Chapter 52 - Consulting Winston (2/2)
Balthazar could make heads or tails of what she said. She told it in a way that it was fairly obvious and he shouldn't require further explanation of it. He immediately messaged her, ”What the hell was that supposed to mean. I didn't understand anything from that.”
Bolena had already entered the bathroom and wasn't interested in talking about the topic any further. She simply messaged back to her brother to talk to Winston about it he would be able to provide more information on it and also not contact her till he convinced Winston to stop pestering her from competing for the post.
She didn't reply to any further calls and messages he sent after that. ”And you have the nerve to call me and Winston stubborn. You hypocritical cow,” he thought as he resigned to the fact that she wouldn't respond any further.
With nary another option, he messaged his grandfather that he wanted to talk to him about the contest for the position of elder. Within a few seconds, he got a message back from Winston to meet him at his office on the sixth floor of the east wing.
He walked to the sixth floor thinking about how he would convince Winston. As he reached the sixth floor, he found Winston waiting at the door of his office for him. ”Come in,” said Winston ushering him inside. He closed the door and immediately looked at his grandson in a proud and happy manner.
”I am happy that you are taking such initiative on your own. I never thought that you would concern yourself about family matters,” said Winston as he hugged Balthazar. ”But it is truly not advisable for you to do it right now. You just got a famous and have a brilliant career in military. I would like you to focus on that.”
”I don't intend to leave the force anytime soon. But I still think I want to garner more influence here. There were many things that I didn't understand before. So, I left before. Now I realize I need a bit to have a bit of influence so as to actually find out what happened and help myself and Bolena.”
”That is all nice and well. But there are some issues. Your posting is not determined, and you don't have much influence outside the military. There are few jobs that you can't have to serve as elder in a family. You need to be able to stay at the areas that you to protect and govern most of the time,” explained Winston.
Winston had his own plans. He wanted his grandson to support Bolena for the position of elder. He also wanted his grandson's help in convincing Bolena. He was intentionally steering him towards that point. But sadly, his plans were bound to fail as his grandson and Bolena had completely other plans.
”There is another option if you really want to increase your influence in the family. You can support someone for the position and help them to attain it,” continued Winston.
”I had the same idea. That is why I came to you to talk about Bolena,” said Balthazar.
Winston was pleasantly surprised on hearing Balthazar as he thought that his grandson was already considering the same thing that he was about to suggest. He took a careful look at him as he sat on his worktable.
”Didn't expect you to be that involved in this matter,” said Winston in a depressed manner. ”Don't misunderstand me. I am all in for supporting Bolena to the post. But she is not interested in it.”
”I know. I am also supporting her decision. I don't want her in this contest. At least, not right now.”
”I am confused. You don't want her to compete?”
”I don't want her to compete as she is also in the same situation as me. Though she has you supporting her, she can't stop her career for this. She has military contracts. It is better if she gets more influence and popularity on her own. It might not be wise for her to give her research up now.”
”I know that kid. But this is a great chance and I want her to take after me. You do understand that right.”
”I understand grandpa. I know that this is a chance you wouldn't want to let go. You want her to be able to protect herself. But I think I have a better idea than pushing Bolena. It isn't me.”
”Talk to me. I am listening,” said Winston folding his hands.
”I want Robert to fill that vacancy. I hope that you would be supporting him.”
”Robert! I don't want Robert to get the position. It would pose a bunch of problems for you and Bolena that you can't think about,” said Winston shaking his head.
”I know you are worried about another person supporting Walter. But Robert isn't like Walter. He wouldn't do anything that might harm either of us like letting us be bait.”
Winston almost slipped off the table when he heard Balthazar. He knew that his brother had tendencies to be a bit cold blooded sometimes. But he didn't expect his grandson to know about it. ”What do you know?” he asked keeping his composure.
”I know enough to understand your concerns, grandpa,” said Balthazar. He realized a long time ago, that Walter didn't just send him out of the family to train. But he was also a bait for anyone who would continue to target Balthazar, Bolena or Robert.
”Then you understand why I don't want another elder to be supporting Walter. Robert would completely follow Walter. It is hard for even me to stop Walter sometimes. I don't want..,” stopped in the middle of his sentence and began sobbing.
Balthazar had never seen Winston get this vulnerable. He was always strong and opinionated. Sometimes he stood strongly with some opinions to help his family, but never did he ever cry in front of someone. It was the first time, he had done this someone before other than his wife and daughter.
Balthazar was initially shocked by this sudden change in his grandfather, but then he realized that his grandfather was actually crying and hugged him. It looks like Winston's trust in him improved by quite a lot if he was like this in front of him.
After a small period of time, Winston controlled himself and wiped his face with a cloth. ”I am sorry. I was overwhelmed by emotion for a small amount of time,” he apologized.
”It is fine, grandpa. Happens to the best of us. It is tiny thing.”
”It is just that I never expected you to be able to understand why I have a problem with Robert taking the position of an elder. This is something that most wouldn't understand.”
”I know that you think that Robert would support Walter, if a situation calls for him to choose between the two of you. But, believe me, he wouldn't follow Walter blindly. Their relationship was never in a way that Robert would choose Walter over his own conscious and put someone in danger.”
”You don't know Walter like I do. Even if it is against his conscious, he might get convinced by Walter.”
”I agree I don't know him as well as you do grandpa, but I do know Robert very well. Trick and traps in the dark aren't his forte. They are mine. I just need you to trust me on this. I will make sure that no harm shall befall either Bolena or any of our friends due to him.”
”Hahahaha,” laughed Winston loudly then he looked at Balthazar and then continued laughing in a crazy manner. ”Trust you? Why? On what basis should I trust you blindly. I don't even have a clue how you found out about Max. You have too many secrets for anyone to trust you.”
”Grandpa, I am your grandson. Why can't you simply trust me to take care of my loved ones.”
”Under normal circ.u.mstances, I would have. But your secrets make me wonder if you are having ulterior motives. Though I trusted you with your secrets on Walter's insistence. I am not willing to do so with Bolena's life. I am not a gambling person person. If you want me to trust you with someone's life, I need you to prove yourself.”
”What would you need for proof?”
”Something like convincing to write an agreement to put in a vote in the council in my favor when I and Walter are against each other. That would be really proof that you can control him. It can also help me protect you.”
”That is a total waste, if you want to protect Bolena. How about having him provide a doc.u.ment in writing that he wouldn't ever cast his vote in the council that could potentially cause harm to Bolena or me. Doesn't that sound better?” asked Balthazar.
”Definitely, if you can actually get it done.”
”Consider it a deal then grandpa. Will be calling you in an hour or so. Be ready for it. Also, I have a few plans outside Asklepian but within Elysium. I want you to confirm with Walter if the Nirbaadh Pirates are still after me,” said Balthazar walking out of the door. ”Take care.”