Chapter 50 - Training with Lucius (1/2)
As he logged out of the game, he noticed that he hardly had enough time to fulfill his daily ablutions before he went to his training. Today, he was bound to be late for training and Robert had already warned him not to be late for Lucius' training.
He quickly ran to the bathroom and once done, he ran all the way to the gymnasium at his top speed. But still he was ten minutes late. He made his way to the private room where he found Salazar waiting for him at the door.
”You are late,” he said looking at Balthazar in a way that suggested concern and dissatisfaction. ”What happened? Did Max's death really put your mind in such a haze that you have become so tardy? For a military man like you to become like that due to a single death is totally out of character.”
Salazar was the one who rescued Balthazar at the explosion. He had seen how collected and focused Balthazar was when he learned that his subordinate Jane died. So, he couldn't understand that Balthazar would be affected by the death of his enemy. Little did he know that Balthazar neither cared about Jane nor Max and that his tardiness was because he was just excited in the game, thus losing track of time.
”Of course, I would be like this. I lost my parents and many men to that idiot's schemes. Even when we had the upper hand, we foolishly lost him. Now, we have no idea why they targeted me or on whose orders. I am regretting my actions in reporting this to the family instead of going to the military. Maybe they would have gotten answers from Max.”
”That is hardly a fair assessment of our capabilities. We had almost caught up with him when a completely unexpected enemy entered the fray.”
”Whom apparently, I am not allowed to know about, or no one considered that I was important enough to be kept in the loop.”
Salazar could only sigh at this argument. He perfectly understood why Balthazar would be disappointed in the family. He had his neck on the line and managed to gain a bit of useful intelligence for crimes against both him and his family but they in their negligence have allowed the only piece of information escape from them. Such a failure would disappoint anyone in his shoes.
”I understand you point of view. Yes, our forces might not have lived up to your expectations. But that is no reason to neglect your training. That would be detrimental to you and you alone. I hope you understand that.”
”Hmm,” said Balthazar. After a gap of time, he continued in a remorseful tone, ”I might have been a bit too hasty in judging the situation. But I do agree with you. I will be on time for training from now onward.
”Good,” said Salazar. ”Lucius will be taking the morning class. He is in with Robert. You will take his place after the first half hour. Bear with him for today. He is a bit angry that you are late. But he is a very good trainer.”
”He trained you?”
”Me and your dad. He is good at what he does. After the incident with Robert, Walter decided that we need to improve your strength and physique faster. He wanted to attempt an experimental procedure for it.”
”You are kidding?”
”No. But Winston finally convinced him otherwise and they finally compromised with Lucius. He is the best trainer if a person wants to improve his body capabilities. I think Walter just played around with the idea of experimental procedure so that Winston would agree to getting in Lucius. Lucius and Patriarch have a bit of unsavoury history.”
”You have any idea, what it is?”
”I do. But it is not my place to tell it. Ask your grandfather, if you want to know about it,” said Salazar as he opened the door to the special combat room, he had booked. In the ring, fighting ring of the combat room Robert was engaged with Lucius in a fight.
It couldn't exactly be called a fight as it involved Lucius continuously hitting Robert without giving him a chance to fight back. Initially he thought that Lucius was just cornering Robert in the middle of the fight but as the same situation continued from about 10 minutes, he began to get worried. Soon, the 30 minutes were almost up, but all the Lucius did was punch and kick at Robert without giving him a chance to escape.
”Isn't he going a bit overboard with Robert. Does he have some kind of issue with Robert too?” asked Balthazar confused by the continues beating that Robert was receiving.
”Huh,” said Salazar with a surprised expression. ”He has nothing against Robert. Why?”
”He isn't even giving him a chance to attack or escape from his assault. What kind of instructor just beats the person receiving instruction continuously without giving him a gap? He is totally unlike you,” said Balthazar.
”Well, I am meant to make you improve your moves and learn how to fight. He has a different purpose and hence a different training method than me.”
”He is supposed to another fighting coach, right?” asked Balthazar confused.
”I am. But I emphasize on other things which I consider equally important to the fighting arts. They are equally important as skills and techniques and required for survival. In fact, they are to be considered a prerequisite,” said Lucius appearing behind him.
”Oh!” said Balthazar getting up when he noticed that Lucius had heard him. All his question to Salazar had been whispers. ”This guy has very good hearing for a man his age,” thought Balthazar as he got up and greeted Lucius.
”Come on to the floor. It is your turn now,” said Lucius waving at him to enter the ring. Balthazar immediately got into the ring. ”As I told before I will leave your training in martial arts and weapons practice to Salazar for now.”
”You have enemies most of whom are in a generation above you. Most people of your generation are focused on gaining more technical knowledge or earning money. It is quite later in life that you realize that for either knowledge and wisdom or money to be able to provide you happiness, a person needs power and physical strength. Once, you realize it, you tend to focus on improving your strength and physique from them on. You guys had a recent brush with death and realize the need for this, don't you?” asked Lucius.
”I guess so. We do need to be able to protect ourselves,” agreed Balthazar.
”Well, my work is to help improve your physique and make you as tough as fast as possible while still keeping you healthy, agile, flexible with good control on your body movement or body coordination. You might find a few things that I do a bit excessive but trust me, I know what I am doing,” said Lucius.
Balthazar was surprised that Lucius explained to him in such a calm way without getting offended after he heard them. ”He is either a very patient and good teacher or a very dangerous individual or could even be both,” thought Balthazar.