Chapter 19 - More training! (1/2)

The fight had a lot of effects which were seen over the night. First, one is that many of the elders have decided to support Balthazar. Balthazar managed to win over an elder which assured that he would be a valuable asset as he grew further.

At the same time, the elders who considered Max could be suitable to lead the family and supported him were no longer that positive about his character. The members of the table of Ouroboros (organisation led by Walter) were also impressed and had decided to increase his security and speed up his training.

On Balthazar's side, he realized that he had yet to have dinner once he reached his room. He went back to the dining hall to finish his dinner. During dinner he also realized that he had another 100 million on his hand while successfully managing to intimidate Jack. He could use it further develop his cyber cafe. Though he was thinking of the things he could do at the cyber cafe, he was bored out. He was missing his military life and base always seemed more secure to him than the mansion.

He went back to his room and sent an additional 30 million to Rudra, to improve on the workshop. He then decided to call Sophia and talk over a bit about the situation at the base. Sophia immediately lifted the phone as she received the call.

”How are you doing?” she asked.

”I'm good. Could be back to the base, if the family didn't insist on my staying here after the assassination attempt,” he replied.

”Good. It was sad about Jane. To think that she had been on the trail long before us and she was right in front of the blast too.”

”Ya it was a sad incident. She definitely didn't deserve it,” said Balthazar continuing with the deception.

”So, how is it at the family? What are you doing there? How is your grandfather?”

”It's all fine here. Grandpa is the same. There were some troubles. Mostly spend most of my time setting up a cyber cafe here and taking over some of my father's properties.”

”You go all the way back to your family and spend most of the time working instead of having fun? What is wrong with you?”

”It's not just me. Both grandpa and Bolena are busy and hardly have any time to meet. The only fun I had is with my cousin Robert and playing V.R. games with my friends. It is not me, it's how my family is.”

”I doubt it. You were always a workaholic.”

”Enough about me. I told everything there is to tell. What are you doing? What is the state of the base? What did your family think about the incident?”

”Oh! It is very busy here. Got a decent amount of funding after the incident. I am temporarily handling your duties on the planet. My family's cool about the incident except for my grandfather who was slightly worried.”

”What else? You might have acc.u.mulated quite a number of merits. You are probably going to get promoted soon.”

”Yeah, I heard of it. Grandpa has also recommended me. So, possibly going to get your position. They are also creating a separate position for a Colonel to be permanently station on the citadel on the moon. They also decided to improve the facilities all over here.”

”Well, Congratulations in advance then. That is good to know. What else?”

”What else?! You are being very talkative today. Hardly ever seen you like this. Anything wrong?”

”No. I just miss the base, miss you I guess.”

”Are you drunk?”


”So, bored?”

”Maybe. I don't know?”

”Bored, it is.”

”Hmm,” said Balthazar a little depressed. He had been involved with her before but after the miracle rewind, it was clear that she didn't remember any of it. The worst part of it was he wasn't really sure how he managed to garner her interest in the first place.

”So? What else?”

”To tell the truth, even I am a bit bored. Everyone here is always working or working out, planning the next attacks and all they talk about is the same. You were the only one who talked about random things, sciences, silly alien theories and stuff which the Elysians are concerned about. It was a good change of pace.”

”Oh! If that is the case. You heard of the new V.R. game, vita nova?”

”Yeah, there was a circular warning to not play the game, till further notice.”

”But I think you could use the somnium technology V.R. gear for other purposes than the game right? You can try it out. It is really good.”

”Oh! You sure. Didn't hear anything about that.”

”You can check with the techs. They were the ones who sent the notice I believe.”

”Yeah. Yeah. Will do. A lot of the personnel would like to try it.”

”What else?”

”Rodrigo's new warframes in collaboration with the Apropos has also been in highlight the past few days. The discovery of one of the new sub-species of the apes has inspired a lot of effort into it.”

”Oh! Rodrigo sure is going to follow along the path of greatness.”

”Yeah. He is always planning to improve. Retirement hardly put a stop to his war efforts.”

This talk between them carried on for a while before Balthazar decided to call it a night. He had Anubis sleep by his side as he dozed off.
