Chapter 56 - Cave of Wargs - 1 (1/2)
The designs of weapons and equipment varied up to level 10 but hardly any of them would be of use to him except a pair of daggers which could be used at level 10.
”The blackrock crystal is a premature version of the magic crystals with some impurity causing it to have an adverse effect towards the canine family. You can also access better weapons made by me in exchange for resources or ask me to craft you weapons,” said Kade as another list popped up showing various weapons, their attributes and costs. Most of them were higher level weapons and equipment and required resources than money.
Of the things he could use, only a level 5 black iron dagger could be bought by using coins. He quickly bought the dagger and decided on a few other items which he could use.
[Swift dagger] (Black Iron Dagger)
Level 5;
Requirement: Strength 15;
Agility +2; Attack +18;
Special Effect: Swift blade: Improves attack speed by 10% for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes.
Durability: 20/20;
”Thank you, Master Kade,” said Shadow as he bowed to the NPC and left the blacksmith shop. The best way to continue in the game is to take the village heads quest to clear up the path to the city. He directly went to the village headman to take the quest. The crowd around the headman's office subsided as the quests for the hunting monsters in blackrock hills or Arwild forest.
He received the quest from the headman as soon as he received a call from Quiet Fire. ”Hi, hope you are still in the village. We just reached the temple and submitted the quest. You won't believe what we manged to raid from the goblin champion and the mine.”
”Stay by the temple I am coming to meet you,” said Balthazar as he ran to the temple. At the temple entrance Merlin met him instead of Quiet Fire. ”They are inside finishing up the quest. We got quite a haul from the quest. Few decent pieces of armor were looted from the chests in the lair. But mostly it was resources and mining tools. We got a couple of designs which could be used by you,” said Merlin as he initiated a transfer of designs and resources to him.
Balthazar immediately accepted them and noticed that most of the materials had been iron ore or blackrock crystal. It looked like being the first to attack the goblins mining operation had it advantages. The designs were for Goblin chest armor and plate greaves.
[Goblin chest armor] (Black Iron armor)
Level 5
Materials Required: Refined Iron Ore x 2; Blackrock crystal pieces x 3;
Requirements: Endurance: 10; Strength: 8;
Defence +16; Vitality +12; Intelligence +2;
[Plate greaves] (Black Iron armor)
Level 5;
Materials required: Refined Iron Ore x 2; Blackrock crystal x2;
Requirements: Strength :12;
Defence +8; Strength +4; Movement speed -4;
Special skills: Kick Daze: Allows you to perform a quick kick to the head which would cause monster to be in a confused state for 6 seconds. Cooldown: 3 minutes.
”They are going to be quite popular and you have also provided me with enough resources to craft them,” said Balthazar having a look at all the resources given to him by Merlin.
”Yeah, I guess we can mine more in the hills once we go there to get the dungeon. We found a few goblin mining and refining tools. They are a lot useful in getting refined ores from the mines. We actually had spent about 5 minutes mining there as Tang didn't want to leave without collecting all the resources she could from the mines,” said Merlin.
”So, shall we go to the dungeon or should I make more equipment for now?” asked Shadow. It was awfully tempting for him to go to the Forging Association to get forging on the new equipment. The designs and equipment offered by Kade were even more tempting. But all of that could wait as the special dungeon would soon be explored by players and being the first to discover chests or missions or first kills have the own advantages and it is time sensitive.
”Obviously, the dungeon. The faster we explore the better. I already think that we are a bit late and have been very angry with Tang for wasting the time she spent mining at the goblin camp,” replied Merlin. Being a veteran at gaming, he was quite sure of his priorities in game. Balthazar was glad that he chose a competent partner to work with in the game.
Suddenly a bright light enveloped Merlin as he got upgraded to level 5. ”I hope that the experience from the quest would pull all of you to level 5,” asked Shadow expectantly.
”Yes, it sure did. I hope they got some other quest. We spent a lot of time at Blackrock hills. There is a high chance that similar quests would also be found in the Arwild forest,” said Merlin expressing his opinion. ”If Quiet Fire does ask the deacon of the temple, I am sure that she would get another quest.”
Merlin's thoughts definitely had virtue. But Balthazar doubted it and even if they did get a new quest, Arwild forest having lower level monsters would definitely not provide much experience. As he was thinking that it wouldn't be possible to get any more quests from the temple, Quiet Fire came with the rest of the team.
”Come on, let us get to the dungeon. We got another temple quest to complete after that,” said Quiet Fire as soon as she joined Merlin and Shadow.
”You another quest?” asked Shadow in a surprised voice. He couldn't believe that they got another quest from the temple.
”Need to gather snake bile and clearing up the path to the city. Some NPC was poisoned, and they need the bile to create an antidote. The killing of monsters along the path is just an additional request. Not a necessary requirement to complete the quest,” answered Quiet Fire.
Balthazar never expected that Quiet Fire would get a quest similar to the quest he got from the village head. If that were possible, he would have taken it himself. ”Can you share the quest?” he asked.
”Yes, but only for a team of 5 members,” replied Quiet Fire awkwardly. They had already formed a new team of five members with Merlin. As Merlin occupied Balthazar's previous place in the team, such situations were bound to come. Balthazar realized it as soon as he asked her that question.
”Cool! Let us check out the dungeon first. I believe it is a seven-person team dungeon. Anybody has a suggestion for another member, or shall we try with us six?” asked Balthazar changing the topic so as the avoid an awkward conversation.