Chapter 107 - To the Bandit camp (1/2)

Slaine was in the jungle by the fort and was exploring the areas close to it. He was mapping the area and marking the various monsters that would be in the various parts of the area. It was a common thing when any guild occupies a certain area.

The members of Crimson Realm had formed about 70% of the populace of the city, so they were bound to occupy certain areas and map them when they have the advantage. Though Slaine was doing something important, he was convinced by Balthazar as soon as he suggested that they would probably find a lot more equipment at the bandit camp.

Given that he didn't find anything else at that time, he decided to join them. ”I will get someone to take my place. Give me ten minutes,” said Slaine as he ended the call and immediately contacted Perennial Light so that he could take his place.

”Slaine will be joining us in ten minutes, probably might get a few more players. Why don't we try to check Merlin's hypothesis till then?” suggested Shadow.

”Yeah, we can try that. I will form a team with Shadow and attempt to attack only at vital points, trying to avoid claws, tusks and the like. You three choose another monster and fire at different points on its body. Try to cover the whole of its body. Let us try it out and check if the loot corresponds to his hypothesis,” suggested Bitter Beast.

”That is fine. After a few attempts, we can make precise attack and you two attack randomly. We need to check multiple scenarios,” said Mob agreeing to Bitter Beast's plan.

”Precise attacks? With a staff? That is almost impossible for me,” said Grenadier Mage. He never cared about such things before and as long as his attacks hit the target, he never had to worry where it hit. So, this exercise was something, he was sure that he couldn't do well. Moreover, even his basic spell, firebolt causes fire damage which doesn't make it possible to avoid attacks in an area. Only, when an elementalist learns wind blades at level 15, it would allow for such precise attacks at a small area on the target.

”Yes, using fire bolts or frost bolts, would be quite an issue for something like this. They would cause fire and frost damage,” agreed Bitter Beast and Shadow.

”Yes, you stick to the team that does damage all over the body. The rest of us will be switching between the teams,” said Mob.

Shadow soon found a stag which he first crippled by a hit on its knee joint with his unique weapon. Once, crippled Bitter Beast focused his hits on the vital point like its eyes. Moreover, with the level difference of three levels, it was easier to deal high damage to the leopard while trying to hit only the vital points on it like its eyes.

The loot as expected was better than the usual when they foraged the corpse of the monster. They repeated the attempt with a couple of other stags and found the results consistent with Merlin's hypothesis. With the initial attempts confirming Merlin's hypothesis, they decided to try and repeat their experiment and forgot about Slaine and the others.

”Who are the new guys and why are you forcing this crazy training on them at this place? Did you get used to being a coach in the force and were missing those moments?” came the snide voice of Slaine from behind them suddenly, pulling their attention of the experiment that they were conducting.

”Thanks, dumbass. That was extremely helpful. I didn't tell any of them about my job and I don't coach anyone in the force,” messaged Shadow to Slaine before he accidentally revealed anything else.

”Oh, my bad,” messaged back Slaine. ”So, who are the new guys?”

”These are Merlin's friends. They joined his adventurer team recently. You saw their names in the announcement, right?” asked Shadow.

”Hi, I am Psychotic Mob,” said Mob shaking Slaine's hand. ”These are Grenadier Mage and Bitter Beast,” he continued pointing at the other two, who waved their hands in response. ”We used to be in Magus Shrine in Merlin's team. Just joined the adventurer team he started in vita-nova. So, you guys are all from Crimson Realm?” asked Mob trying to make conversation.

The introduction continued for a few moments and then, they sent friend requests to one another, before they made their way towards the Bandit camp. Though, the Kanterbury plains had a decent number of players, by the time they reached the bandit camp there weren't any players visible other than their own group.

”No one is here as we expected,” said Slaine.

”Obviously, anyone who is at level 9 and has a chance of reaching level 10, attempt to reach the White Heart City and once there, they find a number of new things to explore. Even, we who have been at the city overnight have forgotten about it,” said Shadow.

”There are two watchtowers at the camp,” continued Slaine looking at the camp through his scope. ”We might need to take them out before we get in. Else, they might sound the alarm. Any ideas?” he asked Shadow as he knew that Shadow had already explored the camp a bit.

”i have no idea, how to get an entire team in. The last time, I caused a diversion with my clone to divert the attention of the guards. We can just go and attack them. We have more than 10 members and all are at the very least in level 11 and have pretty good equipment,” said Shadow.

”Let us fire at the lookouts and guards first, we can get them into the grass and see. if we can kill them easier with an ambush,” suggested Slaine.

”I think, it isn't necessary to go through all of that, but there is no issue in trying,” said Mob. ”How about my use of spirit wolf to get their attention,” he continued as he made his spirit wolf run towards the gate of the camp.

Both the lookouts on the watchtower immediately started firing at it and the guards also ran towards it. ”I suggest you flank the two bandits. I am getting the wolf to the grass,” said Mob as he made the wolf ran towards the grass.