Chapter 171 - Exploration - III (1/2)
”Calm down,” said Balthazar.
”I am calm. What to do?” asked Robert in a barely audible whisper.
”Is it looking at you?”
”It is but looks confused. Probably, never seen a combat suit before.”
”What is the state of the Nandi?”
”It doesn't have the usual appearance. It is in a light green color instead of the usual black.”
”So, it has just molted its skin. It would be weaker.”
”Yes. There are also about few dead beasts beside it. They seem to be the food for its babies,” said Robert.
”It is probably not much interested and more concerned for its cubs. Its shedding is also probably any unexpected. It might have already been at its molting time, lost some skin in a fight and decided to molt the rest of the skin before attacking others,” said Balthazar. It was common for animals to not stop in middle of molting as the hanging skin would disrupt their balance in fights and would be a hindrance.
”I guessed that,” said Robert slightly irritated.
”Is the Nandi between you and the cave?”
”No. I am actually between the Nandi and the cave.”
”So, escaping is a no go,” said Balthazar as he came out of the cave. ”You run to the sides or towards the cave, it will follow you. If you run towards it, it might take it as aggression, if it had never seen humans before.”
”F.u.c.k! What am I supposed to do? Should I signal for help from Lucius? This thing could be 12 feet tall if it stood up,” said Robert in a frightened voice.
”Don't worry. Move slowly backwards towards my direction away from it. Check the map and don't end up leaning against a tree and end up cornering yourself,” said Balthazar.
”Wouldn't it suspect that I wanted to go for its cave?”
”Ya, it might. I am suggesting the least risky one for you, cousin. It can outrun you if you move in any direction and will most probably attach you. It would be far too concerned about the juviniles. The best way is to attack it together. So, it will speed up at some time. You need to throw something at it and run towards me after that.”
”Will it be all right?” asked Robert worried about the trial. With his combat suit, he wasn't really worried for his life, but the trial mattered a lot to him.
”Don't fret. I will attack it at the proper time. Even, if we fail to kill him, it would be injured badly and will escape to the cave for support. I doubt that it knows about the death of its mate?”
”You sure it is dead? It might just be tired and laid down after the birth,” asked Robert as he began to move away from the beast in front of him.
”I am sure. I put a hole through its head just to confirm. It's a habit of mine,” said Balthazar. ”Slowly move toward me. I am out of the cave.”
”If it catches up to me fast?”
”Then inform me. I have will make a loud noise here to get its attention. It would hardly care about you, once it fears for its mate and cubs.”
”OK,” said Robert as he continued to move. In a minute, he yelled. ”Bel, the damn beast is after me.”
”Stick to the plan. If it comes too close throw something at it. Keep you blade handy in one hand. It will be much vulnerable after its molting,” said Balthazar as he moved towards the cave. He had already used his crossbow and the spare string of the bow to make a trap at the caves entrance as a backup and was sure that he could take down the Nandi.
He soon saw that his cousin and also that the Nandi was right behind him and would be on him in a couple of seconds. So, he decided that he needed to change his plans and ran towards the cave while firing a round of his gun at the cave entrance.
”Run to the side cousin,” he informed through the microphone. Robert also realized his cousin's intention and jumped to the side to get out of the way of the pursuing Nandi. The Nandi following Robert heard the loud noise produced by the gun shot and it stopped pursuing Robert whom it was about to successfully pounce on.
The bear like beast started galloping towards the cave concerned for its mate and cubs. Balthazar was at the entrance waiting for it to step into the trap. Robert stayed down for a couple of seconds and started to look at the Nandi and decided to follow it from a distance in case his cousin needed his help.
As it came within a couple of feet nearer to the entrance, it slowed down a bit to check for intruders when an arrow whizzed from the top of a tree aimed at its hindquarters. It had already noticed Robert following it from behind and as the arrow came from another direction, it felt that the entrance was the best direction to move into and jumped into the entrance to avoid the arrow.
A loud roar immediately followed by a thudding sound came after it entered the cave shocking Robert. He started to run towards the cave as he heard heavy breathing and grunting noises of his cousin through their comms.
”Bel, are you alright?” he shouted as he pulled out both his blades and sprinted towards the cave.
”Ya. I am alright, help me with this thing,” came the voice of his brother followed by heaving noises. Robert entered the cave and found his brother on the floor with the Nandi atop him. It had one of its blades through its eye and the other one through its ears. It was clear that it was killed by two quick strokes, but Balthazar ended up falling under its weight.
”You injured?” asked Robert worried as he saw his brother under the Nandi.