Chapter 80 - White Heart city (1/2)

As Evelyn and the other went out of the room, only Winston and Balthazar were left. Though Winston helped to convince them and helped Balthazar with the situation before, he had never really wanted to let his grandson to play detective among assassins.

Though Balthazar was 22 years old, he would be still considered a very young man. Moreover, Balthazar and Bolena were his last remaining descendants and he didn't want them to put themselves at risk. Balthazar knew about his grandfather and knew that he still had to convince Winston.

Winston was looking at Balthazar waiting for him to give him an explanation. ”How about we talk about this somewhere else? I really don't trust you to be in this room until it is completely scrubbed,” said Balthazar opening the door. Though the family had checked the room after Max escaped, it was best to get into another room, since Evelyn and D.i.c.k could have easily put in a device or two to spy upon them.

”Let us go to my office. I can trigger an insulation field around it which could prevent any unauthorized communication to or from the room. Even if there is a bug on our person, it won't be of use,” said Winston as he got out of the room. Both of them quickly reached the Patriarch's office.

Winston quickly went to the console on his table and selected something which caused some devices to protrude out of the corners of the room and create a field along the walls of the room. ”We can talk now,” said Winston as he sat down signalling Balthazar to sit opposite him.

”I just supported you because I didn't want Evelyn to use you. If you joined her outfit and be trained by her, she will slowly erode your suspicions about her and get you to confide in her. It is what she does and even if you are strong enough, most elders in the family wouldn't believe you if you stayed with her for a few months,” said Winston.

”Now, I want you to give me an explanation of everything you that happened during the alien attack on your base. Else, I would be the one who would imprison you right here,” continued Winston in a low warning tone. Balthazar had never seen Winston talk like this. It was clear that he would do as he told.

If he had any actual proof that he could show Winston, it would have been easy to convince him. But, all his knowledge about the incident was due to something, he never could explain. He had to somehow convincing lie about the entire incident.

”Well!.. Let me start from the beginning. After I became Colonel, I noticed one of my Lt. Colonel's behavior to be a bit off. It was more than the usual resentment that someone young like me got promoted before her,” said Balthazar.

”She had a bit of an erratic behavior due to which I kept an eye on her. The more I observed her the more I began to doubt her. I noticed that she had devices which were not military issued. So, I bugged her room and had followed her movements when I came to know that Jane was actually in contact with someone and was planning an attack on the citadel.”

”Is this the same Jane that died in the explosion? The one that you told in your report to the military was helping you?” asked Winston in surprise. His grandson had portrayed her to be quite instrumental in investigation of her subordinates and died a hero.

”Yes, I did put in that way because I wanted them to think that everything they lost was because they had a double agent amongst them who was helping me. With her dead, neither the alliance nor our enemies would focus much on me. She has been in the armed forces a lot longer than me and everyone would consider her to be the main person who saved the day,” said Balthazar.

”Fine. That was a good way to make your enemies underestimate you. Is that the reason you had her with you at the hangar?” asked Winston.

”Yes. She and the other two traitors I specified in my report were the actual traitors who were helping them. They sabotaged the detection and targeting devices of the citadel's artillery so attack by the aliens be successful and they would lose the base. I distinctly heard that they would help with her promotion after the remove me from the post. Their talks made me feel like the knights wanted someone at Colonel level working for them. This suggested that they already have someone with high influence working for them,” said Balthazar.

”She was contacting Raymond Rowley and Dave. Rowley also mentioned that his family elders. Though not by names specifically. Their family is definitely involved. When it came close to the day of attack, I heard Max's name and I was a mandatory target. Once I heard that I immediately erased all records of their conversations, then called you and to just to find out how important a target I was being considered, I booked a ticket to come home the next day,” said Balthazar.

”When the attack happened during the exhibition, I realized that they considered my death very important. I wanted to interrogate the members from the merchant vessel and just to be on safe side, I also took Jane to the hangar as she was helped arrange the attack. So, I thought no mass scale attacks would be done with her beside me. It is after the blast that I realized that they considered my death to be more important than an inside man in the border force and that she was already considered expendable. The rest you know as much as I do,” ended Balthazar.

”Well you were careful enough, but you could have never realized how badly the knights of the old republic wanted you dead,” said Winston. It was now that Winston realized that him hiding the truth about Balthazar's grandmother didn't protect him and if he knew the truth, he would have probably been a lot more careful once he realized whom he was in a fight against.

”If I knew the actual story about my grandmother, I would have probably avoided the blast and contacted you long before. My parents probably faced a similar situation,” said Balthazar.

”John would have definitely been a lot more careful if he knew,” groaned Winston catching his hair. No father would be able to bear the thought that his over cautious behavior cost his daughter her life. He started groaning as he slammed his head on the table pulling out hair.

”Stop it,” said Balthazar as held back Winston's hands. ”You did something that you thought was for the best. Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, we cause our worst nightmares. You can only adapt and improve if you want to prevent further mishaps,” he continued as he hugged Winston.

”I guess, I have truly gotten old, if my grandson is giving me life advice,” said Winston as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.