Chapter 153 - Orcs (2/2)

”The same as uncle took from you,” she said with a smile.

”A million credits per month?” asked Balthazar surprised. He didn't expect Ellie to ask that much. ”I think I better look for someone else,” he said immediately. He knew the amount of work required and he was sure that it wasn't something that it wouldn't require so much compensation.

”Ah! You are paying him a million credits per month?” asked Ellie in surprise. It has now her turn to be shocked as she never expected him to be paying Elias a million bucks per month. She gave Balthazar a pitiful look. ”Elias is robbing you.”

”Oye! What I am doing is a completely different application of samsara tech. It is not the same as replicating the environment of a game,” said Elias irritated as he turned around to face Ellie. He was already angry that they were disturbing the atmosphere of the workshop with their chatter.

”OK. Let us not get into an argument, right?” said Balthazar intervening before the pair of uncle and niece had an argument. ”Ellie, I will invest ten million for this right now. It is with Rudra. You can meet him and then proceed with your work. Let us base, further investments on your work, shall we?” asked Balthazar.

”Ten million. You are far too generous,” said Ellie.

”Ya. I didn't say when my next investment would be. I will decide that on your performance,” said Balthazar leaving the room. He had already spent enough time with them and decided to return to the game as it was already 11 p.m. He also forgot to contact Sophia today. He sent a mail to her explaining that he would be busy today due to the trial and then sent Rudra, Ellie's details and the 10 million credits before he got into the game.

He had already made plans with Merlin and the others to raid the dungeon, Bungar's keep. This new dungeon limited the players from level 13 to level 15. He wanted to get the first clears for both the elite and hell mode's this time. He had been feeling bad that someone managed to get the hell mode first clear of the previous dungeon, despite his advantages.

When he logged in, he already found Merlin and others waiting for him. Sultan had followed through and they were clearing the area in the direction of the Jarko town in cooperation with the members of the Crimson Realm. Rudra had already started to clear the area towards the town as he had asked.

As he contacted them, nine members quickly teleported back to the White Heart City to attempt the new dungeon. Blinding White had decided to sit out instead. She had been used to the environment of the guild and the tension of getting first clears was a bit hard on her. She always had been a normal player who enjoyed the game and playing with a number of people.

Moreover, there was another paladin on the team, and she had already observed that he clearly had superior skills compared to her. Even Raging Blade would be defeated by Sultan. With such character, she wouldn't get much priority over good loot compared to him. So, she voluntarily offered to sit out in such situations when Sultan had informed the team that Balthazar wanted to attempt the dungeon in the morning. Though, it was awkward, they couldn't do much about it. Psychotic Mob was also left out the previous day. They also need more people in their adventurer team for which Merlin had already posted in the forums. So, they left her at the market to handle those issues.

Together the ten of them, immediately teleported to the dungeon location. The Bungar's keep was a mountain fortress of sorts. It was a dwarven construction according to the lore of the game. It was like a palace and had room both on the surface of the mountain and also passages and labyrinths that went beneath.

It was currently occupied by some possessed dwarves who led a group of trolls and orcs in conquering it. Like the trolls and other dark factions, the orcs also entered the plane Viridi Lovi during the conquest of the Abyss Warlords and had managed to develop their own forces here.

Like the goblins and trolls, the orcs were also racially in cooperation with the Abyss life forms and demons as per the lore. They were also offsprings of the creatures from Rudrum orbis and are constantly in conflict trying to take over the plane and destroy the separation between Viridi Lovi plane with Rudrum Orbis, which the twelve lords have managed to erect.

The biggest problem faced in this dungeon was not the trolls, orcs or the possessed dwarves, but the passages in the mountain. One could get lost just by moving around. It would take a log or time to properly explore, but one could get the clear with killing the possessed dwarf that led the trolls.

It had up a total of five bosses, which Balthazar wanted to kill as he also wanted the first kill rewards for them. He directly chose the elite instance. He had already asked Rudra for information that he collected form the normal mode. The elite and the hell mode didn't have more passages in this dungeon but more number of traps and monsters.

As they entered the portal for the dungeon, they were teleported into a forest area. There was a path in front of them that lead to a gate at the base of the mountain fort. The rest of the team had also already tried the normal mode and could see the differences. This time, there were trolls right at the gate unlike in normal mode.

These were all orcs with knives and stakes which numbered around 15. It was an open area and orcs were humanoids of the dark faction that resembled humans the most.

They were the same size as humans with the only difference of having a snout like mouth like that of a wild cat and overly long tusks the came out of their jaws. There were many other races of orcs with varied color skins from the dullest to the brightest of colors.

They would also have extremely tough skin and depending on the race of orcs they might be resistant to either physical or magical attacks. Sometimes, they would be resistant to both. Every orc would be aggressive in nature. One would never find a passive orc monster or NPC.

The fights with orcs would be different compared to other monsters. Most would feel that it was similar to fighting other players. They even had similar skills like the players. The best thing that Balthazar felt about the orcs was that they were humanoid, and he could pick their pockets.

Unlike goblins, orcs didn't have a lot of materials or designs. These were rarely found in a pickpocket, but they had finished products like daggers or equipment which he considered much more valuable. The only problem was that it was hard to sneak up when the teammates had already started firing their spells at the orcs.