Chapter 157 - Another Troll (2/2)

The shaman servant made it much easier to fight against the other groups of orcs and shamans that came later. They soon managed to reach the end of the second floor in another 30 minutes. The main corridor ended in two rooms. One was a locked warehouse and the other was the court room which was double the size of the atrium.

The court room had the throne and was the point of interaction of Lord Bungar with other dwarves in the keep. It was currently filled with 30 orcs, 3 orc shaman and a troll. The troll was on the throne and had a meter taller than Merlin's servant troll. It also had a club in its hands.

This was usually considered the hardest boss fight of the dungeon by most players in his previous life because of the number of monsters they had to fight at a time and the monsters including the boss troll didn't have any specific aggro system they could make use of. They all attacked randomly, and monsters would just usually retaliate against anyone who attacks them. It was bound to be a chaotic fight where they constantly need to escape the trolls swings.

[Dhrome Troll Outcast] (Boss Monster)

Level 15;

HP: 13000/13000;

”A troll and shamans with dwarves?! Kill those traitors,” shouted Dhrome and the orcs started running towards them. It was usually time for the players to use due dynamites and fireworks to split apart the group and attack. But Shadow had different plans as he had helpers.

”Quiet Fire blind the troll when it gets up and focus on shamans. Sultan, Tang, hit and run aim to cripple troll legs. We need you to hold back from the orcs even after blind use firecracker or dynamites to attract and run away from us. Do it only after it gets up. Don't join our fight,” shouted Shadow.

He turned to the others. ”We kill and clear out the orcs as fast as possible. I think it won't have same behavior as the last boss, being that the grunts are of a different species,” said Shadow. ”Anyway, Merlin have your servants start on the orcs, we can see how it goes from there.”

”Ya. We can check its behavior and plan our tactics accordingly,” said Merlin having a look at the troll boss which was still seated on its chair. It looked like it was actually stuck in the dwarven throne and was using the club in its hand to push itself up. It had a comic look with it being stuck in the chair. Balthazar knew this and he also knew that it would only get out of the throne by breaking it once ten of the orcs died. Sultan and Tang were making way towards the troll without involving themselves much in the fight with the other orcs.

Grenadier was using the staff from the previous boss and his damage improved significantly from it. He and Quiet Fire along with Merlin's two servant shamans managed to aggravate the orcs easily. The others also started attacking the orcs with the two dwarves as they came closer. They kept close to Merlin's servant troll which was moving in the direction of the orcs.

The idea was the same as the last time - to use the troll to kill the orcs quickly and efficiently. They have already noticed during the past fights that the troll's attacks damage the orcs faster and are actually giving more loot when scavenged than the scenario when they use their cluttered attacks. However hard they tried, they tend to not always hit humanoid monsters at the same points, especially when those monsters working with each other in cooperation. The trolls strong attacks was the best option.

”Merlin, Bitter Beast need you with me. Let us get another shaman,” said Shadow as he went into stealth. He planned to use his shadow clone for making a cheap shot on a shaman to stun it so that Merlin could get another servant. It is best if they succeed before chrome killed ten orcs and the boss gets into the fight.

The orcs started attacking chrome and the other players. The number of orcs were thrice their own and it was hard to hold them back. So, Merlin had them all retreat backwards slowly as they fought. He told them to retreat so that he would get a chance to get a shaman and they would then attack from behind. They could actually push the orcs back, but Merlin wanted to put some chaos among them and kill a greater number of them at a time.

Though chrome the troll was retreating, every swing of its sword still caused a lot of damage and it was able to block the others attacks quite effectively with it shield that it was surprising.

About fifty seconds later, they were already at the end of the courtroom when Merlin managed to get another shaman as his servant. At that time, it was as they had hoped. The shamans all attacked from behind the other orcs as they were pure mages and the orcs provided them cover from physical assaults which were their weakness. So, the converted shaman was actually behind the rest and started firing from behind the orcs causing confusion and none of the orcs were even blocking these attacks as they had their tanks in front.

At the same time, Shadow had managed to use cheap shot another shaman, this time with his original body (not clone). Merlin and Bitter Beast focused their attacks on the third shaman while the first shaman continued to attack from behind the orcs.

Grenadier and others who were just passively blocking till now also started to attack back to push and kill as many orcs as possible. It would have been hard with the players alone, but the servant troll managed to do so easily with its shield and sword. Merlin got creative and started to make try moves like whirlwind strike which he had seen Crimson Power use. It was actually quite effective in scattering the orcs.

In a minute, the orcs were all aggroed onto the players and chrome, the troll which had already killed more than ten. The troll Dhrome which was seated on the throne till now, took its club and broke the throne it was sitting on with a swing downwards.

”You fools, you enraged me and caused me to lose my throne,” shouted Dhrome. ”I will kill you,” it said as it started to move towards them when a fire cloak cast by Quiet Fire covered its face and Sultan and Tang attacked at the same time.

Tang used the same Meteor smash skill to attack. She managed to push it back and it stumbled a bit, but the knockback effect wasn't strong enough to make it fall back as it did with Chrome. It just took a couple of steps back and started to pat its face in pain.

”Try to cripple its legs. The trolls always move slowly due to their huge body. Make it slower and run back to help kill the rest of these orcs,” shouted Merlin. He had noticed that the troll didn't actually go berserk like the orc shaman in the first floor. If it isn't focused on his servants, he was sure that its attacks would deal a lot of damage to them and didn't want them to risk a close combat fight like they did with the orc shaman. Moreover, he had already seen his own servants capabilities with a club, he didn't want to see how effective the attacks of a bigger troll would be on his teammates.