Chapter 86 - A new problem (1/2)

”I will be there in time,” agreed Balthazar as he logged out of the game. Once, out of the game, he immediately ordered three somnium headsets from the V.R. website of the Metis Technologies. One was for him, the other two for Lucius and Salazar.

He needs a somnium headset for the days when he would be travelling. He can't keep moving the pod into a ship whenever he needed to travel. The headset was easily portable and that is the reason many people who could also afford to buy a pod, preferred a headset.

”Salazar, I might end up being busy in the coming days and unable to have time to join you guys in the gymnasium for our lessons. Though, you are a tough instructor and I get beaten up most of the time, training under you has been very useful to me. So, I am gifting you these helmets, so that we could continue our weapons training on the days, when I am not on Asklepian. Hope you can agree to this request of mine,” wrote Balthazar on a mail to be sent to Salazar along with the helmet.

He did the same thing for Lucius. Though, Lucius' training focused on improvement of his body and good control over it by causing severe stress on his physique, this training also helped him improve his techniques.

Lucius wasn't involved in any research and from what he learned from Robert and Bolena, he was retired and an extreme fighting enthusiast. He was exactly the kind of person that vita-nova and somnium technology would appeal to the most. Balthazar was sure that once Lucius started using the tech and played the game, he would soon get addicted to it. He would be training him and when he is not, he could also have a job or a hobby he could spend time in. Vita-nova in his previous life had also attracted a lot of old successful people, who were bored and needed a way to pass time.

Once, he was done ordering the helmets, he got out of the pod and went for dinner. Even though he could get the required nutrients from the nutrient fluids, it was always considered best to use the natural biological way to feed as one needs to have their body acquainted to food from natural sources. Due to his experience in military, Balthazar had always been prepared for using food sources available in the form of natural vegetation. So, unlike many others in the core region who got used to depending on the nutrient fluids, he always preferred to consume his dietary needs in the solid form to keep his digestive system in good shape. Any organ without use would atrophy and that was the same for digestive organs and he, a military man whose job was to conquer and even explore new places occasionally couldn't afford that.

He also saw that he received a few mails from Robert and Winston. The mail from Robert just an invite to meet him at his room after dinner. He apparently wanted to discuss about the challenges they were going to face in detail and prepare for them. Winston just dropped in a mail to remind him that he makes the best use of the opportunity he was given today and contact him if he needed anything.

Balthazar replied to Robert immediately that he was now going for dinner and he would come to his room after it. He went to dinner and saw that Robert was also in the dining hall. He joined Robert and after dinner they went back to Robert's room.

”I already told you about the strategic tests and fight between individual representatives, right?” asked Robert.

”Ya, we just talked about it today. You already confused. Stay focused, dude.”

”Yes, I remember talking to you about it, but I might have overlooked something small which might require a bit more participation from you,” said Robert.

”What is it?” asked Balthazar in a serious tone. He knew from experience that Robert being this fl.u.s.tered implied that his cousin considered the issue to be a serious one but is deliberately trying to play down the issue so that he wouldn't get tensed or frightened. But the Balthazar in his second life hardly fears the things that his cousin might consider to be dangerous or harmful. He just wanted his cousin to be open and frank about it.

”Well it is like this. I told you that you have a good reputation as a commander. Your efforts have left a good impression and hardly anyone in the elder council or other would disagree. Even our excursion to the planet DG-105 is more of a formality. I already consulted with a few elders who support us and they all agree that no one who cares about their face or post would say anything else.”

”OK. That kind of makes thing much more simpler doesn't it?”

”Yes and no. Let me give a clearer understanding of the situation of the family right now. Though I may be young, it isn't a disadvantage against the others competing for the post. There can be considered four main competitors. Me, Herbert, Jacob and Mary. Both Jacob and Mary are from a generation before us, more than 25 years older. They don't have much of fame or influence and they are already quite old. Most wouldn't side with them and I guess they don't have any decent chances of getting the post.”

”What about Herbert? As much as I remember, he is about 5 years older than you and his father, Archie is already an elder, right?” asked Balthazar.

”Yep, he is the main headache. Moreover, unlike Jack and other idiots, Herbert had always been a responsible guy. He takes care of his father's businesses, manages all security, commands most of the forces and service chains of those businesses and is also a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He is considered to be already doing the work of an elder under his father.”

”OK. I never kept much tabs on him, but from what you told it looks like he is very suitable for the position. So, I probably have to take the strategic command test seriously. Give me a detail of your forces too, it is best that we be ready for anything,” said Balthazar. He could see that Herbert wouldn't probably willing to concede due to his own work and might be confident in himself.