Chapter 1 - The Theft (1/2)

April the 7th. Year 2689 A.D.

Fatigue and exhaustion washed over Balthazar as he slowly opened his eyes. He was in a wooden chair in a cold long room, mildly lit, the only source of light being a reading lamp on a table to his left. He could hear the someone screaming nearby, muffled by a soft ringing noise in his ears. The feeling of cold metal burnt against his trussed-up wrists and ankles as blood trickling down his forehead into his left eye. After a few breaths, he looked around on both sides checking for captors and then, started fumbling his fingers at his wrist to untie himself.

”Don't bother.” came a raspy voice from the shadows behind him. Light footsteps sounded walking towards him. ”Glad you finally came to. Been waiting a while.” he heard as he felt the garrote tighten around his wrists.

He saw a dark, bulky silhouette move towards the light as he spoke to someone through the device on his wrist band and seated himself on the table. ”I am Dave. A minute or so, you will have your questions answered and would be answering a few yourself.”

As he waited, he wondered where it had all gone wrong. Leaving his family and its business as soon as he came of age, he worked tirelessly till he managed to become a military Colonel at the young age of 22 being on the fast track to fame and power. He had managed to keep at bay the invasion for more than a year, till he was wrongfully, disgracefully discharged from his post for failing to hold ground and letting the invasion take over a moon. That incident cost the lives of many people on the moon and the planet PK-170 and crippled his mentor. Till today, he never understood who framed him or why?

Being a disgraced military veteran, he had very few options of employment. Thus, he began to provide freelance assassination and security services and this dark chapter of his life prevailed for a couple of years. A bunch of odd jobs later he found himself, in a virtual reality gaming club owned by a friend and continued in that position for over 5 years. He found his way back to wealth and happiness. Then, one day, out of the blue came Sophia telling him that she had proof of the people who framed him, plunging his life into the cesspit of blood.

The patter of soft footsteps pulled him out of his thoughts. He noticed 3 shadows walking towards and a body being dragged along by one of them.

”Did he say anything” asked someone.

”Could you get us a few chairs, Dave.” a high-pitched feminine voice sounded. It belonged to a blue-eyed, blond woman in uniform, just short of 6 feet.

”Get them yourself.”

”Is it you Jane? Thought you were on my side all this time. So did Sophia. No wonder, all attempts to absolve me failed. A bloody good actor you were. Never did it occur that you would involve yourself with a bunch of thugs like these.”

”So, the Knights of the Old Republic, is it? The Civil war has long been concluded. What manner of idiots you are, that would assume that the loss of a few colonies on the border would be of any benefit to your cause?” asked Balthazar glancing at the rest of them.

Suddenly, a fist came ramming into his stomach and then his jaw, knocking him down along with the chair. He felt the bile rushing into his mouth as heard another voice. ”Get him up, Dave. Also, I would be much obliged if you could arrange us a few seats and do something about the light in this room.”

He spat out the fluid in his mouth as he was pulled up. Disoriented, he looked around trying to recognize the rest. He saw someone taking the body behind him and the dull thud as he released it. ”Give him a minute, he looks a bit groggy” said the voice as the room began to fill up with light. He could hear the shuffling of chairs as someone splashed water at his face.

Sitting in front of him was a middle-aged man, red-curly hair, dark-colored, green eyes, 6 feet tall, lanky build with a square-jawed chiseled face with a short-cropped beard. He wore a dark blue suit, white shirt with a red tie, looked like a typical businessman.

”Mr. Balthazar Blyth, I am Raymond Rowley. Glad we could finally meet. Albeit the circ.u.mstances, I hope we could have a civilized discussion rather the other way. Either way, we would obtain what we need, and I would rather have it done without much fuss.” he said.

”You can name your price for the disk all we need is for you to keep quiet about this. You can name anything you need. Your virtual game club needs sponsors. Done! A billion credits without even needing to smile at a stupid camera.”

”You want to get back into the military. Done. You can go back to be a colonel or even a brigadier general, if you so desire.” he said waiting for Blyth to reply. Despite Rowley's continued offers Balthazar remained unresponsive and calm, giving neither care nor regard to his words.

”Ok. I have been talking to you for a while and am new to a negotiation of this kind. It would be the best for both of if get this going along.”

”Can you hear me?” he asked slapping the tied-up man.

”Mr Rowley.” Balthazar asked smiling with his teeth wide open. ”Mind telling me who punched me before.”

”Of all things to say, you go with this?” said the man exasperatedly. ”You do understand that we are a bit pressed for time. We have a general idea on where you have been the past few days and have search parties clearing through them. The only reason we are even talking to you is so that we could speed up the process along. We might not need if you end up taking too.”

”I repeat, who punched me?” Balthazar shouted.

”It is me, kid.” came a familiar voice from behind. ”It has been a long time, uncle Max..” said Balthazar looking at him dispirited. It was suggested to him a long time ago that his uncle was working against him, but he blindly ignored all such talk. ”I really hoped you weren't with them.”

”I have always known that you are a stubborn, self-righteous prick just like you father and mine”.

”Always meddling in affairs that don't concern you.” said the person taking a seat beside Raymond. He had dark-brown unkempt hair, olive-green eyes, 7 feet tall, built like a gorilla. He was a longer, more heavily built version of Balthazar.

Today had been a very trying day for him. First Jane and then, his uncle who raised him since he was 8. His parents lost their lives in an accident. His uncle had been his prime source of comfort, thenceforth, guiding him. Max was the main reason, he didn't take up his family business as his grandfather desired, rather enrolled himself in the military. He also avoided his grandfather after his discharge from military. Right now, he felt like he had been brainwashed by his uncle all his life.

He felt angry. He didn't feel so agitated since his parents died. He calmed himself down. He understood that enraging him was part of the interrogation. His training took hold and he took a few deep breaths. He looked at his uncle and asked, ”Were you responsible for their deaths?”

”Well, yeah! I am responsible for you parents' deaths, Bel. Hardly any point in hiding it. I own the family business now and you, even if you go tell something nobody would care for it. You are a disgraced joe. It would be shocking if anybody in the family considers you trustworthy. And would you even believe if I said no, after the way I talked of my brother?” Max replied smiling.

”Oh! Enough with the family drama!” Rowley cut in ”I get it. He screwed you over. But let us put the past behind us and first get done with this. I sympathize with you and I understand that. But the only way you have a chance at getting anything you want including revenge is by co-operating with us.”

”The drive is worth trillions of credits. But it's value decreases as the time passes by. We are even willing to forgive any and all indiscretions on your part. I doubt anybody else can offer you a better deal in these circ.u.mstances.” He pressed on. ”Mr. Balthazar, time is of the essence. You need to decide now. You either join us or you are against us. Don't throw away your life for something as trivial as patriotism.”

”Now you speak a good game Mr. Rowley, but I am sure it won't be that simple.” Balthazar replied. ”I need to know a few things to even consider the offer. First, I don't know where I am. Second, I came here with Sophia and I would like to leave with her. So, I need to know, if she is included in the deal.”

”We are in the cargo hold of a ship, on the way to the frontier. But we would need few DNA signatures and mental confirmations from both you and Ms. Sophia to safeguard our interests. So, that even if you go ahead and publicize the details, we would all be in the same boat.”

The sudden buzzing of a phone interrupted as Jane took out her phone. ”Yes, speaking.”

”No, it is secure. But. But. Ok. I will be there in a few.” she said into the phone.

”Seems like an alarm tripped over at the fort, they detected an ape ship nearby. Probably, a false alarm. Had a bunch of new recruits over. They are a bit over enthusiastic. Will be back in an hour or so.”