Chapter 5 - The Attack (1/2)

Being a military base on the outskirts of the alliance occupied area and one of the prime relay points, the moon base was one of the most secure establishment on the frontier. Though it had a small size with about 1500 km diameter, the entire moon was a high resource area with about 70 percent of the lithosphere made of Titanium and most of the remaining being strong alloys of iron and nickel. This allowed the entire moon to be developed into a fortress. The entire moon had only military personnel and contractors with hardly any normal civilians living on it.

The entire moon had only 3 kinds of areas: Mining area, Military area and Residential areas. No agricultural areas, commercial areas or any other kind of industrial areas exist on the moon. All the necessities including food are supplied to the moon from PK-170. The entire moon itself is a government space without any private area belonging to any private mercantile/industrial organization. It also had several anti-space large scale munitions installed on the it, making it an impenetrable citadel safeguarding the alliance-human territory from any external forces.

Today, the annual games and drills celebrating the defence of the PK-170 planet and the affiliated alliance-human occupied aerospace is being held. There would be exhibitions displaying the might of the technical installation on the base as well as several personnel displaying their skills. It was a day which allowed the personnel to convince the alliance force, the advantages of having the installation, how to improve the performance of the base and how advantageous the improvements on it would be to the conquest of the alliance. To the personnel posted on the base it was a rare opportunity to show their skills and talents.

In a well lit dining hall over-viewing the training grounds in the military area of PK-170-B, Balthazar and Jane just met Rodrigo and a few other delegates who were engaged in a discussion regarding the new warframes being provided by the banderas weapons ltd. Rodrigo quickly pulled Balthazar aside from them.

”Kid are you sure about the knights of the old republic's infiltration in the military. I put around a few feelers but couldn't get anything to support your theory. There is an old sub-ordinate I trust looking into it. I hope for both you sake and mine that you are wrong,” said Rodrigo.

”So do I, Sir. But I would still be prepared for the worst. I believe the night after the celebrations would be the best time for any attempt. Especially, when they believe that their patch in the installation makes us blind to their movements. Don't worry, I won't let you down,” replied Balthazar.

Suddenly, a thin Caucasian man dressed in a dark blue 4-piece suit, along with a couple of other delegates caught up to Rodrigo. He had a small rectangular emblem depicting an open book with a galaxy on both pages pinned on his lapel. This implied him to be an agent of the alliance council

”Mr. Banderas, the new warframes, the Pacifier-A is a very attractive. One of the main drawbacks we face from the apes is our inability to capture and experiment them. Even though we have many options of body enhancements these days, these aliens are twice our size and have always had an advantage. Your concept allows men to fight and capture them without much loss and would be a very valuable addition to the growth of mankind,” complimented the Caucasian.

”Thank You, Councilman Armstrong. I believe these would allow us unprecedented advantages in reconnaissance against the apes. Unlike the other aliens, we encountered these apes are extremely intelligent, strategic and technologically advanced. This is the main reason we needed to communicate with aliens for the first time in eons. We can't just go ahead and clear the planets as we did with other aliens and actually treat the warfare with these aliens the same way, we treated the Knight of the Old Republic or any other human enemies. Hence, I believe we have a need for these kind of war machines at this stage of the war more than ever,” said Rodrigo.

”I agree completely with the practical use of these war frames, Rodrigo. But your specs on the warframes and the general movements of the apes we observed require extremely precise and high speed movements on the part of the pilots. Though the medical science has had many advancements, this is a bit tough to achieve, except for the best of our experts. So, I suggest that we limit it and not have any large scale production of them,” said Armstrong.

”I would like to inform that this project is being done in collaboration with Apropos medical laboratories. They have been working on a system which could improve the reflexes and inherent body movement. Only together we have been able to confirm on this project. I just want to emphasize the fact that it would be a very useful to operation on a border planet such as PK-170,” replied Rodrigo.

”If that is the case, it definitely is a worthwhile investment. While the alliance prime council's main warframe research team, the Scions of Minerva are working on bio-feedback warframe design, it would still take a decade or so for the system to be implemented. Though such warframes would be the mainstay once they are achieved. It would be very prudent to have warframes suggested by Gen. Rodrigo in the immediate future,” supported Jane.

”But, I am skeptical about new medical procedure to improve human speeds to the value required. It is not an easy thing to suggest this to the council and military and get their joint approval,” pondered Armstrong.

”We can have the asklepian certify the procedure and only then go ahead with it. If required, we can have them collaborate with us on the project. I as a Blyth can assure that they will definitely be interested in such a venture and will definitely help with this,” suggested Balthazar.

”If that is really the case, convincing the council wont be an issue. But are you sure Colonel?” asked Armstrong.

”Haha! I am positive about it. The Blyths never turn down an opportunity in any medical research. I would be travelling to asklepian today evening and will most definitely inform my grandfather about this when I meet him. If councilman Armstrong insists, I could call and inform my grandfather about the proposal right now,” replied Balthazar

”No need, Colonel. I will also be going towards the asklepian after the event. I hope we will be meeting again soon,” said Armstrong.

”Haha! Let us toast to new and successful ...”


The communication device on his wrist band started ringing, displaying a call from Capt. Jones.

”Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to take this. We shall continue this soon,” said Balthazar excusing himself from the matter. He cut the call and said ”Anything regarding the moon base could be discussed with Lt. Col. Jane in my place. She has been here longer than my entire tenure in the military and is definitely capable and authorized in representing it's interests.”

Walking out of the dining hall, he immediately drove himself in a military hover car to the command central. On his way, he called back to Jones.

”Capt. Jones. What is the situation up there? You notice any movements from the apes?” he asked.