Chapter 1047 01047 Omnibus-Sovereign Of Sword. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 44440K 2022-07-25

“Let's go.”

Then your men and women showed their faces without words to say.

Kim Su-yeon made a suspicious face, and Kim Yoo-yeon tilted her head.

“Let's go in like this? ”

Even Yoohyun Kim debated and asked.

“Let's go in.”

Tr ansl ate d b y jpm tl.c om However, Kim Soo-hyun, who mentioned it once again, began walking loudly without explaining Katabuta.

Face to face, with courage.

“Hey, hey! ”

Kim Soo-yeon reached out late, but he was already getting farther away.

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun stopped walking to the gate.

He looks up at the tightly closed iron door and flicks his arm lightly.

Along with a cool sound of iron, the grip on the blade has finally drawn its blade.

Tr a nsl ated b y Jpmtl .c om Oops.

At the same time, the invisible blade drawn with oblique lines pierces the gate into one blade.

“Wha...! ”

Kim Su-yeon hurried to see the gate almost backwards and opened her eyes wide.

It was not because of the iron gate, but because of the view beyond.

Finally, the landscape inside the castle was filled with prickly tension.

To be more precise, the millennium users were camped everywhere.

Like I was standing by.

Of course, they were a shrewd face when suddenly they saw the half-breached gate, but that was it.

Seeing Kim Su-yeon appearing behind the man, one user immediately raised his staff.

The sphere of magical power shot from the sky scattered throughout the air with a thundering noise.

After a while, the number of people standing at the gate slowly retreated and began to spread rapidly from all sides.

“…… I think you knew. ”

Kim Su-yeon, who was staring at the orderly movement, looked at Kim Su-hyun muttering like a soliloquy.

“You knew? ”

“You didn't expect to be here so soon. But I think he knew he was coming. ” Tran sl a ted b y jp m tl.c om

Kim Soo-hyun confidently said over a section of the neatly cut gate and sat down inside.

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

Kim Su-yeon crossed over reflexively, but the answer did not come back.

Kim Soo-hyun was swinging his sword at the retreating crowd with his weapon.

The atmosphere that was struck by a knife back suddenly turned into a wobbly wave and hit the front like a tidal wave.

“Uhhhhh!? ”


As a violent storm swept by, I became dizzy.

Kim Su-yeon suddenly regained her senses and drew her sword as she saw the number of people collapsing.

No, I tried to.


“Don't pull it out. ”

Kim Soo-hyun held Kim Soo-yeon's right arm and shook her head.

Kim Yoo-yeon and Kim Yoo-hyun, who were just chanting the spell, were also confused and stopped.

T r ans late d b y Jp m m “I'm not here to fight. I told you I came to talk to you. ”

Kim Su-yeon, who was about to shout out what nonsense was, looked forward and shut up.

Because the users who had just been blown up by Kim Su-hyun were standing stumbling with a mute face.

At first glance, no one seemed to be badly hurt.

Kim Su-yeon, who was just staring for a while, sighed deeply and asked as if she had no idea.

“What do you want me to do? ”

“Simply pierce the road. I'll do it. All you have to do is follow me. ”

“Then why are they doing this? ”

“…… well. ”

Kim Soo-hyun answered a little later.


The two eyes gazed at the castle that stood out in the center of the city.

“You'll see. ”

I felt relaxed shrugging my shoulders.

After what happened.

Tran sl at e d by jp In the end, Kim Su-yeon, who put her hand on the knife sack, only had a pair of tongues to do whatever you wanted.

Among them, only Jegal seaweed was smiling strangely.



The woman sitting on the chair with her chin clenched and amazed, was a seagull.

The place was a big space that looked like a conference room.

“Did you see that? Did you just see that? ”

Cha Seung-hyun gave an uncomfortable look while pointing at the communication bead and looking around with the rabbit's eyes.

An ally tries to stop the enemy's approach with all his strength to die outside the castle, but he doesn't deserve to just sit here and watch.

Whether she knew it or not, she was just admiring the elongation.

“What a monster, a monster. ”

“Jegal Hassol. ”

“No, no, no. ”

“…… what? ”

Cha Seung Hyun quickly blinked his eyes because of the quick refusal.

“You were going to ask me if I was going to stay still? So, no. Stay still.”

When Jegal's seaweed spoke without breaking his eyes in the video, the eyebrows of the hollow lake that were sitting silently in his arms twitched.

Cha Seung-hyun, who sent a signal to dry with her hands in a hurry, tried to calm down.

“You don't want me to stay like this, do you? ”

“Hmmm. It's quite surprising to come so quickly and so decisively. So the plan modification is inevitable? ”

Then the story is different.

If you're trying to check your opponent's power, your casualties are also significant.


Since Jegal Hassol originally had a plan to eliminate the mysterious man, Cha Seung-hyun asked with an anticipated voice.

But she treacherously betrayed his wishes.

“Front discard. ”

in the words.

When the sigh of absurdity erupted around him, the seagull seaweed that had just opened its eyes extended its lower lip as if it were looking with such eyes.

“Don't look at me like that. I'm a human being, too, man. How can one man defeat the incoming god? ”


“Does that stature look as powerful as any human being can do? I walk in and out of my own room with my own braided dust, and I don't kill anyone. ”

“ ……. ”