someone to partner with you,” said Winston dismissing him.
”That is unnecessary.”
”It is now. With those guys still alive, I don't know what to make of the situation. We have been operating on wrong intel for decades. So, I will send you a couple of bodyguards.”
”Can it be Salazar?”
”I know him, and I am acquainted with him.”
Suddenly another person joined their call. It was Arthur. ”I saw the mail you forwarded,” said Arthur. ”I agree that it is not suggestible to go ahead under such circ.u.mstances. I also have called Walter to talk about it.”
”Good. So, I hope he can get a guard to babysit him. I guess, Richard is already looking after Robert. It is best if we have someone continuously on him like Richard is on Robert,” said Winston hoping that Arthur would quickly provide a person to look after his grandson.
”Walter and Daniel are of a different opinion,” said Arthur. ”They wanted to let him attempt whatever he intends to do.”
”What?” shouted Winston. ”That is ridiculous. Why? Why would they? What are they thinking?”
”I suggest you calm down Winston. It is not like they intend to harm him. You will realize that it might be for the best,” said Arthur.
”For the best. I listened to that when Walter let him go into the military. He came back almost dead. I don't care for the best of the family. I care for him,” shouted Walter. ”And now they want him to go out as bait. I won't agree to it.”
”Listen to me,” yelled Arthur getting angry. ”Get to your office. We will all talk there.”
A few minutes later, the three of them were in Winston's office in the mansion. Arthur came in and explained the reason for Walter and Daniel to choose to let Balthazar do whatever he wanted to.
”So, he is not the bait,” said Winston realizing his folly.
”Not at all, we have been under a lot of pressure because we are not sure about the others who might be in bed with the enemy. Someone clearly informed them that Max was made and being tailed by the whole force of the family. It was under wraps. Half the family didn't know about it. It is clear that someone betrayed us and is still unknown to us,” said Arthur.
”So, who will be acting as me, if I go out?” asked Balthazar.
”It will be Salazar. He will be your guard when you are here and will replace you and act as you in your absence,” said Arthur. ”But you can't reveal you identity. Wear a disguise, change your appearance, some scars or something. Salazar will teach you. Apart from that, there is one last thing, that I need to tell you.”
”There are more surprises?” asked Balthazar sceptical of his own words.
”Well, it is that they requested one of the table, to be with him at all times. Even during his travels as a bodyguard. He will only be with you when you are travelling to evaluate you,” said Arthur.