Chapter 116 - Hectors proposal (2/2)

”I already ordered one for you. Consider, it as a small token of thanks for saving my life. It should be delivered today,” said Balthazar. ”I also did the same for Lucius. Do you think that he will accept it.”

”Ya. Most probably. Leon is involved in it and with them being old rivals, Lucius would also be interested in checking it out. He will probably like the fact that you sent him one,” replied Salazar. ”No more talks, we haven't been training for quite sometime.”

After that, another hour of continued attempts to defeat Salazar but getting his ass handed to him, Balthazar left the combat room tired and hungry. He went directly to the dining hall and wolfed few pancakes and some meat in a hurry before having a hot shower and got back into his V.R. pod.

He opened the link for the meeting that he received in his mail and joined the virtual room. Apart from him, Evelyn had already joined the room and was waiting for others. She was seated on one of the chairs surrounding a table in the centre of the meeting room.

”You know why those Constantine brothers were asking for you?” asked Evelyn as soon as she saw him enter the room.

”Please, you could see from the mails that both me and Winston were as shocked as you. Have never been involved in any research. My sister was actually involved in a research along an alternate line of bio-feedback warframes which they are rumored to be working on. But I am a nobody in the research fields,” said Shadow lifting his hands in an expression of ignorance.

”Hmph, then I hope they didn't get confused with something else. I have been checking out a lot of things about the you, but have ended up with the same conclusion. The only one I could suspect was your sister. I wanted to get her to join, but both the Constantines and Winston deemed it unnecessary,” said Evelyn as Balthazar seated himself on a chair.

Winston joined into the virtual room as soon as she finished about it. One look at Evelyn and Balthazar, he immediately said, ”I am completely in the dark about this.” He took a chair and put his legs on the table waiting for the others. He was very angry and looked like he was ready to hit someone.

”Wait for those two. I am very eager to know why they were so interested in him,” said Winston as he pointed to Balthazar.

In a minute, Xander and another person arrived. The new guy had a very pale complexion and pure white hair and pale blue eyes. ”The albino guy is Ichigo Suzuki. He is from a family that is very old and has quite a few military contracts. He holds a honorary title of being a lieutenant general and is one of my brother's three technical advisors who is in frequent contact with the Scions of Minerva,” whispered Evelyn to Balthazar.

”What are you doing here, Ichigo? I didn't see you anywhere in the mail chain,” said Winston standing up. He knew that Ichigo's presence at the meeting was meant to be a show of force from the Scions of Minerva.

”I am as confused as you are, Winston. I was requested to attend this urgently by Hector. He told that it was something about the new somnium related experiments,” said Ichigo putting a hand on Winston. ”What did Walter do now?” he whispered in Winston's ear.

”Walter? This meeting is about my grandkid, not Walter. Why do you always suspect him,” said Winston.

”Really?! You know what all he did. I heard he was missing again probably in pursuit of the Nirbaadh pirates, but is missing. So, I repeat again. What did Walter do?” said Ichigo repeating his question.

”This isn't about Walter, Ichigo,” came a voice as a couple of men entered the room. ”Excuse me for my delay. I was shown something in the morning and was going through it and almost forgot about the meeting,” said Hector Constantine as he entered the room with his brother, Victor.

”You mean the kid actually did something that you considered important?” said Ichigo surprised. ”What were you researching kid?” he asked looking at Balthazar.

”Nothing. He isn't involved in research but is an important asset nevertheless,” said Hector as a stack of papers appeared in his hand which he handed over to Ichigo. ”He has the best adaption rate we had seen among all the people using somnium technology. His compatibility never went below 80% in vita-nova.”

”Impressive,” said Ichigo as he laid down the papers over the table. ”Well, I guess you have had good results with this. You can probably get to the second phase, if the people have such a high adaptation rate. This is enough to consider moving ahead in your plans.”

”Look carefully. He is the only one who is able to do this. The rest aren't even close to him. Only for others hit 90% and their total number of hits isn't even in double digits,” said Victor Constantine showing him another paper with more statistics.

”So, you are saying that he is special?” asked Winston and Ichigo.

”Yes, he is special. An anomaly. When we noticed him to be the first to hit the 90% mark, we checked upon him and found out about his involvement with Evelyn's unit,” said Victor Constantine.

”Following Walter's footsteps are we?” asked Ichigo as he came closer to Balthazar putting the papers in Winston's hands.

”Not exactly,” replied Balthazar looking at the white haired Lt. General who was looking at him like he was some special toy of his.

”Haha. Even talks back like him. I guess it is in their genes,” said Ichigo looking at Hector. ”What are your intentions, Hector?”

”I don't have any plans involving him for now. But, Evelyn's unit isn't a simple line of work. It is dangerous. He has a never before seen adaptation rate to the somnium tech. It is like his thoughts don't fluctuate at all or come back on track very quickly. This is highly recommended for the bio-feedback war frame project. So, I propose that he be relieved from her unit. I am willing to take him completely under engineering wing as a representative of the armed forces, if he agrees,” said Hector.

Working directly with the Scions of Minerva would be a dream for any person who had any involvement in scientific research or engineering. Victor who had gone though Balthazar's details knew about his education and thought that this was the best way to get him to agree to it.