Chapter 128 - Murder of the Deacon (1/2)
As they went inside, Balthazar could see that the entire hall was empty. There were a few guards covering the various exits of the hall and a few more at the end of the hall by the doors to the altar. The area around the altar was covered by a tarp keeping the altar from others' sights.
”So? Could you please tell me what happened here?” asked Shadow as he stepped into the hall. ”Why have the town guards restricted entry into the temple?”
”It is best if I show it to you, adventurer,” said Sandy as she led him to the altar and pushed the tarp aside to show it to him.
There was a beheaded body lying on the altar and a lot of blood splatter could be seen beside the altar. There were a number of symbols painted with the blood on the altar with the head in a large bowl filled with blood at one of the ends of the altar. One look at the body made him realize that this was detective type quest where he needed to search for clues, and it would involve more chasing and investigating than fighting monsters.
On coming closer, he noticed that the body was actually nailed down on to the altar and there was big hole on his chest with his innards missing. It was a very gory picture and a sickly scent could be clearly sensed when one was close to it.
”Is this deacon Faroon?” asked Shadow as he came close to the altar. He took out his dagger to poke at the body and pulled the clothes to the side to look at it. There were a bunch of dark lines on the flesh of the body.
”No. Assuming the head to be from the same body, this should be Waral. One of the altar boys that works at the temple. He is an invalid. Can't believe that someone actually did something so horrible to him,” said a guard.
”You know him?” asked Shadow.
”He is the retarded man. Was best friend with Faroon, almost like a brother. Lost his mind after a hunting accident and Faroon had taken care of him since then,” said the guard.
”So, Faroon knows him quite well?” asked Shadow.
”Yes. You can ask anyone in the market area about. They all would have seen them,” said the guard.
”So, where is Faroon? Is he alright?” asked Shadow.
”That is the main issue, Mr. Shadow Tyrant,” said the captain. ”From our investigation, the deacon usually leaves with him at night and hands it over to the other deacon Bistam. The other altar boys left the temple after the mass in the evening and they last saw Faroon and Waral. Bistam came to see this scene when he went inside. Our biggest suspect currently is Faroon.”
”So, that is the reason you have cordoned off this area. You could have removed the body away, right?” asked Shadow. According to procedure, it was common sense to remove the body and have Bistam take over his shift temporarily.
”That would be the usual scenario, but both Bistam and the baron have agreed to let it be here and investigate. They decided to inform the city after the culprit was found. The insisted that this be solved before it be made public and they wanted to make sure that the murderer doesn't repeat this,” explained Sandy.
”That is extremely odd,” thought Balthazar. ”It was fine for the baron to be concerned but a deacon would never accept it. He would at the very least inform to great priest about it, especially when there were clear signs of a ritual.”
”Do you have any information? Any idea what this ritual was about?” asked Shadow.
”None. There are too many prints made of mud at the altar. The culprit made sure not to let any blood prints were left by him and no other signs. We had the altar boys help us in examining the entire temple. There was nothing new, found, since Bistam reported last night,” said Sandy.
”I need to meet the baron and this deacon, Bistam,” said Shadow.
”I can give you the location of Deacon Bistam's home. He said that he would be resting at home. The baron is at this place. Wistar here, will come with you. I need to be updated on everything,” said Sandy as the guard who had initially denied him entry stepped forward to lead him towards the deacon's home.
The guard, Wistar quickly led him out the temple and through the marketplace to a small house leaning on the wall of the town. ”This is deacon Bistam's residence. He had asked us to not disturb him today and baron agree to it to let him grieve,” said Wistar. ”He must be inside as there is not lock on the handle.”
Shadow rapped at the door with the handle of his dagger. ”Deacon Bistom. I am sent here by great priest Luciophel of the White Heart City. Could you please open the door?” shouted Shadow. He waited for a few seconds before repeating it. After a few minutes, there was still no noise, so he decided to break open the door.
”I think there might be something wrong with him,” said Shadow. ”The dead altar boy had black lines on his flesh like he was poisoned. Cover your nose and help me knock down the door,” said Shadow as he moved away from the door. Together they ran and crashed into the door with their shoulders popping the door open.
The room was completely dark with a small flickering flame seen at one corner. It was candle at the end of its life placed beside a bible. A few more seconds and then the room would be plunged into complete darkness.
Shadow quickly went to the table and pulled out the drawer finding candle in one of them. He lit a new candle, and in the light, he began to check the hall. He could find nothing in the hall and he soon moved to the bedroom and then the kitchen.
”Everything is empty,” said Wistor. ”We might have been a bit hasty. He might have been out in the market.”
Shadow didn't heed his words and continued to check the kitchen. He had noticed a slight scent of rotting vegetables as he moved into the kitchen. ”Definitely something afoot here,” he said pointing at a plate and a glass of water that was put on the table right beside a cooker and few other utensils.
”I don't see anything odd. He put plates out to eat and probably didn't feel like it,” said the guard. The guard NPC was clearly afraid that the deacon might take affront to them breaking open the door and even his captain would find it hard to cover for him when he sent him to control Shadow.