Chapter 1056 01056 < -- 9. Vivian Diplomacy (Modern) --> (1/2)
In the morning, the sky that was clear and quiet without any clouds began to scatter limestone little by little as the sun set.
It was a little late for dinner, but the kitchen was ringing in succession.
There are about a dozen people eating at the table.
Considering the time zone, it was not a small number.
Since there are so many occupational groups, it is hard to see each other at breakfast, at least as much as dinner, there was a chance to eat face to face with each other.
Of course, there were often times when the law did not force them, and if they were busy, they could not attend.
“Where's Hanbyol?” Tran slat ed by jpm
“I heard you couldn't make it because of college assignments. ”
“You've been busy lately? It's hard to see your face. ”
“It's fucked up. ”
The reason was silently muttered.
Jung Yeon nodding meaninglessly, “What?” I flipped my chin.
“Oh, the professor. Professor.”
T ra ns lat ed by Jp mtl.c o m The reason I was biting the spoon was with my eyes wide open.
“I thought the midterm was over, but he told me to submit my weekly test reports before the final exam. That's also a minor assignment. ”
“Ah, the Joint Challenge. ”
“I've never heard him curse like that before. Professor, you're killing this son of a bitch! He's in a real mess. ”
“I think I do. ”
Jeongyeon shook her head, smiling freshly.
“What about you? How's your studying going? ”
“Me? It's me……. Physical fitness test is always high. ”
“Of course it is. So, what's your theory? What about your handwritten exam? ”
When she opened her eyes, Jeongyeon giggled.
Relaxed dining time.
It is a relaxed and peaceful daily landscape that was only drawn in my dreams that I could not even imagine until just a few years ago.
But today, for some reason, a strange stream of air flowed through the dining room table.
It's an atmosphere that seems unnoticed.
While Jung Yeon was smiling, it was a sign that she was sneaking at someone. Tr a n sl a te d b y Jp m t l.c o m
Suddenly, I heard the sound of placing the spoon.
It was a little loud for the noise.
Kim Soo-hyun, who finished eating, was slowly looking left and right.
“Yes……. ”
“Honey, I actually have a present for you today. ”
At that moment, I interrupted as if Han So-young was waiting.
Thanks to this, Kim Soo-hyun swallowed up the horse that came up to her neck.
Since when did Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young start talking comfortably.
It was not for any other reason, but because he wanted to make it easier for Han Soyoung to talk to each other.
“Yes, a new smartphone. ”
Han So-young said that and handed over a box the size of a palm.
The box looked luxurious at first glance.
Kim Soo-hyun tilted his head and pulled out his phone from his pocket. Tra nsla t ed by jpm t
“I just came out with this... ”
“Electronics are supposed to come out fast. ”
“That's true. ”
“Why don't you try the one you brought? And that's for me.... ”
Well, you brought it on purpose.
Kim Soo-hyun suddenly stopped trying to hand over what she had originally used without thinking.
At the same time, Han Soyoung's eyes became slightly sharper.
“Oh, did you move this number? ”
“... Yes. ”
“Then I guess you should have it. The nursery teacher has something to say about Suna. I was supposed to call you here. ”
“I'll take that. ”
“Oh, but……. ”
“It's okay. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable with the same woman? So don't worry too much, hurry.... ”
I felt something deceiving, but eventually I handed it over like it was taken away.
T r a n slat e d b y jpmtl .co m Han So-young gripped her phone like it was crumbling with a smug face.
Kim Su-hyun, who was touching the new smartphone for a moment, put it on the table and opened his mouth.
“Thank you. I'll use it well... And I need to tell you something. ”
Then, Han So-young hesitated.
“Now I want to start working. ”
“What's that supposed to mean? ”
When Soo-hyun Kim came to the point straight away, Han So-young naturally argued.
And I immediately started going through my handbag.
“Is it because you're short on money? Finally……. ”
Kim Su-hyun's speech slightly increased.
Han So-young, who was about to hand out the account as she had just prepared, had no choice but to stop moving.
“That's not it. I want to work. ”
“ ……. ”
“It doesn't have to be work. I want to do something. ”
“…… that story, wasn't it over last time? ”
Then, I shook my head as if Kim Soo-hyun was absolutely not.
“I'm too frustrated to stay at home. Life is no fun. I miss Hall Plain so much. ”
“Then let's just get some air this weekend.... ”
“Don't talk back. I'm not yelling at you because I want to go play. I'm sick of living in columns. ”
“The columns.... We don't think so at all. ”
“That's how I feel. Why the hell don't you let me do my job? ”
“Soo-hyun……. ”
When she opened her eyes, she sighed quietly.
“You know we're not doing this for nothing. ”
“Why isn't that funny? ”
“I'm sorry. We'll do better. ”
“No. You don't have to be sorry, and you're doing well enough already. ”
“Please, let's just live like this. Huh?”
“Soyoung. I am now……. ”
It was the moment Kim Soo-hyun was seriously about to draw his sword.
The words that were about to be poured out of my mouth were immediately braking.
“ ……. ”
Soft eyes and pathetic eyes.
Han So-young was frowning as if tears were being poured out.
Kim Soo-hyun was speechless.
It was very rare for Han So-young to see tears.
Because of that, all the words I thought about in my head became confusing.
Why, you know what they say.
A woman's tears are a powerful weapon.
Kim Soo-hyun, who stared at me for a while, suddenly took a deep breath and let out his head.
“Next time……. Let's talk.”
Eventually, I got up and hid myself helplessly.
After a short distance, the door closes, and the sound of breathing continues from the table to table.
“…… Was I too much? ”
Han So-young said, putting artificial tears in her hand into her handbag.
His face recovers a expressionless expression like when.